ru rdy 4 inf? You only understand train station? No problem, we're happy to help and have put together a list of the most common chat abbreviations. So "Are you ready for information?"
Chat abbreviations have grown in popularity largely with the development of SMS. As some can still remember, only a very limited number of characters could be sent in an SMS. Depending on the provider, an SMS cost up to 55 pfennigs (28 cents). That could quickly become very expensive. Therefore, the abbreviations were used in order to be able to write a whole sentence with only 2 to 5 letters. Today, the chat abbreviations are mostly used in the gamer scene to be able to chat with your fellow players quickly and easily, even if you have to concentrate on the game.
Chat abbreviations usually consist of 2 to 5 letters. English is used as the basis for the chat abbreviations. For this reason and for convenience, the chat abbreviations are always lowercase. Unless you want to express your astonishment or horror with capital letters, such as OMG (oh my god).
Most chat abbreviations are so-called acronyms. These are abbreviations that use either the first letter of each word or the first letter of each syllable in a word. From time to time only the first letters of a word are used.
Examples: atm: a t t he m oment / dl: d own l oad / mom: mom ent
Another option for chat abbreviations is to use a similar-sounding letter or number instead of the actual word.
Beispiele: 4u: for you / cu: see you
Chat abbreviations are becoming more and more popular and have long since found their way into business emails. So that you can understand your counterpart, even though he expresses himself a little cryptically, we have compiled a list of the most well-known and popular chat abbreviations here:
2L8 | too late |
4u | for you |
asap | as soon as possible |
afk | away from keyboard |
atm | At the moment |
bb | bye bye |
brb | be right back |
btw | by the way |
of | see ya |
dnd | do not disturb |
eod | end of discussion |
f2f | face to face |
fyi | for your information |
gn | good night |
gratz | congratulations |
hf | have fun |
idk | i don`t know |
irl | in real life |
jk | just kidding |
kk | okay |
lol | laughing out loud |
mom | moment |
N8 | night |
noob | newbie |
e.g | no problem |
omg | Oh my god |
pls / plz | please |
rofl | rolling over the floor laughing |
rly? | really? |
sry | sorry |
thx | thanks |
we | weekend |
wb | welcome back |
wtf | what the fuck? |
xoxo | kisses and hugs |