Meaning of the word: An abbreviation is a word that abbreviates one or more other words. It is composed of the initial letters or syllables of these words (in the case of abbreviation of one word, from its elements). It can also consist of part of one word and the whole of another word (for example, ventilation chamber - ventilation chamber).
Examples: hydroelectric power station (hydroelectric power station), USA (United States of America), ZiL (Likhachev Plant), regional election commission (regional election commission).
one). “For your information, I graduated from Moscow State University! I hope you are familiar with this abbreviation ?!
2). “Dear students! When writing a term paper, try not to use rare and ambiguous abbreviations, so you can avoid unnecessary disagreements with the teacher.
3). “Your organization does not have the most successful abbreviation. This word is difficult to pronounce. If I were you, I would still think about the name.