Acronyms like FYI, ASAP, and A/C are often used in work emails or other formal situations. Many abbreviations are used in English. Other terms, like RSVP, have French or even Latin origins, like PS. There are also those that have been adapted to Portuguese, such as PSI, and those that are used incorrectly, such as the famous Att. With so many options, it is common for questions to arise. Check below a list of nine acronyms used in the corporate environment, their origins and meanings.
FYI is a well-known English acronym in the corporate environment. It means “For Your Information” (For Your Information, in Portuguese). The expression is usually used when forwarding an email and emphasizes that the content is important to the recipient. The abbreviation FYI gained two adaptations into Portuguese: PSI (For Your Information) or PSC (For Your Knowledge).
Another famous acronym in work emails is ASAP. The expression also comes from English and means "As Soon As Possible ", something like "As soon as possible", in Portuguese. The term indicates urgency, whether to quickly respond to an email or to do a certain task, for example.
Unlike the previous acronyms, RSVP has French origin and means “R épondez S'il Vous Plaît ”, translated: Reply Please. Usually, the expression is written at the end of the letter or email and is used to remind the recipient to confirm, or not, their presence at events or work meetings. RSVP is also used a lot in wedding invitations.