Write in all capital letters:
Use only capital letters:
mixed use:
Some acronyms are outside the rules. Respect the established form in cases such as UnB, ProJovem, LexML, ICMBio, CNPq, ProInfo, MoMA, DPVAT.
Do not use periods between the letters of the acronym: USA, not USA
To make it plural, add a lowercase s: CPIs. Do not use apostrophes: CPI's.
Data presented by Mário Theodoro, executive secretary of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality Policies ( Seppir ), confirm that violence against blacks is worsening in the North, Northeast and Central-West regions, where there is a sharp increase in homicides of young black people..
The project (PLC 79/11) that creates the Brazilian Hospital Services Company (Ebserh) was approved by the Social Affairs Committee.
The project (PLC 79/11) that creates the Brazilian Hospital Services Company was approved by the Social Affairs Commission.
Hearing at CRE to discuss Amazon cooperation treaty
Enough: Audience to discuss Amazon cooperation treaty
CCJ votes to increase penalty for sexual exploitation of children
It would be better: Commission votes to increase penalty for sexual exploitation of children
Senators from RJ and ES go to the Supreme Court to defend an injunction
Text provides pharmacist at SUS posts
Juvenile delinquency falls in the US for ten years
Senators discuss adoption of mechanism devised by the UN
Jucá asks PF to rescue miners in Yanomami reserve
Aécio's replacement on the MPs' PEC generates controversy in the CCJ
According to BC , deficit will be below 2% of GDP in 2013
On the first occurrence, write the meaning of the acronym in full and then place it in parentheses.
Chaired by the minister of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) Gilson Dipp, the commission of 17 jurists responsible for the draft of the new Penal Code examined more than 6 thousand suggestions from citizens.
See the list of acronyms that can be used without unfolding.
Be careful with the gender of the acronym! Look at the first word from which the acronym was formed to know if the agreement is with the masculine or the feminine.
According to the pact, articulated federal, state and municipal governments need to improve 14 social indicators previously defined by Unicef .
According to the pact, articulated federal, state and municipal governments need to improve 14 social indicators previously defined by Unicef (United Nations Children's Fund).
foreign acronyms
Explain foreign acronyms rather than translating them literally. For example, “the FBI, the federal police of the United States”,“ETA, the Basque terrorist organization”, “the KGB, the former Soviet secret police”.
The Copom's decision came on the same day that the Federal Reserve (FED, the US central bank) cut the basic interest rate in the United States by 0.5 percentage point, to 1% per year.
Senator Acir Gurgacz (PDT-RO) demanded the implementation of the tax reform, with tax cuts, stressing that the economy cannot be left at the mercy of decisions taken by other countries, such as the measure announced by the US central bank (FED) to buy $600 billion in government bonds from private financial institutions.
The US Federal Police (FBI) states that minors accounted for 16% of all arrests and were involved in 16% of all violent crimes in 2004.
Magno Malta also mentioned a visit to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (unnecessary) (FBI), the US federal police, where he learned about crime-fighting techniques, even in the preparation of agents.
The technology chosen by the PF, also adopted by the FBI (the American PF ), by Interpol and other countries, is already used for criminal information, foreigners, passports and employees of the corporation itself.
In the case of the World Bank, for example, avoid using Bird, the official acronym. It is clearer to say World Bank. The IDB should be treated as an Inter-American Development Bank, for the avoidance of doubt.
The parliamentarian's party and state must be indicated immediately
after the first reference to it.
useparentheses and hyphen to indicate the party and state of
At the public hearing on the six-year anniversary of the Maria da Penha Law, yesterday, Senators Ana Rita (PT-ES) and Marta Suplicy (PT-SP) demanded further advances in law enforcement.
If the party has already been informed throughout the text, the state must come after the name, in parentheses.
The assessment is by the leaders of the PMDB and PT in the Senate, Eunício Oliveira (CE) and Wellington Dias (PI).
Rodrigo Rollemberg (DF), leader of the PSB, also criticized the possibility of a move against the attorney general.
It is not necessary to use the party acronym for former parliamentarians. Assess, however, whether the information is relevant.
At 10:30 am, there will be a ceremony to place the portrait of the former senator and current governor of Espírito Santo, Renato Casagrande, in the gallery of former presidents of the CMA.
For Senate and Chamber presidents and members of the Bureau, the party is only mentioned when they act as a senator or deputy, that is, presenting a project or making a speech.
See the difference:
In the following article, Sarney proposes a draft legislative decree. He acts, therefore, as a senator and, thus, there is an indication of his party:
The proposal by Senate President José Sarney (PMDB-AP) to hold a national plebiscite on the firearms trade was presented yesterday at the Plenary.
In the example below, he acts as president of the Senate and, therefore, the party was not nominated:
The president of the Senate, José Sarney, yesterday received representatives from the National Council for the Promotion of Racial Equality (linked to the Presidency of the Republic) and from entities in defense of education and racial equality.
For the president of the Senate, José Sarney, the commissions contribute to the production of laws that are more consensual and with even more refined quality.