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Breakdown of acronyms and/or acronyms
To begin with, we are going to define the meaning of acronym
and acronym. As the definition tells us, an acronym is
the initial letter that is used as an abbreviation. In the case of the acronym,
it does not differ much from the above. Except that an acronym is
a word made up of the initials and sometimes more letters of other
words. Sometimes, the use causes acronyms to be written
in lowercase, except for the initial in the case of a proper name.
In any case, what will be shown on this page is the breakdown of an acronym
and/or acronym(always in the computer and Internet area) with
respect to their initials, it will only be the decomposition of the
words they refer to. This means that the definition or its meaning will
not be shown, leaving this task, if it exists, in our glossary.
It may be that many of the acronyms exposed here are
also found in our computer glossary and generally with
their different definitions. Although it is also given the other way
around, that is, there will be acronyms shown on these
pages that will not be found in the glossary. This
being simply because the meaning has not yet been discovered.
This page of IT acronyms is ordered by alphabet and
in a paginated way, where at the bottom of each one you can
select the number of the page to be displayed. Undoubtedly, the
following list of acronyms or acronyms will grow as
more breakdowns are entered.
We hope that the following list is of great help and that you can
understand those acronyms and/or acronyms whose
decomposition is sometimes not known. Similarly, the IT acronyms
page can serve as a complement to our IT glossary.
List of abbreviations and/or acronyms (page 1)
- 3GIO: (Third Generation I n/ Out), Third Generation
- 3GL: (Third Generation Language), Third Generation Language.
- 3GPP: (3 rd G eneration P artnership P roject),
3rd Generation Collaboration Project.
- 4GL: (Fourth Generation Language), Fourth Generation Languages.
- A2W: (A rchitecture to Work),
Architecture to Work.
- AA: (A uto A nswer),
Automatic Answer.
- AAC: (Advanced Audio C oding), Advanced Audio Coding.
- AACS: (Advanced A ccess Content S ystem),
Advanced Access Content System .
- AAF: (Advanced Authoring Format),
Advanced Authoring Format .
- AAL: (A TM A daptation L yesterday),
ATM Adaptation Layer.
- ABA: (Advanced Beam Array),
Advanced Beam Formation .
- ABI: (Application Binary Interface),
Binary Application
- ABO: (Acer B rand O peration),
Acer Brand Operation.
- ABS: (A nti B lokier S ystem),
Antilock Brakes.
- AC: (Certification Authority),
Certification Authority .
- ACC: (A utomatic Color C alibration),
Automatic Color Calibration.
- ACC: (A dvanced C lock C alibration),
Advanced Clock Calibration.
- ACE: (A ccess C
ontrol E ntry), Access Control Entry.
- ACID: (Atomicity, C onsistency, Isolation, D urability), Atomicity, Consistency, Separation, Durability.
- ACL: (A ccess C ontrol L ist),
Access Control List.
- ACO: (Analysis of the Behavior of Objects).
- ACPI: (Advanced C onfiguration and P
ower I nterface), Advanced Configuration and Power
- ACPI HAL: (Advanced C onfiguration and P ower I nterface H ardware Abstraction Layer), Advanced Configuration and Power Interface -
Hardware Abstraction Layer.
- ACR: (Advanced Communications Riser),
Advanced Communications Elevator.
- ACTOPC: (ACT ive Optimized P ower C ontrol),
Active Optimized Power Control.
- AD: (Active Directory), Active
- ADC: (Apple D isplay C onnector), Apple
Display Connector.
- ADC: (Active Directory Connector),
Active Directory Connector.
- ADC: (Apple Developer C onnection), Apple Developer Connection.
- ADC: (A nalogic Digital C onverter),
Analog/Digital Converter.
- ADI: (Dedicated I nternet Access).
- ADK: (A dditional D ecryption K ey),
Additional Decryption Key.
- ADO: (A ctiveX D ata O bjects),
Data Access Components.
- ADOdb: (ActiveX Data Objects Data Base). _ _ _
- ADPCM: (Adaptive D ifferential P ulse C ode M odulation), Adaptive Differential Pulse Coding Modulation.
- ADR: (Advanced Digital
Advanced Digital Recording.
- ADS: (Alternate Data S tream),
Alternative Data Flows.
- ADSI: (Active Directory Service Interfaces)
, Active Directory Service Interfaces.
- ADSL: (A symetric Digital Subscriber Line),
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.
- AEO: (O bject Structural Analysis).
- Aero: (Authentic, Energetic, R eflective and
Open), Authentic, Energetic, Reflexive and Open.
- AES: (Application Environment
Application Environment Specification.
- AES: (Advanced Encryption S tandard),
Advanced Encryption Standard.
- AF: (Anisotropic Filtering), Anisotropic
- AFH: (A daptive F recuency H opping),
Adaptive Frequency Hopping.
- AFP: (AppleShare F ile Protocol), AppleShare File Protocol.
- AFPL: (Aladdin Free P ublic L icense), Aladdin Free
Public License.
- AFR: (Alternate Frame Rendering),
Alternative Frame Rendering .
- AGA: (A dvanced G raphics A rchitecture),
Advanced Architecture Graphics.
- AGC: (Automatic G ain C ontrol),
Automatic Gain Control.
- AGEDI: (Association for the
Management of Intellectual Rights).
- AGP: (A ccelerated G raphics P ort),
Accelerated Graphics Port.
- AH: (Authentication Header), Authentication
- AHCI: (Advanced C ontroller H ost I nterface),
Advanced Host Controller Interface.
- AI: (Artificial Intelligence), Artificial
- AI: (Association of
Internet Users).
- AIFF: (A udio Interchange F ile F ormat),
Audio Interchange File Format.
- AIM: (America On -line I nstant M essenger),
Instant Messaging Client of the AOL Company.
- AIMM: (AGP I n-line M emory M odule),
AGP Memory Module online.
- AIO: (All in One), All in