Middle East Abbreviations

ME is the abbreviation for Middle East. There are 16 countries in Middle East. Among them, the 10 largest countries are Egypt (Population: 90,253,771), Iran (Population: 83,539,015), Turkey (Population: 78,214,011), Iraq (Population: 36,575,011), Saudi Arabia (Population: 31,521,011), Yemen (Population: 26,745,011), Syria (Population: 23,270,011), Jordan (Population: 10,248,080), United Arab Emirates (Population: 9,154,011), and Israel (Population: 8,547,011).

Middle East Acronyms

Middle East Overview

The Middle East, a region in southwestern Asia, sometimes includes parts of North Africa. Originally, the Middle East was a British colonial term that, by the middle of the 19th century, referred to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Beyond India lay “the Far East” and between the Middle East and Europe lay “the Near East”, which roughly corresponded to the old Ottoman Empire. The location of the Middle East has then gradually shifted to the west.

Nowadays, the term is used for an area consisting of the countries of the Arabian Peninsula as well as Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Iran. Sometimes Libya and Sudan as well as Cyprus and Afghanistan are included. This definition has its roots in a British military designation that came into use in 1932, when the British Air Force’s Middle East headquarters in Baghdad merged with the Near East Command in Cairo, where the term Middle East was adopted. During the Second World War, the British ground troops stationed in Egypt used the term, which is popularized by frequent use of the press and radio. Continued unrest in and frequent reporting from the area during the post-war period has further increased the use of the term.

Although it is difficult to claim that the North African Maghreb states lie east of Europe, many, because of their countries’ historical and cultural affiliation with the other countries of the Middle East, also want to count these as part of the Middle East. Often this dilemma is solved by using the term Middle East-North Africa.

Population and ethnography

The central parts of the Middle East (Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran and the states of the Arabian Peninsula) constitute a coherent cultural area that has seen early civilizations born as well as the three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam. At this meeting place between Asia and Africa, both the city and the state emerged earlier than in other parts of the world. Today, life in the region is characterized by three modern circumstances: the fact that the Middle East with its oil is the world’s center of energy in terms of energy, the revival of Islam and the deep conflict between Israel and the Arab states.

In the Middle East, there is a strong contrast between the relatively small cultivable areas and the vast desert areas. The population is then concentrated to places where there is water: coasts, river valleys and precipitous mountain slopes. The ecological conditions have given rise to three forms of life: agriculture, urban industries and nomadic livestock management, which, however, have been economically and culturally well integrated with each other.

The Middle East has often been regarded as a mosaic by ethnic groups. However, the size of the units varies, and the ethnic boundaries are not as sharp as the edges of the mosaic pieces. The population consists partly of a few large peoples, such as Arabs, Turks, Persians and Kurds, and partly by a large number of smaller peoples. Culturally, most ethnic groups have been characterized by Islam, a dominant worldview, which – whether one embraces or rejects it – must be taken into account. The latter applies not only to practitioners of other religions but also to secular Muslims.

List of Middle East Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Middle East are ME which stands for Middle East. In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Middle East, including abbreviations for associations, airlines, funds, non-profit organizations, and etc.

ME: Middle East

Acronym Meaning
AMEB Africa and Middle East Branch
AFME Africa and the Middle East
AME Africa and the Middle East
AMEE Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe
AMET Africa-Middle East Theater
AMED African and Middle Eastern Division
AMEP African Middle East Petroleum Co.
ACME Alumni Council of Middle East
AMENC American Middle Eastern National Conference
AMBC Arab & Middle East Business Center
AE Armed Forces Middle East
APME Asia Pacific and Middle East
APMEA Asia Pacific/Middle East/Africa
AMEA Asia, Middle East and Africa
AAME Asia/Australasia/Middle East
AMEL Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
AMER Associates for Middle East Research
BSME British Schools of the Middle East
BCMES Bulgarian Center for Middle East Studies
CETME Career Education and Training Middle East
CMEL Carrier Middle East Limited
CLIME Center for Liberty in the Middle East
CMEPP Center for Middle East Public Policy
CMES Center for Middle Eastern Studies
CEEMEA Central Eastern Europe Middle East & Africa
CEMA Central Europe & Middle East & Africa
CMX China Middle East Express
CHIME China, India and the Middle East
CGME Clarins Groupe Middle East Ltd
CMEF Commander of Middle East Forces
CAMERA Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting In America
CMES Council on Middle East Studies
DFR-ME Defense Fuel Region, Middle East
DOMES Digest of Middle East Studies
EJMS East Jackson Middle School
ELMS East Lee Middle School
ELMS East Liverpool Middle School
ENMS East Northport Middle School
EOMS East Oldham Middle School
EPMS East Paulding Middle School
EPMS East Pictou Middle School
ERMS East Ridge Middle School
ESMS East Side Middle School
EEMEA Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa
EMME Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East
EMS Eastern Middle School
EMAR Eastern Middlesex Association of Realtors
EMS Eastlake Middle School
EME Egypt and Middle East Co.
EMES Europe and Middle East Section
EMEA Europe, Middle East and Africa
EMEA Europe, Middle East and Asia
EMEAC Europe, Middle East, Africa and Canada
EMAI Europe, Middle East, Africa and India
EMA Europe, Middle East, and Asia
EAME European, Africa, & Middle Eastern
FLAME Facts and Logic About the Middle East
FMEP Foundation for Middle East Peace
FRME Foundation for Reconciliation in the Middle East
FIME Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East
GMESC Georgia Middle East Studies Consortium
GMESC Greater Middle East Studies Center
HFSM HSBC Financial Services Middle East
MEPD Institute for Middle East Peace & Development
IMEL Intergraph Middle East LLC
IJMES International Journal of Middle East Studies
IGEM Italy, Greece, Eastern Europe, Middle East
JAMES Japan Association for Middle East Studies
JEMS Jenks East Middle School
LAAM Latin America, Africa and Middle East
LME Lepidoptera of Middle East
LSEMA Levi Strauss Europe, Middle-East & Africa
MMEP McGill Middle East Program
MSMD Medical Students of Middle-Eastern Descent
MOOD METU Object-Oriented Database (Software Research and Development Center; Middle East Technical University; Turkey)
ME Middle East
MENA Middle East & North Africa
MEWA Middle East & West Asia
MEAG Middle East Advisory Group LLC
ME Middle East Airlines
MEA Middle East Airlines Airliban, Lebanon
MEA Middle East and Africa
MEAB Middle East and Africa Bank
MEG Middle East and Gulf
MENABIC Middle East and North Africa Business Information Center
MEBE Middle East Basic Encyclopedia
MEBE Middle East Basin Evolution
MEBO Middle East Bible Outreach
MEBS Middle East Bibliographic Services
MBC Middle East Broadcasting Center
MBC Middle East Broadcasting Channel
MEBA Middle East Business Aviation
MEBS Middle East Business Solutions
MECN Middle East Carrier Network
MECAS Middle East Centre for Arab Studies
MECIO Middle East Chief Information Officers’ Summit
MECA Middle East Children’s Alliance
MECA Middle East Citizens Assembly
MECH Middle East Coexistence House
MECE Middle East Complex for Engineering, Electronics and Heavy Industries
MECSC Middle East Council of Shopping Centres
MEDICAL Middle East Department
MED Middle East Department
MEDF Middle East Discussion Forum
MEEF Middle East Economic Engineering Forum
MEEF Middle East Economic Forum
MEE Middle East Electricity
MEET Middle East Engineering and Telecommunications
MEEF Middle East Engineering Forum
MEET Middle East Entrepreneur Training
MEF Middle East Force
MEF Middle East Forum
MEFTA Middle East Free Trade Area
MEI Middle East Institute
MEIF Middle East Insurance Forum
MEI Middle East International
MICS Middle East Internet Chess Server
MEII Middle East Investment Initiative
MELF Middle East Land Forces
MELA Middle East Librarians Association
MEMRI Middle East Media and Research Institute
MEME Middle East Music Ensemble
MENU Middle East News
MEN Middle East News
MENA Middle East News Agency
MEND Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy
MENAFN Middle East North Africa Financial Network
MEO Middle East Observatory
MEO Middle East Operations
MEPI Middle East Partnership Initiative
MEPEP Middle East Peace Education Program
MEPI Middle East Peace Initiative
MEPP Middle East Peace Process
MPGC Middle East Petroleum and Gas Conference
MEPC Middle East Policy Council
MERIC Middle East Readers Information Center
MERF Middle East Reformed Fellowship
MER Middle East Region
MERC Middle East Regulatory Conference
MER Middle East Report
MERP Middle East Research Program
MESM Middle East Sales Manager
MESN Middle East Socialists Network
MESC Middle East Specialized Cables
MESC Middle East Student Conference
MESA Middle East Studies Association
MESAB Middle East Studies Association Bulletin
MESC Middle East Studies Center
MESO Middle East Studies Organization
MESC Middle East Supply Center
METAC Middle East Technical Assistance Center
METU Middle East Technical University
METO Middle East Trade Organization
MEWIN Middle East Water Information Network
MENAT Middle East, North Africa and Turkey
MESA Middle East/South Asia
MEALAC Middle East-Asian Languages and Cultures
MECAS Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies
MEIS Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
MECDA Middle Eastern Culture and Dance Association
MEDICAL Middle Eastern Dance
MED Middle Eastern Dance
MEDINA Middle Eastern Dance in North America
MELD Middle Eastern Languages Division
MELSA Middle Eastern Law Students Association
MEOCS Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad
MESP Middle Eastern Studies Program
MSE Middle School East
MEC Middle-Eastern Coalition
MMES Modern Middle East Studies
OPME Olympians for Peace in the Middle East
PITME Peace In the Middle East
PITMEMBOAM Peace in the Middle East My Brother of Another Mother
PICME Political Intelligence Centre Middle East
PGME Power-Gen Middle East
QME Quest Middle East
RAME Region Africa Middle East
SMEAC Save Middle East Action Committee, Inc.
SPME Scholars for Peace in the Middle East
SME Solutions Middle East
SEA-ME-WE South East Asia, Middle East, Western Europe
SPME Sybase Products Middle East
SMEDA Sydney Middle Eastern Dance Association, Inc.
SESAME Synchrotron Radiation for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East
TUCJME Trade Union Committee for Justice in the Middle East
TTME Traffic Tech Middle East Co.
TEMS Tredyffrin/Easttown Middle School
UNSCO United Nations Special Coordinator Office for the Middle East Peace Process
MEFTA US-Middle East Free Trade Agreement
WCME Wacker Chemicals Middle East
WAME West Asia/Middle East
WAME Westcon Africa and Middle East

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