What is the abbreviation for the word name?
The abbreviation of the word name is n. This is a type of abbreviation obtained by truncation and must always end in a period.
Now, how to get acronyms from a name?
Acronyms are written with all capital letters and without accents (CIA, BCE, PC, OPV), except for acronyms that are proper names and have five letters or more, which can only be written with a capital letter in the initial letter and have an accent or not according to the usual rules in this regard: Fundéu or Sareb.
In any case, what is the abbreviation of the word abbreviation?
ex./example. abbrev./ abbreviation, abbreviated.
Now how do you Abbreviate the word example?
Is the abbreviation “eg” (exempli gratia) admissible to say for example ?... The traditional forms for the abbreviation of "for example " would be e.g. eg or, if you prefer to use a Latinism, vg and v. gr.