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Abbreviations in English
An abbreviation (abbreviation, abbreviated words)
is an abbreviated spelling of a word or group of words. Any language is
full of abbreviations, and we are so used to them that we use them
everywhere. And if some of them are known to us from a young age, then
we get to know some of them throughout our lives. It is necessary to
know abbreviations, because among them there are not only simple, but
also quite important abbreviations that will be useful in
work, travel, business communicationand correspondence, as well as in
many other areas of our lives. There are abbreviations in any language,
moreover, each language borrows abbreviations from other
languages. Sometimes we automatically use this or that abbreviation and
do not remember how it stands for. Let's try to study the most important
and common.
How are abbreviations pronounced in English?
- Some abbreviations in English arespelled
- WHO (World Health Organization) -
pronounce W - H - O - World Health
- BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) -
British Broadcasting Corporation
- UK (United Kingdom) - United Kingdom -
Great Britain
- USA (Unites States of America) - United
States of America
- PM (Prime Minister) - prime minister
- MP (Member of Parliament) - member of
- EU (European Union) - European Union
- PC (Personal computer) - personal
- Other abbreviations are read like words and are called acronyms:
- NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
- North Atlantic Alliance
- AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
- AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
- HIV (Human immunodeficient virus) - HIV
(human immunodeficiency virus)
- In English, there are abbreviations that are used only in
writing, but in speech they are pronounced as full words:
- Mr (Mister) - mister
- Mrs (Mistress) — миссис
- Dr (Doctor) - Ph.D.
- St (Saint / Street) - saint or
- The following abbreviations in English are used in the
organizational structure of the language:
- _ - and so on - (Latin et cetera) - and
so on
- i. e. - that is to say - (Latin id
est) - that is
- NB- please note - (Latin nota bene)
- notice well, note
- RSVP- please reply - (French repondez
s'il vous plait) - respond to an invitation
- e. g. - for example - (Latin exempli
gratia) - for example
All of these abbreviations, except for the first one, are spelled.
- Some words are used in an abbreviated form if the style of
speech is informal:
- Lab (laboratory)
- TV (television) - television
- Exam (examination) - exam
- Ad (advertisement)
- Case (suitcase) - briefcase
- Mum (mother) - mother
- Phone (telephone) - telephone
- Board (blackboard) — доска
- Fridge (refrigerator) - refrigerator
- Bike (bicycle) - a bicycle
- Dad (father) — отец
- Flu (influenza) - flu
These are the basic rules that abbreviations in English
obey. Finally, let's add a few more:
- Blvd. _ (boulevard) - boulevard
- Emb. (embankment) - embankment
- Ave. _ (avenue) - avenue
- sq. (square) – area
- B. _ Sc. (Bachelor of Science) -
Bachelor of Science
- M. _ A. _ (Master of Arts) - Master
of Arts
- Ph. D. _ (Doctor of Philosophy) -
Candidate of Science
- M. _ D. _ (Doctor of Medicine) -
Doctor of Medical Sciences
When you come across an abbreviation in English, be sure to find out
its full version and ask for a translation, because you don’t know in
advance when you will meet it again! What's more, knowing important
abbreviations will improve your English proficiency!