USA, or also US, abbreviation that means United States. It is used in the Spanish language to refer to the official name of the United States of America (USA) and the initials EUA or the original acronym USA (United States of America) are also used.
An abbreviation is the representation of a word by deleting central or final letters and a period is usually placed to indicate that it is not complete. According to grammatical rules, the plural of abbreviations formed by a single letter is obtained by doubling the initials with a space between each pair of letters, for example: JJ.OO (Olympic Games), AA.EE (Foreign Affairs), FF. AA (Armed Forces), among others.
Also, the abbreviations form their plural, for example: pages (pages.).
The United States flag was adopted as the symbol of the country on June 14, 1777 and even on that same day the "Flag Day" is commemorated and, its current version with the accession of Hawaii was on July 4, 1960.
The official colors of the United States flag are: dark blue, white and red. The blue color represents "justice" and "perseverance"; red means "courage" and "resistance" and white symbolizes "purity". Likewise, the stars of the flag constitute the 50 states of the country and the red and white horizontal lines represent the 13 English colonies.
The design of the first American flag was made by the American Betsy Ross and the current flag was designed by Robert Heft.