What is acronym:
An acronym is a term formed by each of the initial letters of an expression composed of several words. The word acronym as such derives from the Late Latin acronym, meaning 'figures' or 'abbreviations'.
Each of the letters that make up the acronym in question is also known by the acronym name. So, for example, OAS is the acronym for Organization of American States, in the same way that the letters o, and a are.
Acronyms are used to briefly refer to organizations, institutions, companies, associations, objects, devices, technologies, systems, methods, etc., whose names are composed of various terms.
Rules for composing acronyms
In the formation of acronyms, not all words are used, but only nouns, verbs and adjectives, while articles, determiners, prepositions and conjunctions are not taken into account. For example: United Nations results in the UN.
Acronyms should never be accented, neither when one of the letters used was originally accented, nor when current spelling conventions require it. For example: NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or CPI, consumer price index.
Plural words
Acronyms that abbreviate two words in the plural must be written with two initials: USA, United States or HR, human resources.
Capital letters
It remains as a rule to be written in capital letters (OAS, VAT, FIFA), except in cases where as a result of their use they are considered as a common name for dictionaries, as in the case of UFOs, or to the detriment of v dildo n or i identified, uci, de or intensive care affinity .
points and spaces
Acronyms must not be separated by periods or spaces. For example: ICU, intensive care unit, USA, United States.
Acronyms do not have graphic plurals. To mark a plural, the acronym of an article, a demonstrative or an adjective must be accompanied. For example: " the NGOs...", "these NGOs...", " some important NGOs..." It is incorrect to indicate the plural in writing by adding -s at the end: NGOs, NGOs.
The acronyms adopt the gender of the main word of the expression. For example, United Nations, United Nations, the main term is "organization", which is feminine, then will discuss the UN.
letters and numbers
Acronyms can also be formed by combining numbers and letters. For example: G8, from the group of eight or 9/11, from 9/11.
Acronyms can be pronounced by spelling or by syllabic pronunciation:
By spelling, the acronym is referred to by the articulation of the name of each of the letters of which it is composed, like an NGO, pronounced “o-ene-ge”.
Sylabic pronunciation
In syllabic pronunciation, the acronym is read as a word, however, for this, the composition of the acronym must allow its pronunciation; for example, NATO can be pronounced "born".
Acronyms and Acronyms
It happens that when an acronym is so frequent that it can be considered fully incorporated into the vocabulary of the language, it becomes a common word and, consequently, is governed by the current rules of spelling of the language, that is, it adopts the conventions for the formation of plurals (UFOs), for their accentuation (laser, airplane) and that can be written in lower case, except when referring to a proper name; in this case, the initial will remain capitalized as long as it consists of four more letters. For example: UNESCO, of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Examples of acronyms