Ukrainian Abbreviations

Ukrainian is a Slavic language spoken in Ukraine. Ukrainian belongs to the East Slavic languages ​​and is spoken in the area of ​​the Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR, where it is the official language alongside Russian; these areas include the former Galicia, Volhynia and Podolia, which belonged to the Republic of Poland until 1939, and the former autonomous Karpato-Ukraine, which was incorporated into the Ukrainian SSR in 1945. The majority (40 million) of Ukrainian speakers actually live in Ukraine, the rest (10 million) in the other areas mentioned. The most striking feature of Ukrainian is that e and o are stretched into closed syllables. This condition has only remained so in very few dialects: in other dialects these protracted sounds are seen changed into diphthongs and monophthongs with oe-, u or i-timbre. In most of Ukrainian (including written language) both sounds have become i. Until the time of Peter the Great (17th century), Church Slavonic was the written language, as with the Great Russians, and showed only sporadic Minor Russian phenomena. Later, Russian became the dominant written language.


Ukrainian Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Ukrainian

ACUA Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts
AUDA Alberta Ukrainian Dance Association
ATU All Things Ukrainian, Inc
AUMF American Ukrainian Medical Foundation
AUMP American Ukrainian Medical Project
CUUS Cambridge University Ukrainian Society
CIUS Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
DUPD Dragon Ukrainian Properties and Development
EAFUS Euro-Atlantic Forum of Ukrainian Students
HURI Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute
HTUCC Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church
IAUS International Association of Ukrainian Studies
OUN Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
RULG Russian-Ukrainian Legal Group
SUBC Swedish-Ukrainian Business Club
TOUCH Take One Ukrainian Child’s Hand
UKR Ukrainian
UK Ukrainian
UAAN Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian
UAAS Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences
UAAS Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
UAFT Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade
UAS Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
UACRR Ukrainian Agency on Copyright and Related Rights
UAA Ukrainian Alumni Association
UACCNJ Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey
UAQ Ukrainian Association for Quality
UABSC Ukrainian Association of Business Support Centres
UAFM Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine
UAIB Ukrainian Association of Investment Business
UAP Ukrainian Auxiliary Police
UBJ Ukrainian Balneology Journal
UBC Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus
UBJ Ukrainian Biochemical Journal
UBA Ukrainian Bioenergy Association
UBA Ukrainian Booking Agency
UCC Ukrainian Canadian Congress
UCC Ukrainian Canadian Council
UCET Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada
UCNS Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine
UCU Ukrainian Catholic University
UCIPR Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research
UCCI Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
UCCA Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
UCEC Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre
UECA Ukrainian Education Council of Australia
UFPA Ukrainian Family Planning Association
UFW Ukrainian Fashion Week
UFCU Ukrainian Federal Credit Union
UFAF Ukrainian Federation of American Football
UFSF Ukrainian Figure Skating Federation
UFC Ukrainian Fruit Company
UGA Ukrainian Grain Association
UAH Ukrainian Hryvnia
UIA Ukrainian Insurgent Army
UICE Ukrainian Interbank Currency Exchange
UICM Ukrainian Interbank Currency Market
UIC Ukrainian Investment Communications
UJP Ukrainian Journal of Physics
UKU Ukrainian Kennel Union
UKIP Ukrainian Knowledge Internet Portal
ULIE Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
ULF Ukrainian Legal Foundation
ULAA Ukrainian Library Association of America
UMC Ukrainian Mobile Communication
UMA Ukrainian Museum-Archives
UNA Ukrainian National Association
UNFCU Ukrainian National Federal Credit Union
UNIS Ukrainian National Information Service
UNR Ukrainian National Republic, 1918
UOC Ukrainian Orthodox Church
UOF Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum
UPSR Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries
UPA Ukrainian Planetariums Association
URDC Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre
URLP Ukrainian Rural Livelihoods Programme
USRL Ukrainian Self Reliance League
USDY Ukrainian Social Democratic Youth
USIF Ukrainian Social Investment Fund
USCCU Ukrainian St. Catharines Credit Union
USEP Ukrainian State Enterprise of Posts
UTR Ukrainian T-Shape Radio Telescope
UW Ukrainian Woman
UWL Ukrainian Women’s League
UYA Ukrainian Youth Association
UYLNA Ukrainian Youth League of North America
UAMA Ukrainian-American Military Association
UUARC United Ukrainian American Relief Committee
WURC West Ukrainian Resource Center
WUNR Western Ukrainian National Republic