Do you want to know what "mysterious abbreviations" mean in the names of foreign companies? In this article, we have collected transcripts of the most common abbreviations. This will help to determine the form and type of liability of the legal entity at a glance.
[...] & So (short for and Company) - most often indicates a partnership. May also be used in the name of a limited liability company with more than one member/shareholder.
BC (short for Business Company) is a British Virgin Islands limited company.
CLG (short for Company Limited by Guarantee) is a company whose members' liability is limited by a guarantee. A private company that does not have shareholders and authorized capital. It has guarantor members who pledge to contribute a certain amount of money if the company goes bankrupt. The abbreviations LTD or LBG may be used in the name of such a company.
Corp. (abbreviated from Corporation) - a company with limited liability. The abbreviation is popular in the US and some other countries. Permitted in some offshore jurisdictions to indicate limited liability.
FC (short for Foreign Company or Foreign Corporation) is a foreign company. A legal entity registered outside a specific jurisdiction, carrying out activities in its territory.
FDN (short for Foundation) is a private foundation.
GBC (short for Global Business Company) is an international business company based in Mauritius.
GP (abbreviated from General Partnership) - general partnership. The liability of all partners is not limited.
Group - a group of companies. It is used to refer to several companies united in a single business structure.
IBC (short for International Business Company) is an international business company. A special form of business organization in some offshore jurisdictions. One of the main signs of such a company is a ban on doing business in the country of registration, or with its residents. The name may include LTD, Inc. and other abbreviations to indicate limited liability.
IC (short for International Company) is an international business company. IBC analogue.
ICC (short for Incorporated Cell Company) - combines the features of a company with separated portfolios (see below). PCC) and group of companies (see group). The difference between the PCC and the ICC is that the PCC remains one legal entity, while the ICC is a group of legal entities. The overall goal of such structures is the effective risk management of a company or group of companies.
Inc. (abbreviated from Incorporated) - a company with limited liability. The abbreviation is used in the USA. Permitted in some offshore jurisdictions to indicate limited liability.
LBG (short for Limited by Guarantee) is one of the options for designating a company whose members' liability is limited by a guarantee (see CLG).
LDC (short for Limited Duration Company) is a company incorporated for a limited period. The main feature of such a company is that after the expiration of the period for which it was registered, it must be re-registered or liquidated.
(1) (short for Limited Liability Company) - a private company LLC. A hybrid legal form of business that combines the features of an LTD company and an LLP limited liability partnership. Used in the US and some offshore jurisdictions.
(2) (short for Limited Life Company) - a company incorporated for a limited period of time. The abbreviation is used in Belize and Mauritius. Analog of LDC.
LP (short for Limited Partnership) is a partnership with limited liability. Such a partnership has at least one general partner with unlimited liability and at least one partner whose liability is limited to its capital contribution.
LLP (short for Limited Liability Partnership) is a partnership with limited liability of all partners. Used in UK, Singapore, Belize, India. In general, it is similar to an LP partnership with the only difference being that in an LLP the liability of all partners is limited, while in an LP there must be at least one general partner with unlimited liability.
LTC (short for Look Through Company) is one of New Zealand's company tax regimes. The company registers as an LTD company and then applies to become an LTC company. LTC's income is not subject to corporate income tax. On the income received from the company's activities, LTC shareholders pay income tax as individuals. Until recently, LTC companies were widely used as a respectable alternative to classic offshore companies. However, in 2017, New Zealand introduced severe restrictions that made the use of such companies unattractive for non-residents.
LTD (short for Limited) is a private company with limited liability. The most widely used legal form of business organization. The liability of the members of an LTD may be limited to shares (private joint stock company) or guarantees (see below). CLG). In joint-stock companies, the authorized capital is divided into shares. Shareholders are liable for the debts of the company in the amount of the value of their shares.
MBC (short for Micro Business Company) is a private micro-company. A simplified view of a private limited company in the British Virgin Islands.
PCC (short for Protected Cell Company) is a segregated portfolio company. In such a company, there are two groups of assets - the general assets of the company and assets divided into portfolios. Portfolios are "segregated", that is, separated from the total assets and from each other. Liability for one portfolio is limited only to the assets of this portfolio and is not related to the assets of other portfolios and total assets. Used in insurance, investments and as a holding company.
PLC (short for Public Limited Company) is a public company with limited liability. Its main difference from the private company LTD is that PLC shares are freely available on the stock exchange. Public companies are subject to stricter regulation and increased requirements for establishment and operation. PLC companies must undergo regular audits and submit reports.
(1) (short for Private Trust (ee) Company) is a private trust company. Created to provide the services of a trustee of a trust. Does not require licensing if it manages the property of only one specific person or family. May not offer services to anyone else.
(2) (short for Public Trust (ee) Company) is a public trust company. It is created to provide services of a trustee of a trust to a wide, not predetermined circle of people. Requires an appropriate license.
(3) (short for Publicly Traded Company) - a public company with limited liability. The abbreviation is used in the USA. PLC analogue.
Pte Ltd (short for Private Limited Company) is a private limited company in Singapore. The abbreviation is also allowed in some offshore jurisdictions to denote limited liability. Analog LTD.
Pvt. Ltd. (abbreviated from Private Limited Company) - a private company with limited liability. The abbreviation is used in some offshore jurisdictions to denote limited liability. Analog LTD.
SLP (short for Scottish Limited Partnership) is a limited liability partnership in Scotland.
SP (short for Sole Proprietorship) is a private entrepreneur. The business is run solely by the owner. Liability for debts is not limited.
(1) (short for Segregated Portfolio Company) - a company with segregated portfolios. PCC analogue.
(2) (short for Special Purpose Company) - a special purpose company. It is created to implement a specific business project or to achieve a specific goal.
SPE (short for Special Purpose Entity) is a special purpose entity. SPC analogue (2).
SPV (short for Special Purpose Vehicle) is a special purpose vehicle. SPC analogue (2).
unltd. or ultd. (short for Unlimited) - a company with unlimited liability.
AG (short for German Aktien Gesellschaftlisten)) is a joint-stock company in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. The abbreviation is also allowed in some offshore jurisdictions to denote limited liability.
AVV (short for Dutch Aruba Vrijgestelde Vennootschaplisten)) is a tax-exempt limited company in Aruba.
AD (abbr. from Bulgarian. Shareholder Friendshiplisten)) is a joint-stock company in Bulgaria.
Bhd (short for Malay Berhadlisten)) is a public limited company in Singapore and Malaysia.
BV (abbr. from the Dutch Besloten Vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheidlisten)) is a limited liability company in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles. The abbreviation is also allowed in some offshore jurisdictions to denote limited liability.
CCC (short for Welsh Cwmni Cyfyngedig Cyhoeddus) is a public limited company. The abbreviation is sometimes used by companies established in Wales (UK). PLC analogue.
Cyf (short for Welsh Cyfyngedig) is a private limited company. The abbreviation is sometimes used by companies established in Wales (UK). Analog LTD.
GmbH (abbr. from German Gesellschaft mit beschrakter Haftunglisten)) is a limited liability company in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. The abbreviation is also allowed in some offshore jurisdictions to denote limited liability.
KFT (abbr. from Hung. Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaságlisten)) is a limited liability company in Hungary.
Ltée (short for French Limiteelisten)) is one of the options for designating limited liability companies in Canada.
NV (short for Dutch Naamloze Vennootschap) - literally translated as "nameless partnership". It is essentially a public limited company. Used in Belgium, the Netherlands, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles.
OOD _ _listen)) is a limited liability company in Bulgaria.
RT (abbr. from Hung. Részvény Társaságlisten)) is a joint-stock company in Hungary.
SA (short for Spanish Sociedad Anónima or short for French Société Anonymelisten)) is a limited liability company in Panama, Belgium, France and several other countries. The abbreviation is also allowed in some offshore jurisdictions to denote limited liability.
SARF (short for Société par Actions de Régime Fédéral in French) is a Canadian limited liability company.
SARL (short for French Société à Responsabilité Limitéelisten)) is a limited liability company in France. The abbreviation is also allowed in some offshore jurisdictions to denote limited liability.
Sdn Bhd (short for Malay. Sendiran Berhadlisten)) is a private limited company in Singapore and Malaysia.
SRL (short for Italian Società a Responsabilità Limitatalisten)) is a limited liability company in Italy. The abbreviation is also allowed in some offshore jurisdictions to denote limited liability.