Abbreviations are often used in chats, texts and emails. You can find out what options there are and what they mean here.
Chat abbreviations help to save time - you don't have to write out every word. And especially when sending text messages, it's practical if you don't have to type too much on your smartphone. Finally, there are also abbreviations and symbols to express feelings quickly and in a space-saving manner.
Acronyms are abbreviations using either the first letters of the word or individual syllables of the word.
atm = at the moment = at the moment
afaik = as far as I know = as far as I know
afk = away from keyboard = I'm not at the keyboard for a moment
bb = bye,bye or see you soon
bf = best friends
btw = by the way = by the way
hdl = love you
immo = at the moment
imo = in my opinion = in my opinion
kA = no idea
lg, glg = best regards, very best regards
mom = "Wait", "One moment please"
np = no problem = no problem
re = returned = bin back
sers = servus, hello
thx, tx, ty = thanks, thank you
Sometimes the meaning of an abbreviation is given by letters or numbers that are pronounced similarly to the word in question.
4u = for you
cu = see you = "bye"
d8 = date = meeting
gn8 = good night
gr8 = great
ic = I see = I see, I understand
me2 = me too = me too
w8 = wait = "Wait!"
ya? = why? = why?
There are various ways of expressing feelings in the chat language.
The word emoticon is made up of the word emotion (=feeling) and the word icon (=sign). Emoticons were practically the beginning of emojis, which have now almost completely replaced self-made emoticons.
:-).... smiling face
:-(.... sad face
;-).... wink with one eye
:-D …. laugh
:-o …. Oh surprised
xD…. laughing
to death :´-(.... crying
:-X.... kiss, kiss
(o):-).... nothing on my mind
:-@ …. roar
Some people put an abbreviation for an expression of emotion between two asterisks, but some also do without the asterisks.
*g*, *gg*, *bg* …. grin, big grin, wide grin
*fg* …. cheeky
grin *hug* …. I hug you
*lol* …. laughing out loud = laughing out loud
*lu*, *ly* …. love you = love you
*rofl* … rolling on floor laughing = rolling on the floor laughing
In many online games there is also a chat to exchange information with other players, whereby abbreviations are often used here as well. Some of these abbreviations relate to the content of the respective game and are often only understood after some time. Depending on the game, different abbreviations can be found or even the same abbreviations have different meanings. You can ask fellow players about the meaning of certain abbreviations.
char … abbreviation for character, player character
dc … disconnect = internet connection was disconnected
ep, exp, xp …. experience = experience points
gg …. good game = recognition for a good game
lfg …. looking for group = you are looking for a group of players to
lv, lvl... level = level
n1.... nice one = expression of appreciation
In this sense: HF, GLG and BB!