Abbreviations and acronyms are abbreviations of letters and syllables widely used in everyday speech, more often written. Many people think that they are one and the same, but they are not. There are certain differences between them, albeit not so profound. Let's look at the options for such abbreviations.
Letter abbreviations
DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid / DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid
30p - thirty pence / 30 pence
FBA - Federal Bureau of Investigation / FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
BA - Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Arts (natural sciences)
Est. - established / founded
Goods Ltd. - Goods Limited / Goods Ltd. (Limited - form of ownership of the company)
Ms. - Missis / Mrs (appeal to a married woman)
Oz - ounces / ounces (measure of weight)
St. - Street / st. - the outside
10 km - 10 kilometers / 10 km - 10 kilometers
Abbreviations from syllables
Often abbreviations are formed by omitting one or more syllables from a word. Sometimes they are simply called abbreviations, because we leave the beginning of the word and "abbreviate" the rest. Here are examples of such abbreviations:
Ad, advert - advertisement / Announcement, advertisement, announcement
Decaf - decaffeinated / decaffeinated
Exam - examination / exam
Memo - memorandum / memorandum (diplomatic document)
Photo _
Abbreviations of personal names
Abbreviations very often refer to personal names. As a rule, in an informal setting, we call loved ones precisely by abbreviated names, which are also called diminutives.
Tom - Thomas / Tom - Thomas
Fred - Frederick / Fred - Frederick
Pam - Pamela / Pam - Pamela
Sue - Susan / Sue - Susan
An initial is the letter that begins a word or name. Initials are very often used to denote the names of countries and organizations:
UAE - United Arab Emirates / UAE - United Arab Emirates
NBA - National Basketball Association / NBA - National Basketball Association
John Adams, lawyer / John Adams, lawyer (less formal)
Robert B. Davidson / Robert B. Davidson
John Downey Jr. / John Downey Jr.
Acronyms are words that are formed from the first letters of other words and are pronounced together rather than spelled out. Examples of such acronyms:
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization / NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Scuba - self-contained underwater breathing apparatus / self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
Radar - radio detection and ranging
SATs - standard attainment tests / standard achievement tests (tests taken by schoolchildren in the UK)
Mary's got her SATs next month. And she's really nervous. / Mary is taking her final tests next month. And she's very nervous.
The ship's radar had been destroyed in the storm. / The ship's radar was broken during a storm.
Radar was one of the most important inventions of the twentieth century. / Radar was one of the most important inventions of the twentieth century.
We went to scuba-diving in Egypt last summer. / We went diving in Egypt last summer.
She sent me a jpeg file with a photo. (joint photographic experts' group —/ˈdʒeɪpeg/) / She sent me a jpeg photo file. (jpeg is a special compressed photo format, pronounced "jipeg")
It is my favorite sitcom. / This is my favorite sitcom (situation comedy).
Are the photos on your notebook jpegs or bitmaps? / Are the photos in your laptop jpegs or bitmaps?
NATO's foreign policy has been criticized worldwide recently. / NATO's foreign policy has recently been criticized all over the world.