Geriatric Abbreviations

Podiatry is the specialty of medicine dedicated to analyzing, diagnosing and treating various disorders related to the feet. The podiatry specialist (called a podiatrist) can take care of the treatment of different conditions whenever the action does not require a complex surgery.


Geriatric Abbreviations

Podiatrists have knowledge of general medicine, physiology, anatomy and other branches of knowledge. This allows the development of a very wide range of activities related to foot health, analyzing from the way a person walks to structural changes in the lower limbs, through infections and other problems.

It is important to note that the podiatrist has the power to prescribe drugs, just as a doctor does. This allows you to treat different pathologies that require the patient to take medication.
Podiatry is also responsible for designing and developing those supports that some people need to use on the sole of the foot to improve their posture or to ensure that their gait is healthy.

Sometimes, the podiatry specialist must refer the patient to other professionals, as the problem detected in the feet is a consequence or a symptom of a disease or a condition that appears in another area of ​​the body. In this way, the podiatrist can warn that his patient is possibly suffering from diabetes or rheumatism, for example, forwarding his integral treatment to another specialist.

Among the areas of intervention of a podiatrist are: general podiatry that works with the dynamic and static assessment of the feet, pediatric podiatry that works with procedures for the care and prevention of foot problems in children, geriatric podiatry (for the elderly), the sports that works with practitioners of professional sports, the preventive, the work, the one focused on the diabetic foot ( risk foot ), among others.

A podiatrist studies, treats and prevents foot problems in men and women of different age groups.

It is important not to confuse a podiatrist with a podiatrist, as the latter has technical training and only works with problems such as ingrown toenails, chilblains, mycoses, dryness, cracked heels, corns, plantar warts, among other abnormalities.

So, a podiatrist is someone more focused on procedures that pertain to foot injuries, both in treatment and prevention. It also guides patients on care to maintain the good appearance and health of nails and feet, such as hydration, use of shoes, etc. There is a greater search for procedures of this specialty in clinics with the aesthetic objective.

It is also very important to clarify that a podiatrist and a pedicure professional have totally different roles.

Although the podiatrist also treats some aesthetic problems in the feet, he differs from the pedicure, since the latter is not a specialty of medicine, having the pedicure made a technical course and of short duration, where the function of this professional is to leave the feet more beautiful with treatments such as nail cleaning, enamelling, removal of excess skin, cuticle care, etc.

Finally, forensic podiatry is known as the use of podiatry by investigators who must demonstrate/prove certain situations under the law . The forensic podiatrist can help obtain evidence associated with a crime .


List of Acronyms Related to Geriatric

AGU Acute Geriatric Unit
AAGP American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry
AGS American Geriatrics Society
AJGC American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
ASGD American Society for Geriatric Dentistry
ADGAP Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs
ASGM Australian Society for Geriatric Medicine
BOSIP Behavior Observation Scale for Intramural Psychogeriatrics
BGS British Geriatrics Society
BAGNC Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity
CCGG California Council on Gerontology and Geriatrics
CGS Canadian Geriatrics Society
CIGR Center for Interdisciplinary Geriatric Research
CGP Certified Geriatric Pharmacist
CGSP Certified Geriatric Service Provider
CCGP Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy
CGA Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
CGEP Comprehensive Geriatric Education Program
CGSM Consignment of Geriatric Shoe Makers
DGM Division of Geriatric Medicine
EAGP European Association of Geriatric Psychiatry
FIOG Federazione Italiana Operatori Geriatrici
FGCMA Florida Geriatric Care Managers Association
GAPP Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme
GLTCRC Geriatric and Long Term Care Review Committee
GATU Geriatric Assessment and Treatment Unit
GAC Geriatric Assessment Clinic
GCM Geriatric Care Managers
GDEA Geriatric Dentistry Educational Activities
GDRS Geriatric Depression Rating Scale
GDS Geriatric Depression Scale
GEC Geriatric Education Center
GEM Geriatric Emergency Management
GEM Geriatric Emergency Medicine
GENE Geriatric Emergency Nursing Education
GEORGIA Geriatric Evaluation
GE Geriatric Evaluation
GEM Geriatric Evaluation & Management
GERU Geriatric Evaluation and Rehabilitation Unit
GECU Geriatric Extended Care Unit
GHS Geriatric Health Systems, LLC
GIAP Geriatric Institutional Assessment Profile
GICU Geriatric Intensive Care Unit
GICF Geriatric Intermediate Care Facility
GMHF Geriatric Mental Health Foundation
GMSS Geriatric Mental Status Schedule
GNP Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
GNA Geriatric Nursing Assistant
GPD Geriatric Profanity Disorder
GP Geriatric Psychiatrist
GRU Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit
GREC Geriatric Research and Education Center
GRC Geriatric Research Center
GRECC Geriatric Research, Education and Clinic Center
GER Geriatrics
GECSHG Geriatrics and Extended Care Strategic Healthcare Group
GRS Geriatrics Review Syllabus
GSI Geriatrics-For-Specialists Initiative
HCG Hagedorn Center for Geriatrics
HGI Hartford Geriatrics Initiative
HIGN Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing
HGITT Houston Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Training Project
IPA International Psychogeriatric Association
JGH Jewish Geriatric Home
JIGC Jewish Institute for Geriatric Care
JGC Journal of Geriatric Care, Inc.
LGS Louisiana Geriatrics Society
MGC Maimonides Geriatric Centre
MEGA Multidisciplinary Education in Geriatrics and Aging
NAGE National Association for Geriatric Education
NCGG National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
NMGEC New Mexico Geriatric Education Center
NZGS New Zealand Geriatrics Society
OGEC Oregon Geriatric Education Center
OGS Oregon Geriatric Society
PGCMS Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale
PGCM Professional Geriatric Care Managers
PRC Psychogeriatric Resource Consultant
RGP Regional Geriatric Program
SGDS Short Geriatric Depression Scale
STGEC South Texas Geriatric Education Center
SGS Specialized Geriatric Services
SGRS Stockton Geriatric Rating Scale
TGIF Texas Geriatrics Interest Foundation
UPBEAT Unified Psychogeriatric Biopsychosocial Evaluation and Treatment
UHGC United Hebrew Geriatric Center
WGEC Wisconsin Geriatric Education Center