The use of abbreviations or shortened graphic representations of a word or even a group of words has become very common in our modern society. Even more so in the environment of social networks where we can see a whole range of words such as NSFW or BBF. We review all those -the most used- that we should know so as not to get lost in the online world.
NSFW: Although it is one of the oldest, it has not stopped being used. It is the abbreviation for Not safe/suitable for work (“Not appropriate for work”) and is used in situations where the content it refers to refers to violence, pornography or the like.
WTF: One of the most popular. It is the abbreviation for What the fuck (“But what the hell?” and all similar expressions in which we want to show our displeasure, disgust or surprise at something).
FF: Follow Friday (“Follow Fridays”). It is a tradition on Twitter based on the recommendation of the best accounts of the week and that they suggest us to follow or review as a climax to it. It is advisable to use this hashtag only on Fridays to respect its roots.
BFF: It has nothing to do with the previous one. BFF is short for Best Friends Forever. In Spanish we also have MAPS which means exactly the same.
TT: It's still the order of the day on Twitter. Trending Topic (“Topic of the moment”) reveals those terms or words most commented on and retweeted by users. The TTs can be broken down geographically, so it is possible to highlight highly successful themes from a single city such as Madrid or Valencia.
ASAP (As soon as possible, “As soon as possible”), LOL (Laughing out loud, “Laughing out loud”), LMAO (Laughing My Ass Off, “Shit of laughter”), OMG (Oh my god, "Oh my god"), WAGs (Wives and Girlfriends, referring to tweets about wives and girlfriends of soccer players normally), RT (Retweet or Retweeting), HTH (Hope that helps, "I hope it helps") or +1(content that we like or for which we give our approval) are also part of the current vocabulary of social networks. What will be the next to become a trend? We will know soon.