Literacy Abbreviations

Literacy is the learning process usually developed in the early years, where one learns to read and write . With this, the individual becomes able to communicate with others.


Literacy Abbreviations

Even though this skill is described as acquired in a child’s early years, there are those who start late in school, even at a very advanced stage, such as those who learn to read and write after their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s. years old.

Regarding the school initiation period, educators pay more attention to students at this stage, as it is when they are discovering the world around them and learning the skills necessary to develop verbal and non-verbal communication .

Literacy involves, in addition to learning the alphabet and numbers, also the development of motor coordination and the formation of syllables, later also the formation of words and sentences.

The term literacy comes from “to alphabetize” which, in turn, comes from alphabet.

And literacy is fundamental for every individual, because knowing how to read and write is important for this individual to find his way, both in his professional life and in his personal life. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) defines literacy as a process for the acquisition of basic cognitive skills that are crucial for the socioeconomic development of society’s awareness capacity and also of critical reflection that is essential for personal and social change.

Learning to read and write is a precursor to the development of the autonomous and critical capacity of the human being .

Literacy process
The literacy process comprises a set of activities aimed at developing reading and writing skills. In addition, such activities contribute to the individual also developing skills of understanding texts and language in general, which also includes operations with number, something that is essential for the student to advance to the next levels of learning.

But the literacy process also helps the individual to develop their socialization skills. Being in an environment with other individuals, it is possible to have a close interaction, with exchanges of ideas and experiences, something that also facilitates access to other cultures.

The condition where the individual is unable to acquire the ability to read and write is known as illiteracy (or also illiteracy). A group of people classified as lacking in literacy also receives this name, not because of their incapacity, but due to different factors, such as the lack of access to schools in the place where they live. For example: “illiteracy in that city is very high”.

There is also what is called functional illiteracy or semi-illiteracy, which is the inability to understand simple texts.

Even though reading and writing are developed together in the early school years, integrating the same learning process, there are those who argue that they are different concepts, classified as literacy and literacy.

In the case of literacy , it is described that it is the process in which the individual develops skills to organize speeches, make reflections, interpretations and also the ability to understand texts. In this, the student develops skills such as letter recognition, memorization of the alphabet, learns syllables and uses them in word formation, uses words to form sentences and texts, etc.

On the other hand , literacy is described as the process of encoding and decoding writing as well as numbers. It goes beyond learning written letters and symbols, but is about the individual’s understanding of them, interpreting and applying the language in their practices in society.

Note that in each of these there are different activities involved.

Thus, it is concluded, based on this idea , that a literate child would not necessarily be a literate child. The same would happen in the case of a literate child, not necessarily being a literate child (unless he went through both processes).

Ideal age to start being literate
It has been proven by science that the ideal age for a child to start studying is from the age of 6. It is said that at this age the child already has the ability to develop reading and writing skills.

It is necessary to use physical resources for this, such as paper , pencils, coloring pencils, drawings, etc. to help in this literacy process, as well as educational activities and games. All this will help in the development of the child.

Digital literacy
There is also the concept of digital literacy , which is about starting an individual to use computer resources. And so the child or adult starts to use the tools and resources made available by the digital world. Digital literacy is also important for digital inclusion programs.

List of Acronyms Related to Literacy

ALLI Aboriginal Languages and Literacy Institute
AFLIG Action for Literacy Interest Group
ABLE Adult Basic Literacy Education
AEL Adult Education and Literacy
AELS Adult Education and Literacy System
ALAF Adult Literacy Achievement Framework
ALBE Adult Literacy and Basic Education
ALLD Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities
ALLS Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey
ALTN Adult Literacy and Technology Network
ALC Adult Literacy Class
ALCSP Adult Literacy Cost Shared Program
ALL Adult Literacy League
ALMA Adult Literacy Media Alliance
ALPIP Adult Literacy Practitioner Inquiry Project
ALTA Adult Literacy Tutors Association
ALLN Adult Literacy, Language and Numeracy
AAL Advanced Academic Literacy
AETL Advancing Excellence in Technological Literacy
AALAE African Association for Literacy and Adult Education
ALC American Literacy Council
APL American Poetry and Literacy project
ALLC Arizona Literacy and Learning Center
AFL Artists for Literacy
ACAL Australian Council for Adult Literacy
ALLI Australian Language and Literacy
ALLC Australian Language and Literacy Council
ALEA Australian Literacy Educators’ Association
BELA Basic Education Literacy Authority
BILT Basic Information Literacy Tutorial
BAIL Bay Area Internet Literacy
BSLN Bedford-Sackville Literacy Network
BSL Benchmarks for Science Literacy
BLP Bible Literacy Project
BTL Bible Translation & Literacy of East Africa
BSLP Black Stallion Literacy Project
BALF Boston Adult Literacy Fund
BVFLP Boulder Valley Family Literacy Program
BALID British Association for Literacy in Development
CFLC California Family Literacy Consortium
CFLC Cambridge Family Literacy Collaborative
CALE Canadian Association of Literacy Educators
CBLF Canadian Braille Literacy Foundation
CFLC Cape Fear Literacy Council
CELI Center for Early Literacy Information
CEL Center for Ecoliteracy
CFL Center for Literacy
CML Center for Media Literacy
COLEARN Centers of Literacy Education Achievement, Research, and Networking
CLC Child Literacy Class
CLE Classical Literacy Exam
CCLD Collaborative Center for Literacy Development
CLIP Collaborative Literacy Intervention Project
CLRI Colorado Literacy Research Initiative
CONTROL Committee on Technological Literacy
CTL Committee on Technological Literacy
CLL Communication Language and Literacy
CIL Communications in Information Literacy
CL4K Computer Literacy 4 Kids
CLAIT Computer Literacy And Information Technology
CLIC Computer Literacy in Communities
CLQ Computer Literacy Questionnaire
CLTA Computer Literacy Training and Access
CLUTCH Computer Literacy Understanding Through Community History
CLICK Creating Literacy in Computer Knowledge
CLIP Critical Literacy in Practice
DLNA Deaf Literacy Needs Assessment
EDTL Department of Educational Technology and Literacy
DJCL Detroit Jewish Coalition for Literacy
DILO Digital Information Literacy Office
DVL Digital Visual Literacy
DIBELS Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
ECFL Early Childhood, Families and Literacy
ELLM Early Learning Literacy Model
ELKED Early Literacy in Kindergarten
ELK Early Literacy in Kindergarten
ELLA Early Literacy Learning in Arkansas
ELMC Early Literacy Mentor-Coach
ELS Early Literacy Station
ELLA English Language and Literacy Assessment
ELLS English Language and Literacy Services
ELD English Literacy Development
ELC Environmental Literacy Council
ECML European Centre for Media Literacy
EFIL European Forum for Information Literacy
ENIL European Network on Information Literacy
FILE Facilitating Information Literacy Education
FELL Families Early Learning and Literacy
FLARE Family Literacy Achieves Reading Excellence
FLAG Family Literacy Action Group
FLARE Family Literacy and Reading Excellence Center
FLAMEPROOF Family Literacy Project
FLP Family Literacy Project
FLSN Family Literacy Support Network
FAWL Family, Adult and Workplace Literacy
FLIP Financial and Functional Literacy Incentive Program
FLEC Financial Literacy Education Consortium
FLAMEPROOF Financial Literacy Program
FLP Financial Literacy Program
FLTF Financial Literacy Task Force
FHLSS Florida Health Literacy Study
FLARE Florida Literacy and Reading Excellence Center
FOL Focus on Literacy
FOLD Foundations of Literacy Development
FAL Functional Adult Literacy
FALP Functional Adult Literacy Programme
FELP Functional Education and Literacy Program
FLE Functional Literacy Exam
GILLBT Ghana Institute of Linguistics Literacy and Bible Translation
GDLC Global Digital Literacy Council
GML Global Media Literacy
GCLC Greater Columbia Literacy Council
GLRC Guam Literacy Resource Center
GILS Guide to Information Literacy
HEAL Health Education and Adult Literacy
HELP Hollywood Education & Literacy Project
ICLA Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Assessment
ILC Individual Literacy Plan
ITLS Information and Technology Literacy Standards
INTERLEUKIN Information Literacy
IL Information Literacy
ILE Information Literacy Education
ILPO Information Literacy Planning Overview
ILWG Information Literacy Working Group
ITL Information Technology Literacy
IFL Institute for Financial Literacy, Inc.
ISAL Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy
IALS International Adult Literacy Survey
IIALM International Institute for Adult Literacy Methods
ILD International Literacy Day
ILI International Literacy Institute
ILY International Literacy Year
IVLA International Visual Literacy Association
JVL Journal of Visual Literacy
KALS Kentucky Adult Literacy Survey
LLRC Lancaster Literacy Research Centre
LAL Language Arts Literacy
LLANT Language Literacy and Numeracy Training
LLI Laubach Literacy International
LLAP LEARNS Literacy Assessment Profile (Scotts Valley, CA)
LILT Library Information Literacy Tutorial
LAN Literacy Access Network
LABE Literacy Adult Basic Education
POUNDS Literacy and Basic Skills
LBS Literacy and Basic Skills
LERN Literacy and Education Research Network
LNS Literacy and Numeracy Strategy
LAMP Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme
LASER Literacy Association South East Region
LCCT Literacy Coalition of Central Texas
LCP Literacy Community Planning
LCNV Literacy Council of Northern Virginia
LEIS Literacy Education Information System
LEO Literacy Education Online
LEF Literacy Empowerment Foundation
LFCS Literacy First Charter School
LFA Literacy for All
LEJ Literacy for Environmental Justice
LIA Literacy in Action
LINCS Literacy Information and Communication System
LIFE Literacy Is for Everyone
LLTT Literacy Learning Through Technology
LLEO Literacy Link of Eastern Ontario
LNY Literacy New York
LNS Literacy Nova Scotia
LOCS Literacy Ontario Central South
LPM Literacy Partners of Manitoba
LPQ Literacy Partners of Quebec
LPBA Literacy Performance-Based Assessment
LRA Literacy Research Association
LVFV Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley
LVA Literacy Volunteers of America
LVQ Literacy Volunteers of Quebec
LVSF Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe
LLN Literacy, Language and Numeracy
LLLU London Language and Literacy Unit
LOLEST Love of Literacy
LOL Love of Literacy
LFL Low Female Literacy
MMLM Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement
MCLC Marion County Literacy Council
MLOP Media Literacy Online Project
MLPP Michigan Literacy Progress Profile
MILLEE Mobile and Immersive Learning for Literacy in Emerging Economies
MCL Movement for Canadian Literacy
NALA National Adult Literacy Agency
NALS National Adult Literacy Study
NALS National Adult Literacy Survey
NAULC National Alliance of Urban Literacy Coalitions
NAAL National Assessment of Adult Literacy
NCFL National Center for Family Literacy
NCSALL National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy
NCAL National Center on Adult Literacy
NELP National Early Literacy Panel
NFLD National Family Literacy Day
NFLC National Financial Literacy Challenge
NILA National Indigenous Literacy Association
NIL National Institute for Literacy
NILC National Internet Literacy Campaign
NJCL National Jewish Coalition for Literacy
NLCCC National Literacy Campaign Coordinating Committee
NLC National Literacy Center
NLM National Literacy Mission
NLPN National Literacy Programme in Namibia
NLS National Literacy Strategy
NNLS National Numeracy and Literacy Strategy
NOLL National Office of Literacy and Learning
NWL National Workplace Literacy
NELRC New England Literacy Resource Center
NRLC Niagara Regional Literacy Council
NCLRC North Carolina Literacy Resource Center
NLC Nunavut Literacy Council
OLOS Office for Literacy and Outreach Services
OAEL Office of Adult Education and Literacy
OLES Office of Literacy and Essential Skills
OLLA On-Line Literacy Activities
OALS Ontario Adult Literacy Survey
OCLC Orange County Literacy Council
PAALAE Pan African Association for Literacy and Adult Education
PCIL Parent and Child Interactive Literacy
PLP Parkari Literacy Project
PFLA Patricia Freedman Literacy Academy
PHLI Pfizer Health Literacy Initiative
PILL Pharmacy Intervention for Limited Literacy
PUDL Pittsburgh United for Deaf Literacy
PLC Post Literacy Class
PLCE Post-Literacy and Continuing Education
PALS Principles of the Alphabet Literacy System
PIRLS Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PULL Project for Unique Learners in Literacy
PLAY Project Literacy Among Youth
PLUS Project Literacy US
PRLN Project Read Literacy Network
PLA Proliteracy America
RAAL Reading Apprenticeship Academic Literacy
RECLAIM Reading Council for Literacy Advance in Montreal
RLC Regional Literacy Consultants
RML Ruth Miskin Literacy
SALN Saskatchewan Aboriginal Literacy Network, Inc.
SLOVENE Saskatchewan Literacy Network
SLN Saskatchewan Literacy Network
SLLT School Literacy Leadership Team
SCLC Searcy County Literacy Council, Inc.
SLSN Secondary Literacy Support Network
SMLN Simcoe Muskoka Literacy Network
SLT Sindh Literacy Team
SCLC Somali Community Literacy Center
SCLC Sonoma County Literacy Coalition
SANLI South African National Literacy Initiative
SCLA South Central Literacy Action
SAILS Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills
STELLA Standards for Teachers of English Language and Literacy
STL Standards for Technological Literacy
SKIL Stanford’s Key to Information Literacy
SCLC State Collaborative Literacy Council
SLMA State Literacy Mission Authority
SRTL Statistical Reasoning, Thinking, and Literacy
SCALE Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education
SWL Students for World Literacy
SELA Supports for Early Literacy Assessment
TILT Teaching Intermedia Literacy Tools
TALK Technology Assisting Literacy Knowledge
TLCF Technology Literacy Challenge Fund
TLCGF Technology Literacy Challenge Grant Fund
TILT Terrapin Information Literacy Tutorial
TEL Test of Economic Literacy
RTEL Test of Economic Literacy – Revised
TALA Texas Adolescent Literacy Academy
TILT Texas Information Literacy Tutorial
TLC The Literacy Community
TALENT Training Adult Literacy, English as a Second Language, and Numeracy Teachers
TVLA Trent Valley Literacy Association
TCLN Tri-County Literacy Network
TELI Tufts Environmental Literacy Institute
UNLD United Nations Literacy Decade
WALC Weirton Area Literacy Council
WLLA Westchester Literacy and Learning Alliance
WQLC Western Quebec Literacy Council
WALC Whittier Area Literacy Council, Inc.
WALC Wichita Adult Literacy Council, Inc.
WALC Wilderness Across Literacy Collaborative
WALC Wilderness Arts and Literacy Collaborative
WISL Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy
WLRN Wisconsin Literacy Resource Network
WOCI Women’s Organisation to Combat Illiteracy
WELL Workplace English Language and Literacy Program
WCLD World Computer Literacy Day
WLC World Literacy Canada
WCLI Writing, Computers and Literacy Initiative
WBLA Writing-Based Literacy Assessment