Marketing Abbreviations


What is marketing?

Marketing is the set of techniques and methods applied to the study of market needs and their main components, such as audiences, sales and products for the development of companies.

It is a word derived from the English term market, which means market, that is, the study of the causes, objectives and results produced through the different ways in which companies deal with the market.

What does marketing study?

Marketing studies the causes and mechanisms that govern exchange relationships (goods, services or ideas) carried out within four main axes: price, distribution, communication and product.

He intends that the result of a relationship be a transaction (sale) satisfactory to all parties participating in the process.

Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and wants. It defines, measures and quantifies the identified market size and profit potential. (Philip Kotler)

Despite this, marketing means more than selling, because selling is a one-way process. It is a two-way process aimed at ensuring the greatest possible benefit is obtained. In this area, advanced knowledge regarding market prospecting and opinion polling is applied.

Marketing is a philosophy: a mental posture, an attitude, a way of conceiving exchange relationships. It is also a technique: a specific way of executing an exchange relationship (ie identifying, creating, developing and serving demand). Marketing aims to maximize consumption, consumer satisfaction, choice and quality of life.

The 4P’s of Marketing

Philip Kotler created a concept that is still used today called Marketing Mix, also known as the 4P’s of marketing: product, price, place and promotion.

This concept brings together the four main characteristics that are worked on by marketing to achieve the best possible result in their strategies.

  • Product: the product is the key part of the marketing process , which is placed on the market to meet the needs of a group of potential customers. Thus, it is part of the study of marketing to understand the need of potential customers to make a product available in the market that can meet the existing demand.
  • Price: is the final amount that a customer must pay for a service, which is directly related to the way in which the sale takes place. This feature involves all aspects related to the final price of the product, such as ways and strategies used to facilitate payment.
  • Place: the concept of place refers directly to the way the product is sold to the customer, as well as the choice of the best way to establish communication with consumers.
  • Promotion: promotion refers to the strategies that are used to demonstrate the potential of the product placed on the market, that is, the techniques that will be used to publicize the service or product offered for sale.

Marketing areas of activity

Marketing has a very broad area of activity, with specific concepts directed to each related activity . For example: cultural marketing, political marketing , relationship marketing, social marketing, among others.

The marketer ‘s job begins long before the product is manufactured and continues long after the product is sold. He is a market researcher, a psychologist, a sociologist, an economist, a communicator, a lawyer, all in one person.

In Business Administration, marketing is a set of activities that involves the process of creating, planning and developing products or services that satisfy consumer needs. It also refers to communication and sales strategies that outperform the competition.

In marketing, the concept of value can be defined as all the benefits generated for the customer as a result of the sacrifice made by the latter in the acquisition of a product or service. Offering or adding value is a concept directly related to customer satisfaction, one of the main objectives of marketing.

The marketing concept states that the most important task of the company is to determine what the needs and wants of consumers are and to try to adapt the company to provide the satisfaction of those wants.

Types of marketing

Marketing digital

With the reach provided by the internet and the explosion of social networks, the concept of Marketing 3.0 emerged , in which companies seek to approach consumers and potential customers, monitoring their opinions about the services or products offered by the company.

Digital marketing consists of an approach that uses the internet and other digital media as a tool to achieve its goals.

In this way, consumers have a fundamental role in the creation of new products and services, adapted to the real needs of the market.

Personal marketing

Personal marketing is a tool used for self-promotion as a way to achieve success. It is a strategy used to “sell” the image itself, in addition to influencing the way other people look at those who use it.

On most occasions, this expression is used to designate a way of expressing oneself, which contributes to the achievement of a certain objective, such as a job, for example.

Relationship marketing

This type of marketing uses a set of actions and strategies to create and maintain a positive relationship with customers.

The main objective of relationship marketing is to conquer and retain customers, creating a close relationship between them and the brand, to the point that they become defenders and promoters of the same.

Marketing digital

Digital marketing is a set of dissemination and communication actions that a company or person uses on digital platforms, through the internet and electronic media.

It adopts practices to promote products or services through the use of electronic distribution channels, so that they reach consumers quickly in a relevant, personalized and more efficient way.

Marketing viral

Viral marketing is all advertising material that, when used, produces greater publicity of a brand, service or product, through the encouragement to carry out the message conveyed in the material.

This dissemination action uses techniques that use other existing means of communication, such as social networks and the internet in general, to achieve its main objective.

Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a set of marketing strategies that aim to voluntarily attract potential customers to the company.

This set of strategies is based on the idea of creating and sharing content aimed at a target audience, so that it is possible to gain permission to communicate with them in a more direct way.

Within inbound marketing there is content marketing, an area that has been growing a lot in recent years. It is an area specialized in producing content with the aim of increasing engagement and bringing new customers to a company.

The main strategy to achieve this objective is to be able to produce specialized content aimed at the target audience, to attract consumers’ attention and increase the number of new customers.

Marketing Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Marketing

AWBMAMD Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development
ASM Account-Specific Marketing
ASSEMBLY Account-Specific Marketing
AMP Action Marketing Plan
AIMS Actionbase Integrated Marketing System
ASEM Advanced Search Engine Marketing
ATMI Advanced Technical Marketing Inc.
AMM Advantage Marketing Systems, Inc.
ASM Advantage Sales and Marketing
ASSEMBLY Advantage Sales and Marketing
AWAMS Advantage Web Advertising, Marketing, and Sales
AMCR Advertising and Marketing Communications Roundtable
AMIN Advertising and Marketing International Network
ADMS AEGON Direct Marketing Services, Inc.
AFM Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing
ADMAC Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation
AMA Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946
AMAA Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937
AMBB Agricultural Marketing and Bargaining Board
AMPA Agricultural Marketing Programs Act
AMS Agricultural Marketing Service
APMC Agricultural Product Marketing Committee
APMC Agricultural Products Marketing Council
ATMEG Agricultural Trade and Marketing Experts Group
AMS Agriculture Marketing Service
AMP Agrimarketing Program
AFMB Alaska Fisheries Marketing Board
ASMI Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
APMC Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission
ARMS All Radio Marketing Study
AEMG Alliance Electronics Marketing Group
AWM Allied Warden Marketing
AMOE Alt.Marketing.Online.Ebay
AAMA American Agricultural Marketing Association
ACMS American Consulting Marketing and Sales
AFMA American Film Marketing Association
AIMS American Insurance Marketing and Sales Society
AMA American Marketing Association
AMALV American Marketing Association Las Vegas Chapter
ASHCMPR American Society for Health Care Marketing and Public Relations
ATA American Telemarketing Association
ASMO Americas Sales and Marketing Organization
AMS Analytical Marketing System
AIM Apartment Internet Marketing
AFMA Arizona Food Marketing Alliance
ASEM Arkansas Sports & Events Marketing
AIM Artificial Intelligence Marketing
AMA Arts Marketing Association
ATMA Asia Travel Marketing Association
ABME Asian Brand Marketing Effectiveness
ADMA Asian Direct Marketing Awards
ADMS Asian Direct Marketing Symposium
AMG Asian Media & Marketing Group
APTM Asian Pacific Timber Marketing
AEMP Asociación Española de Agencias de Marketing Promocional
AIMFE Asociación Española de Marketing Ferial
AMCSGI Assail Marketing Consumer Services Group International
AIM Assistance in Marketing
AMD Assistant Marketing Director
ABT Associação Brasileira de Telemarketing
AFMA Associate Fellow of the Marketing Association of Australia and New Zealand
ACIM Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing
APCM Association des Professionnels de la Communication et du Marketing
ACME Association for Convention Marketing Executives
AIM Association for Interactive Marketing
AARM Association for the Advancement of Relationship Marketing
AFM Association Francaise du Marketing
AFMA Association of Food Marketing Agencies
AGMAS Association of Government Marketing Assistance Specialists
AIMS Association of Internet Marketing & Sales
AMCP Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals
ASMC Association of Sales & Marketing Companies
AIMF Associazione Italiana Marketing Farmaceutico
APMA Atlantic Publishers Marketing Association
ARMS Atlantic Research Marketing Systems
AMI Auction Marketing Institute
AVM Audiovisuelles Marketing und Computersysteme GmbH
ABMS Audit Bureau of Marketing Services
AAFMO Australian Alpaca Fibre Marketing Organisation Pty. Ltd.
AMI Australian Marketing Institute
AMM Australian Milk Marketing
AMMO Australian Mohair Marketing Organisation Ltd
APMA Australian Promotion Marketing Association
AWMC Australian Wine Marketing Conference
AEMT Automated Email Marketing Tool
AMC Automotive Marketing Consultants
AMCI Automotive Marketing Consultants, Inc.
BBM Bachelor of Business Marketing
BMS Bachelor of Marketing Science
BMA Bank Marketing Association
BMANE Bank Marketing Association New England
BMC Barbados Marketing Corporation
BOOM Bardzo Oryginalna Oferta Marketingowa
BDDM Base de Donnees Marketing
BIM Basic Industry Marketing
BAM Bay Area Marketing Group
BAW Bayerische Akademie für Werbung und Marketing eV
BIRM Belgisch Instituut voor Reclame en Marketing
BMB Belize Marketing Board
BBMG Bemporad Baranowski Marketing Group
BMC Beverage Marketing Corp.
BBM Bigger Better Marketing
BMP Birmingham Marketing Partnership
BAMB Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board
BMMRU Brand Management and Marketing Research Unit
BPMC Brega Petroleum Marketing Company
BSMC Bristol Social Marketing Centre
BDMA British Direct Marketing Association
BEMAC British Exports Marketing Advisory Committee
BIMS Builders Inventory Marketing Services LP
BREMCO Builders Real Estate Marketing Corporation
BMR Bullseye Marketing Research, Inc.
BOMA Bus Owners Marketing Alliance
BAM Business Advertising and Marketing
BME Business and Marketing Education
BMED Business and Marketing Education Department
BMO Business and Marketing Officer
BDM Business Destination Marketing
BMA Business Marketing Association
BMP Business Marketing Plan
BMS Business Marketing Services
BPR Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations
BMC Buzz Marketing and Consultants
CCMA Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency
CDMA Canadian Direct Marketing Association
CEMA Canadian Egg Marketing Agency
CHMSE Canadian Hotel Marketing and Sales Executives
CIM Canadian Institute of Marketing
CMA Canadian Marketing Association
CPMA Canadian Produce Marketing Association
CPRMG Caribbean Public Relations and Marketing Group
CMG Carlson Marketing Group
CAAMP Carolinas Association of Advertising and Marketing Professionals
CFAM Cash Flow After Marketing
CFAMS Cash Flow After Marketing
CRM Cause Related Marketing
CBIM Center for Business and Industrial Marketing
CMC Center for Marketing Communications
CRM Center for Relationship Marketing
COLT Center of Operations Linked to Telemarketing
CAMY Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth
CSCM Central States Chemical Marketing Company
CMA Centrale Marketing-Gesellschaft mbH der Deutschen Agrarwirtschaft
CBMD Centre for Bhartiya Marketing Development
CIMEC Centre for Investment and Marketing in the Eastern Cape
CERS Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management
CSM Centre for Social Marketing
CTDP Centrum Telemarketingu Dystrybucja Polska
CMS Century Marketing Solutions
CMD Cercle du Marketing Direct
CCMC Certificate in Canadian Marketing Communications
CHMS Certified Home Marketing Specialist
CHAMP Certified Home-Advanced Marketing Pro
CHME Certified Hospitality Marketing Executive
CMA Certified Marketing Analyst
CME Certified Marketing Executive
CMR Certified Marketing Representative
CPMM Certified Product Marketing Manager
CRMC Certified Radio Marketing Consultant
CDMA Chain Drug Marketing Association
CMM Channel Marketing Manager
CAMA Charlotte American Marketing Association
CIM Chartered Institute of Marketing
CIMCIG Chartered Institute of Marketing Construction Industry Group
CDMO Chief Development and Marketing Officer
CMD Chief Marketing Director
CMO Chief Marketing Officer
CVTM Clare Valley Tourism Marketing
CTMC Clinical Trial Marketing Communications
CLM Closed Loop Marketing
CMGI CoActive Marketing Group, Inc.
CMGI College Marketing Group Information
CMR College Marketing Representative
COMAD College of Marketing and Design
CMG Color Marketing Group
CADMO Colorado Association of Destination Marketing Organizations
CTMG Columbia TriStar Marketing Group
CAM Communication Advertising & Marketing Society
CWM Communication Web Marketing
CMB Communications and Marketing Branch
CMPR Communications, Marketing and Public Relations
COMS Community Outreach and Marketing Support
CRM Community Relations Marketing
CEMA Computer Event Marketing Association
CGAM Computer Generated Images for Advertising & Marketing
CRMA Computer Reseller Marketing Alliance
CALM Computer-Assisted Livestock Marketing
CSM Condom Social Marketing
CFM Conseil Formation Marketing
CMP Conseil Marketing Publicité
CMRC Construction Marketing Research Council
CDM Consumer Direct Marketing
CMAR Consumer Marketing at Retail
CSMP Contraceptive Social Marketing Program
CMC Controlled Marketing Conferences
CVMA Conversion Van Marketing Association
CMS Conveyancing Marketing Services Limited
CINM Cook Islands Noni Marketing Ltd.
CMP Cooperative Marketing Partner
CMP Cooperative Marketing Program
CMA Core Marketing Agreement
CIM Corporate Internet Marketing
CMD Corporate Marketing Division
CMS Corporate Marketing Services
CYOM Create Your Own Marketing
CMC Creative Marketing Center
CMG Creative Marketing Group
CCMC Cross Cultural Marketing Consultant
COMD Crude Oil Marketing Department
CIM Customer Impact Marketing
CRM Customer Relational Marketing
CRM Customer Relationship Marketing
DOMSS Daewoo Online Marketing Support Solution
DHMG Dale Hollow Marketing Group, LLC
DIMI Dalli International Marketing, Inc.
DDM Data Driven Marketing
DBM Database Marketing
DMO Database Marketing Operations
DRMO Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
DRMS Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
DAISY Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service Automated Information System
DRMSI Defense Reutilization and Marketing Services International
DMD Delta Marketing Dynamics
DMK Département de Marketing
DTCM Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing
DMAI Destination Marketing Association International
DMC Destination Marketing Committee
DMF Destination Marketing Fee
DMO Destination Marketing Organization
DTMS Deutsche Telefon- und Marketing Services AG
DDV Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband eV
DIMA Digital Imaging Marketing Association
DMDC Digital Marketing & Design Consultancy Ltd.
DMC Digital Marketing Conference
DMG Digital Marketing Group
DMI Digital Marketing International
DMS Digital Marketing Services
DMS Digital Marketing Solutions
DMSC Digital Marketing Strategies Conference
DMMA Digital Media and Marketing Association
DMMO Digital Media Marketing Organization
DSMA Digital Sales and Marketing Automation
DTMC Digital Technologies Marketing Corporation
DSM Diploma in Sales and Marketing
DCMG Direct Contact Marketing Group
DEM Direct Email Marketing
DEMOCRAT Direct Email Marketing
DEML Direct Energy Marketing Limited
DIMI Direct Impact Marketing Inc.
DMMA Direct Mail Marketing Association
DM Direct Marketing
DMA Direct Marketing Association
DMAD Direct Marketing Association of Detroit
DMAW Direct Marketing Association of Washington
DMC Direct Marketing Center
DMC Direct Marketing Company
DME Direct Marketing Expense
DMG Direct Marketing Gestion
DMLR Direct Marketing Linked Resources
DMMP Direct Marketing Market Place
DMO Direct Marketing Officer
DMOS Direct Marketing Operating System
DMPA Direct Marketing Production Agency
DMS Direct Marketing Service
DMSL Direct Marketing Services Limited
DMSI Direct Marketing Services, Inc
DMM Direct Media Marketing
DRRM Direct Response Relationship Marketing
DTCM Direct to Consumer Marketing
DOM Director of Marketing
DOSM Director of Sales and Marketing
DSMD Discount Schedule Marketing Data
DTWM Discover the World Marketing
DBM Display Based Marketing
DSMA Distinguished Sales and Marketing Award
DMSS Distribution, Marketing, Sales, and Service
DSMA District Supply and Marketing Agency
DEMA Dive Equipment & Marketing Association
DMM Division Marketing Manager
DDMAC Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communications
DMS Doctor of Marketing Science
DMA Dominant Marketing Area
DMAC Drug, Marketing, Advertising and Communications
DTCM Dubai Tourism and Commerce Marketing
DIMG Ductile Iron Marketing Group
DMIS Duns Marketing Identification System
DMER DuPont Marketing Excellence Recognition
DDMA Dutch Dialogue Marketing Association
DFMA Dutch Field Marketing Association
ECOM E-Commerce Online Marketing
EFM Economics, Finance and Marketing
ESTM Edeltraud Sommer Tourismus Marketing
ETOH Effective Telemarketing and Objection Handling
ECRM Efficient Collaborative Retail Marketing
EPML El Paso Marketing LP
EDMH Electronic Devices Marketing Hong Kong
EDM Electronic Direct Marketing
EMTC Electronic Marketing Training Camps
ESMA Electronic Sales & Marketing Association
EBI Elite Benefits Insurance Marketing Services Inc
EMI Encore Marketing International
EMT Energy Marketing and Trading
EMA Enterprise Marketing Automation
EMM Enterprise Marketing Management
EMP Enterprise Marketing Platform
EMCI Entertainment Marketing Communications International
ERMA Entertainment Resources & Marketing Association
EPMA ePublication Marketing Associates
ESMG Eritrean Social Marketing Group
EKP Erwin Karl & Partners, Industrial Marketing Research
ESPM Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
EMRA Euro-Asian Marketing Research Association
EFMA European Financial Management & Marketing Association
EJOM European Journal of Marketing
ELMA European Letterbox Marketing Association
EMA European Marketing Association
EMG European Marketing Group
EPMA European Promotional Marketing Alliance
ESMA European Sales & Marketing Association
ESOMAR European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research
EMMM Event Management Marketing Matters
EMS Event Marketing Solutions
EDV Every Day Value (Macy’s marketing
EMM Exact Method Marketing
EMR Exclusive Marketing Right
ERM Explicit Rate Marketing
EMIA Export Marketing and Investment Assistance
EMF Export Marketing Fund
FDM Farmer Direct Marketing
FAMA Federal Agriculture and Marketing Authority
FSMIP Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program
FEM Federated Export Marketing
FEDMA Federation of European Direct Marketing Associations
FCIM Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing
FAMA Fellow of the Marketing Association of Australia and New Zealand
FEM Female Engineered Marketing
FMSB FFM Marketing Sdn. Bhd.
FMM Field Marketing Manager
FMO Field Marketing Organization
FMR Field Marketing Representative
FSMA Field Services Marketing Association
FIMG Financial Institutions Marketing Group
FSM Financial Services Marketing
FSMA Financial Services Marketing Association
FSMA First Source Marketing Alliance
FMO Fish Marketing Organization
FDMA Florida Direct Marketing Association
FHMM Fontys Hogeschool Marketing Management
FMI Food Marketing Institute
FMPC Food Marketing Policy Center
FSMA Foodservice Sales & Marketing Association
FFMC Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
GPMB Gambia Produce Marketing Board
GDMS Gannett Direct Marketing Services
GPM Gas Processing and Marketing
GMMI Gear Media and Marketing, Inc.
GMMI General Motors Marketing Internship
GTI General Telemarketing International Inc
GMEA Georgia Marketing Education Association
GMG Georgia Marketing Group
GDMI Global Directive Marketing Initiatives LLC
GEMC Global Educational Marketing Corporation
GEMSES Global Electronic Marketing Services
GEMS Global Electronic Marketing Services
GMG Global Marketing Group
GMMS Global Marketing Management System
GMRI Global Marketing Resources, Inc.
GMSS Global Marketing Support Services
GPMN Global Project Marketing Network
GPMG Global Prosperity Marketing Group
GTAM Global Tourism and Marketing
GWIM Global Wave Internet Marketing
GWEI Global Web-Marketing & E-Business Information Magazine
GMAG Government Marketing Assistance Group
GMB Grain Marketing Board
GDMA Graphic Design for Marketing
GLM Great Lakes Marketing
GSDM Great Southern Destinations Marketing
GYMI Great Yarmouth Marketing Initiative
GTMA Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance
GMC Green Marketing Coalition
GVMA Green Vehicle Marketing Alliance
GMS Greenfield Marketing Solutions
GCAM Gross Contribution After Marketing
GCBM Gross Contribution Before Marketing
GMA Guerrilla Marketing Association
GAMA Guitar and Accessories Marketing Association
GCMMFL Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited
GMC Guyana Marketing Corporation
HSSM Hansen Stahl Sales and Marketing
HOM Head of Marketing
HMQ Health Marketing Quarterly
HPMS Health Pharma Marketing Services
HCMA Healthcare Communication and Marketing Association
HMS Healthcare Marketing Services
HTMA High Tech Marketing Alliance
HYM High-Yield Marketing
HBBM Home Based Business Marketing
HMI Horticultural Marketing Inspectorate
HPMC Horticultural Produce Marketing and Processing Corporation Ltd.
HMC Hospitality Marketing Consultants
HSMA Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International
HIMA Houston Interactive Marketing Association
HEMI Husky Energy Marketing, Inc.
IMA Iinternational Marketing Association
IOME Illinois Oil Marketing Equipment, Inc.
ITM Inbound Telemarketing
IMA Incentive Marketing Association
IBMC Independent Broker Marketing Company
IFMG Independent Financial Marketing Group
IMA Independent Marketing Area
IMO Independent Marketing Organization
IIPM Indian Institute of Pharmaceutical Marketing
ITSMA Information Technology Services Marketing Association
IMM Innovative Mobile Marketing
IWML Insight Web Marketing Ltd.
IMCO Institut de Marketing et Commerce
IMK Institut für Marketing und Kommunikation
ILHM Institute for Luxury Home Marketing
IDM Institute of Direct Marketing
IIM Institute of International Marketing
IOM Institute of Marketing
IMM Institute of Marketing Management
ISSM Institute of Sales and Marketing Management
IDBM Instituto Brasileiro de Database Marketing
ISM In-Store Marketing
IMO Insurance Marketing Organization
IBMC Integrated Brand Marketing Communications
IMC Integrated Marketing Communications
IMCEA Integrated Marketing Communications Effectiveness Awards
IMS Integrated Marketing Services
IMC Integration Marketing & Communications
IMM Intelligent Mexican Marketing, LLC
IQMM Intelligent Quality Management and Marketing
IFMG InterActive Financial Marketing Group
IMAA Interactive Marketing and Advertising Award
IMRO Interactive Marketing Research Organisation
IMS Interactive Marketing Solutions
IMU Interactive Marketing Unit
IMC Intercontinental Marketing Corporation
IGM Intergas Marketing
IVMA Interior Vegetable Marketing Agency Ltd.
IPMC Interlink Pharma Marketing Corporation
IMA Intermodal Marketing Association
IMXS Intermodal Marketing Extension
IMX Intermodal Marketing Extension
IAMM International Academy of Management and Marketing
IBM International Business and Marketing
ICM International Cyber Marketing, Inc.
IIMA International Internet Marketing Association
IJSMM International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing
IMSM International Management Systems Marketing
IM International Marketing
IMS International Marketing & Sales Group Ltd
IMM International Marketing and Management
IMP International Marketing and Purchasing
IMSG International Marketing and Sales Group
IMBS International Marketing Business Services
IMF International Marketing Federation
IMI International Marketing Institute
IMIA International Marketing Institute of Australia
IMM International Marketing Management
IMPACT International Marketing Program for Agricultural Commodities and Trade
IMPA International Marketing Promotion Alliance
IMSN International Marketing Supervision Network
IMTE International Marketing Trading & Engineering
IPMA International Petroleum Marketing Association
ISMC International Sales & Marketing Conference
ISQM International Series in Quantitative Marketing
ISMD International Society for Marketing and Development
ISM International Software Marketing, Incorporated
ISM International Systems Marketing, Inc.
ITMAS International Tourism Marketing Assistance Scheme
IMMAP Internet and Mobile Marketing Association of the Philippines
IBMM Internet Bullseye Marketing Model
IM-AND-E Internet Marketing and E-Commerce
IMASD Internet Marketing Association of Surplus Dealers
IMBP Internet Marketing Business Plan
IMBS Internet Marketing Business Success
IMK Internet Marketing Klub
IMPLS Internet Marketing Promotions Ltd.
IMPL Internet Marketing Promotions Ltd.
IMT Internet Marketing Technology
IMAD Internet, Marketing and Design
IMJ Irish Marketing Journal
ITTS IT Telemarketing Services
JDMA Japan Direct Marketing Association
JTA Japan Telemarketing Association
JDMA Joint Development and Marketing Agreement
JMA Joint Marketing Agreement
JMF Joint Marketing Funds
JMP Joint Marketing Program
JICM Journal of International Consumer Marketing
JMR Journal of Marketing Research
JVM Journal of Vacation Marketing
JDM Justin Downey Marketing
KCMP Kentucky Craft Marketing Program
KMC Klausmeier Marketing Consultants
KZM Klub Za Marketing
KBM Knowledge Based Marketing
KMM Knowledge Management and Marketing
LFMI Law Firm Marketing Institute
LMA Legal Marketing Agency
LMA Legal Marketing Association
LGM Lieutenant Governor for Marketing
LMA Livestock Marketing Association
LMA Local Marketing Agreement
LMD Local Marketing District
LMG Local Marketing Group
LOMA Local Online Marketing Association
LRM Local Restaurant Marketing
LSM Local Store Marketing
LIMCT Long Island Marketing Concepts & Technology Inc.
LEM Louisville Energy Marketing
MSAMB Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board
MMG Mail Marketing Group
MPMP Maine Products Marketing Program
MTMPP Maine Tourism Marketing Partnership Program
MLAM Major League Alumni Marketing
MME Manhattan Marketing Ensemble
MIMC Manitoba International Marketing Competition
MRMA Marc Roelofs Marketing Advies
MKTG Marketing
MKT Marketing
MBD Marketing & Business Development
MPA Marketing & Public Affairs
M-AND-RR Marketing & Research Resources, Inc
MSO Marketing & Sales Office
MASB Marketing Accountability Standards Board
MARS Marketing Accounting Reporting System
MARS Marketing Activity Reporting Systems
MACINTOSH Marketing Advisory Committee
MAC Marketing Advisory Committee
MAAA Marketing Affiliate Agreement & Application
MAAA Marketing Affiliate Agreement Application
MAS Marketing Analysis System
MDU Marketing and Development Unit
MDD Marketing and Distribution Devision
MINS Marketing and Information Systems
MNIB Marketing and National Importing Board
MOGE Marketing and Other General Expenses
MAPS Marketing and Planning Systems
MPD Marketing and Product Development
MRPBS Marketing and Regulatory Programs Business Services
MSSSB Marketing and Sales Standards Setting Body
MSCM Marketing and Supply Chain Management
MAM Marketing Area Manager
MAM Marketing Asset Management
MAL Marketing Assistance Loan
MAP Marketing Association of Pakistan
MAPER Marketing Association of Pakistan
MAH Marketing Authorisation Holder
MAEST Marketing Authorization
MA Marketing Authorization
MAA Marketing Authorization Application
MAH Marketing Authorization Holder
MCM Marketing Campaign Management
MC Marketing Center
MCIF Marketing Central Information File
MCCA Marketing Communication Consultants Association
MARCOM Marketing Communications
MCOM Marketing Communications
MCP Marketing Company President
MCIF Marketing Customer Information File
MDP Marketing Data Platform
MDW Marketing Data Warehouse
MDB Marketing Database
MDM Marketing Decision Meeting
MDSS Marketing Decision Support System
MDA Marketing Department of America
MDF Marketing Development Funds
MDI Marketing Dimensions, Inc.
MDER Marketing Director
MD Marketing Director
MDSG Marketing Director’s Support Group
MER Marketing Education Review
MEG Marketing Educators Group
MEA Marketing Educators’ Association
MXN Marketing Exchange Network, Inc.
MENG Marketing Executives Networking Group
MER Marketing Expense Ratio
MFE Marketing Function Employee
MHOL Marketing Hall of Legends
MHS Marketing Health Services
MIYO Marketing In Your Organisation
MICROWAVE Marketing Information Center
MIC Marketing Information Center
MIDT Marketing Information Data Tapes
MIN Marketing Information Network
MIP Marketing Information Packet
MONTH Marketing Information System
MIS Marketing Information System
MIW Marketing Information Warehouse
MICROWAVE Marketing Initiated Change
MIC Marketing Initiated Change
MII Marketing Institute of Ireland
MONTH Marketing Intelligence Systems
MIS Marketing Intelligence Systems
MIU Marketing Intelligence Unit
MLC Marketing Leadership Council
MLT Marketing Leadership Team
MLCMS Marketing Line Cost Model
MMOL Marketing Magazine Online
MMA Marketing Management Analytics
MMA Marketing Management Association
MM Marketing Manager
MO Marketing Officer
MO-2 Marketing Officer
MOTI Marketing on the Internet
MOCCA Marketing Operations Cross Company Alliance
MOI Marketing Operations Interface
MO Marketing Optimization
MO-2 Marketing Optimization
MOAB Marketing Order Administration Branch
MPM Marketing Performance Management
MPP Marketing Plan Pro
MPCN Marketing Planning Centre Nederland
MPP Marketing Promotion Programme
MQL Marketing Qualified Lead
MQP Marketing Qualified Prospect
MRV Marketing Relationship/Value
MRD Marketing Requirements Document
MISTRESS Marketing Requirements Specification
MRS Marketing Requirements Specification
MRIA Marketing Research and Intelligence Association
MRA Marketing Research Association
MRD Marketing Research Department
MRII Marketing Research Institute International
MRIN Marketing Research Surveys and Information Network
MRM Marketing Resource Management
MRG Marketing Results Group
MSI Marketing Science Institute
MSA Marketing Services Administrator
MSD Marketing Services Description
MSG Marketing Services Group
MSGI Marketing Services Group, Inc.
MS Marketing Society
MSPR Marketing Strategie Professionals Rotterdam
MSM Marketing Strategies Management
MSADA Marketing Strategy and Differential Advantage
MSC Marketing Supply Chain
MSE Marketing Support Engineering
MSS Marketing Support Services
MSG Marketing Systems Group
MTC Marketing Technology Center
M2W Marketing to Women
MTW Marketing to Women
MUSA Marketing University Summer Accommodation
MVP Marketing Via Phone
MVP Marketing Vice President
MAPR Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations
MRER Marketing, Recruitment and External Relations
MSI Marketing, Strategy and Innovation
MWAS Marketing-with-a-Story
MIMA Maryland International Marketing Associates
MMR Master of Marketing Research
MMS Master of Marketing Science
MSM Master of Science in Marketing
MSMR Master of Science, Marketing Research
MMM Medical Marketing and Media
MMA Medical Marketing Association
MMD Medical Marketing Distaff
MCIM Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing
MMA Member of the Marketing Association of Australia & New Zealand
MMIS Member of the Marketing Institute of Singapore
MIRM Member, Institute of Residential Marketing
MSM Merchandising, Sales and Marketing
MRMA Miami Research Marketing and Advertising, Inc.
MACMA Michigan Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Association
MMAS Micro Marketing Analysis System
MMC Microcomputer Marketing Council
MADMC Mid Atlantic Direct Marketing Conference
MDMA Midwest Direct Marketing Association
MHMA Midwest Healthcare Marketing Association
MMB Milk Marketing Board
MIMC Miller Internet Marketing Corporation
MMCZ Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe
MTMI Mississippi Terminal and Marketing, Inc.
MMA Mobile Marketing Association
MMF Mobile Marketing Forum
MMG Mobile Marketing Group
MPM mobile phone marketing
MMG Moody Marketing Group
M3 Multi Media Marketing
MCM Multichannel Marketing
MMM Multicultural Marketing and Management
MLM Multi-Level Marketing
MLMS Multi-Level Marketing Society
MMI Multimedia Marketing and Internet
MPC Multimedia PC Marketing Council
NACMA National Agricultural Commodities Marketing Association
NAMA National Agri-Marketing Association
NACMA National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators
NCHM National Center for Health Marketing
NIMA National Informercial Marketing Association
NIAM National Institute of Agricultural Marketing
NIMN National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria
NMSC National Marketing & Sales Company
NMC National Marketing Company
NMEA National Marketing Educators Association
NMM National Marketing Manager
NMO National Marketing Organization
NSMA National Sales & Marketing Awards
NMI Natural Marketing Institute
NEMRA New England Marketing Research Association
NWMG New World Marketing Group
NZTM New Zealand Thoroughbred Marketing
NIM Newport Internet Marketing Corp.
NCMA Niche Cruise Marketing Alliance
NMOC Niche Marketing on Crack
NSMS Nielsen Sports Marketing Service
NAFDMA North American Farmers Direct Marketing Association
NAFLRO North American Fleet, Lease, and Remarketing Operations
NVIM Northern Virginia Internet Marketing
NUMG Norwich Union Marketing Group
OFMA Oakland Football Marketing Association
OML Oando Marketing Limited
OBM Occasion-Based Marketing
OPDRA Office of Postmarketing Drug Risk Assessment
ORVFMC Ohio River Valley Farm Marketing Conference
ORMC Ohio Roadside Marketing Conference
OPMA Okanogan Producers Marketing Association
OBE On Board Experiential Marketing
OHMS On Hold Marketing Systems
OOM One-to-One Marketing
ODMF Online and Dialog Marketing Forum
OLM Online Legal Marketing
OMB Online Marketing Blog
OMF Online Marketing Forum
OMM Online Marketing Management
OMP Online Marketing Program
OMRC Online Marketing Resource Centre
OMSK Online Marketing Summit
OMS Online Marketing Summit
OMMA Online Media and Marketing
OMMA Online Media, Marketing and Advertising
ORMC Online Recruitment Marketing Council
OAMC Ontario Apple Marketing Commission
OFFMA Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Association
OPMA Ontario Pharmaceutical Marketing Association
OPMA Ontario Produce Marketing Association
OSMA Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency
OTMP Ontario Tourism Marketing Program
OM Open Marketing
OPMC Orchard Property Marketing Corporation
OMA Orderly Marketing Agreement
OFMA Organic Farmers Marketing Association
OMIARD Organic Marketing Initiatives And Rural Development
OFMD Our Fantastic Marketing Department
OTM Outbound Telemarketing
OM Outsource Marketing, LLC
OSAM Outsourced Sales and Marketing
PAIM Pacific Alliance International Marketing Ltd.
PRM Pacific Rim Marketing
PILM Partners in Loyalty Marketing
PKDM Passlack, Koske Direkt-Marketing
PPCM Pay-per-Click Marketing
PMB Pepper Marketing Board Malaysia
PMC Percussion Marketing Council
PGMA Performance Golf Marketing Alliance
PBM Permission Based Marketing
PME Petroleum Marketing Equipment
PMN Pharma Marketing Network
PMEA Pharmaceutical Marketing Effectiveness Award
PMS Pharmaceutical Marketing Society
PDMA Philadelphia Direct Marketing Association
PMA Photo Marketing Association
PDMES Pine Derivatives Marketing, Inc.
PDM Pine Derivatives Marketing, Inc.
PMQ Pizza Marketing Quarterly
PWHT Plan Write for Hi-Tech Marketing
PPMG Pollack PR Marketing Group (Century City, CA)
PDRA Postmarketing Drug Risk Assessment
PMS Post-Marketing Surveillance
PMSS Post-Marketing Surveillance Study
PMS Post-Marketing Survey
PMB Potato Marketing Board
PMA Power Marketing Administration
PMA Power Marketing Agency
PMMC Precious Minerals Marketing Company
PPMG Preferred Product and Marketing Group
PDMA Prescription Drug Marketing Act
POMR Principles of Marketing Research
PMGS Processing and Marketing Grant Scheme
PMDT Processing, Marketing, Distribution and Transport
PMA Produce Marketing Association
PMM Product Management and Marketing
PMB Product Marketing Bulletin
PME Product Marketing Engineer
PDMES Product-Differentiated Marketing
PDM Product-Differentiated Marketing
PROMIS Production and Marketing Intelligence Service
PMS Production and Marketing Systems
PMA Production-Marketing Association
PGMA Professional Golf Marketing Alliance
PIMA Professional Insurance Marketing Association
PMA Professional Marketing Association
PMRS Professional Marketing Research Association
PMSI Professional Marketing Services, Inc.
PPMG Professional Planners Marketing Group
PPMG Professional Property Marketing Group
PSEM Professional Search Engine Marketing
PIMS Profit Impact of Marketing Strategies
PMA Promotion Marketing Association, Inc.
PPMG Promotion Products Marketing Group
PMANC Promotional Marketing Association of Northern California
PMAA Promotions Marketing Awards Asia
PMR Provider Marketing Release
PMD Provisional Marketing Director
PRM Public Relations and Marketing
PRMS Public Relations and Marketing Services
PMA Publishers Marketing Association
PMI Pursuit Marketing, Inc.
QMD Qualified Marketing Director
QMP Quality Marketing Process
QME Quantitative Marketing and Economics
QMI Quantum Marketing Inc
QMJ Quarterly Marketing Journal
QMI Quick Marketing Information
QMI Quick Marketing Intelligence
RMS Radio Marketing Service
RTM Randall Travel Marketing, Inc.
RML Raynworth Marketing Limited
REDMA Real Estate Development Marketing Act
REMC Real Estate Marketing & Consulting, Inc.
RTME Real-Time Marketing Evaluator
RTTM Real-Time Targeted Marketing
RMM Rearview Mirror Marketing
RAM Recherche et Applications En Marketing
RML Recherche Marketing en Ligne
RMM Regional Marketing Manager
RSMM Regional Sales and Marketing Manager
RTMI Regional Tourism Marketing Initiative
RTMM Regional Trade Marketing Manager
RSMS Remi Salette Marketing Services
RITIM Research Institute for Telecommunications and Information Marketing
RAMA Retail Advertising and Marketing Association
RIM Retrospectives in Marketing
ROM-2 Return on Marketing
ROM Return on Marketing
ROMI Return on Marketing Investment
RCM Right Concept Marketing
RMAMA Rocky Mountain Affiliate Marketing Association
SMA Sales & Marketing Application
SME Sales & Marketing Executives International
SMI Sales & Marketing Institute
SMM Sales & Marketing Management
SMPI Sales & Marketing Partners Italy
SAM Sales and Marketing
SMA Sales and Marketing Association
SMG Sales and Marketing Group
SAMI Sales And Marketing Information
SMO Sales and Marketing Organization
SMS Sales and Marketing Services
SAMI Sales Area Marketing, Inc.
SMART Sales Marketing and Real Technologies Pty Ltd
SMCS Sales Marketing Communications System
SMP Sales Marketing Plan
SMC Sales, Marketing, Consulting
SBMC Sally Bailly Marketing Communication
SFAMA San Francisco American Marketing Association
SOBM Sarvodaya Online Business Marketing
SC-AND-M Saturday Creative & Marketing
SRMG Saudi Research and Marketing Group
SMC Schweizerischer Marketing Club
SEM Search Engine Marketing
SEMC Search Engine Marketing Consultation
SEMC Search Engine Marketing Council
SEMO Search Engine Marketing Optimization
SEMPO Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization
SMA Search Marketing Agency
SMX Search Marketing Expo
SEM Search-Engine Marketing
SMM Segment Management Marketing
SMSI Segmented Marketing Services, Inc.
SCMD Senior Certified Marketing Director
SCAT Senior Citizens Against Telemarketing
SMCO Senior Marketing and Communications Officer
SMC Senior Marketing Consultant
SMM Senior Marketing Manager
SVPM Senior Vice President of Marketing
SIMULATOR Service Industry Marketing
SIM Service Industry Marketing
SMS Shared Marketing Services, Inc
SOM Shell Oman Marketing
SOMC Shell Oman Marketing Company
SLMG Shetland Livestock Marketing Group
SVAMA Silicon Valley American Marketing Association
SBM Small Business Marketing
SHEMP Smallholder Enterprise and Marketing Programme
SAM Social Ad Marketing
SIMULATOR Social Influence Marketing
SIM Social Influence Marketing
SMC Social Marketing Company
SMO Social Marketing Optimization
SMQ Social Marketing Quarterly
SMM Social Media Marketing
SNM Social Network Marketing
SMPS Society for Marketing Professional Services
SPMS Society for Marketing Professional Services
SSAM Society of Sales & Marketing
SMG Solutions Marketing Group
SBMP South Beach Marketing and Promotion, Inc.
SWAM South West Arts Marketing
SAAEMA Southern Arizona Architects and Engineers Marketing Association
SEMC Southern Extension Marketing Committee
SOA Spas of America Marketing
SEM Sports & Entertainment Marketing
SEME Sports Events Marketing Experience
SMEC Sports Marketing and Entrepreneurship Club
SMS Sports Marketing Survey
SVMG Spring Valley Marketing Group
SSMC St. Kitts Sugar Marketing Corporation
SLMB St. Lucia Marketing Board
SMAL Start Marketing All Looks
SOMO State Oil Marketing Organization
SMA Statutory Marketing Authority
SPAM Stop Pornography and Abusive Marketing Act
SDMG Strategic Direct Marketing Group
SMMT Strategic Management and Marketing of Training
SMMRI Strategic Marketing and Media Research Institute
SMART Strategic Marketing and Research Techniques
SMC Strategic Marketing Consultant
SMG Strategic Marketing Group
SMM Strategic Marketing Montreal
SMP Strategic Marketing Planning
SMV Strategic Marketing Ventures, Inc.
SLMA Student Loan Marketing Association
SLBD Student Loan Marketing Association Bonds
SLGN Student Loan Marketing Association Global Notes
SMA Student Marketing Association
SCUM Subculture Urban Marketing
SDMM Successful Direct Marketing Methods
SMAK Suchmaschinen Marketing Analyse Kit
SPMA Sue Powell Marketing Associates
SMART Sunset Marketing and Revitalization Team
SSM Super Software Marketing, Eppelheim, Germany
SCM Supply Chain Marketing
SIM Systeme d’Informations Marketing
SIMULATOR Système d’Informations Marketing
TASMAC Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation
TAAM Tanay Advertising and Marketing
TMI Tan-O-on Marketing, Inc.
TCMB Tanzania Cotton Marketing Board
TWM Targeted Web Marketing
TFIM Task Force for Integrated Marketing
TME Technical Marketing Engineer
TMMI Technical Marketing Manufacturing, Inc.
TMC Technology Marketing Corporation
TMM Technology Marketing Management
TMI Technovative Marketing Inc.
TMS Telecommunications & Marketing Service Organization
TERC Telecommunications Equipment Remarketing
TMS Telecommunications Marketing Service Organization
TM Telemarketing
TBT Telemarketing and Business Telecommunications
TPI Telemarketing Professionals, Inc.
TSR Telemarketing Sales Rule
TSMS Television Sales & Marketing Services
TME Test Marketing Exemption
TSMA Teton Seed Marketing Association
TBMA Texas Blueberry Marketing Association
TMC Textile Marketing Company
TMRS Thailand Marketing Research Society
TCMG The Conjoint Marketing Group
TMA The Marketing Arm
TMPL The Marketing Partnership Ltd.
TMW The Marketing Workshop
TNMM The Network Marketing Magazine
TPM Third Party Marketing
TWRSM Time/Warner Retail Sales and Marketing
TIMB Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board
TCM Toshiba Consumer Marketing Corporation
TMM Total Marketing Management
TMME Toyota Motor Marketing Europe
TSM Toyota Service Marketing
TEMI Tractebel Energy Marketing, Inc.
TSM Trade Show Marketing
TCMI TranCert Marketing, Inc.
TIMO Travel Internet Marketing Organization
TEPM Tucson Electric Power Marketing
UNHS Ultimate New Home Sales and Marketing, Inc.
UEMG Uninhibited Event Marketing Group, Inc.
UMPIRE Unique Marketing Perception
UMP Unique Marketing Perception
UMA United Marketing Associates
USMG Universal Service Marketing Group
UMPA University Marketing Professionals Association
UAMA University of Alberta Marketing Association
UMDS University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences
UMFI Upland Marketing Foundation, Inc.
UARM Urban Arts Research & Marketing
UMCA Urban Marketing Corporation of America
URMG US -Russia Marketing Group (est. 1982)
USSMA User Supported Software Marketing Association
VMC Vanguard Marketing Corporation
VMC Venue Marketing Communications
VMCG Venue Marketing Communications Group
VMK Verlag für Marketing und Kommunikation
VDTM Vermont Department of Tourism & Marketing
VMS Vertical Marketing System
VMBA Viral & Buzz Marketing Association
VBMA Viral & Buzz Marketing Association
VMMC Viral Marketing Media Corp.
VPEM Virginia Power Energy Marketing
VGM Virtual Global Marketing
VRM Virtual Relationship Marketing
VHMA Volker Hartmann Marketingagentur
VMC Vrouwen in Marketing en Communicatie
WSM Warner Strategic Marketing
WAME Washington Association of Marketing Educators
WMA Web Marketing Association
WMSI Web Marketing Services, Inc.
WMT Web Marketing Therapy
WMM Web Media Marketing
WCEM West Coast Entertainment Marketing
WEMC Western Extension Marketing Committee
WGML Western Gas Marketing Ltd.
WGMP Western Grain Marketing Panel
WHIM Western Heritage Insurance Marketing Group
WNIM What’s New in Marketing
WEMCC Wheat Export Marketing Consultation Committee
WMC Wheat Marketing Center
WMRP Whois Marketing Restriction Policy
WINP-AND-D Wireless Intelligent Network Product Marketing & Development
WMA Wireless Marketing Association
WMG Wireless Marketing Group
WMMA Wisconsin Marketing and Management Association
WMMB Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, Inc.
WSMA Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board
WDFM Withdrawn from Marketing
WSM Wolfpack Sports Marketing
WPMC Wood Products Marketing Cooperative
WOMM Word of Mouth Marketing
WMMA Word of Mouth Marketing Association
WAHM Work at Home Marketing
WAIM World Association of Internet Marketing
ESOMAR World Association of Opinion and Marketing Research Professionals
WIMSI World Internet Marketing Specialists Inc.
WMA World Marketing Alliance
WTMS World Tourism Marketing Summit
WZIM Wydzialu Zarzadzania I Marketingu
YSM Yahoo! Search Marketing
YMS Youth Marketing Summit
ZDM Za Direktni Marketing
ZIM Zambia Institute of Marketing
ZMG Zeitungs Marketing Gesellschaft
ZBM Zero Budget Marketing
ZIM Zigong International Marketing LLC
ZMG Zimmer Marketing Group
ZKM Zintegrowanej Komunikacji Marketingowej
ZKM Zukunft Kino Marketing GmbH