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An overview of the most important social media marketing
When we think about social media marketing, we immediately think of
various abbreviations that are often mentioned in everyday social media
marketing. However, there are also some social media abbreviations that
are not so common. In this article we give an overview of the
abbreviations used, which are often used in social media marketing.
A list of acronyms used in social media marketing:
· SEM = Search Engine Marketing or Search Engine Marketing
- In online marketing, search engine marketing refers to
measures to attract new visitors via search engines. There are
search engine advertising (SEA) or search engine optimization
(SEO) measures. It makes sense to combine both measures, since
search engine advertising (SEA) takes effect directly and
immediately generates visitors. For the long-term online
marketing strategy, it is advisable to start SEO measures at the
same time, as these take some time to take effect.
· SEA - Search Engine Advertising or Search Engine
- SEA (search engine advertising) is generally understood to
mean the display of advertisements in search engine queries,
sponsored links (sponsored links) or in advertising networks. It
is advisable to contact an SEA agency specializing in search
engine advertising.
· SEO = Search Engine Optimization
- With SEO (Search Engine Optimization - in German search
engine optimization) one tries to positively influence the
organic search results. With a long-term strategy, the quality
of the website will be gradually improved. SEO should always be
planned as a long-term strategy. If you are looking for an SEO
company, you can find more information about our services as an
SEO company here --> Klartext Media • SEO company in the greater
Karlsruhe area
· SERP = Search Engine Results Page
- This is the order of the search results of a search
engine. The search engine operators, for example Google, try to
provide the searcher with the best possible results for his
search query. The aim of SEO is to increase the readability of
the search engines on one's own homepage through SEO measures
and to place the website as far as possible among the first
results. Search engine advertising (SEA) makes it possible to
place paid ads above the search results and thereby increase
your own presence. As a rule, an SEO agency is commissioned for
this, which specializes in the implementation of the various
online marketing options and works out the optimal marketing mix
for the respective product or service.
· SM = Social Media
- Social media refers to the various social networks
(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn...) that enable users to
connect digitally with each other.
· SMM = Social Media Marketing
- This is an important component in the overall mix of the
online marketing strategy. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
implements activities that increase brand awareness through
various social media marketing strategies. This creates brand
loyalty and customer loyalty. This helps social media marketing
to sell the advertiser's products and services. There are also
the possibilities of social media marketing b2b or b2c. As a
rule, it is advisable to commission a social media marketing
agency with the development, implementation and control of
social media marketing activities.
· WOM = Word of Mouth
- The verbal recommendation, also known colloquially as word
of mouth. Probably the most valuable form of advertising when
your product or service is personally recommended. Social media
marketing takes this up and implements it digitally in social
media. Word of mouth marketing aims for someone who has had a
positive experience with a product or service to share it on
social media and a viral campaign can develop. Basically, it
should be noted that negative experiences spread faster than
positive ones.
· SMO = Social Media Optimization
- The optimization of websites so that they are more easily
included in social media services.
· SMP = Social Media Platform
- This means a service that makes it possible to connect users
with one another.
· UX = User Experience
- The user experience describes the impressions that a visitor
makes with a website.
· API = Application Programing Interface
- An interface that allows different software systems to be
linked together. This enables data exchange and data can be
transferred from one application to the other and processed
· B2B = Business to Business
- This means that the targeted customer base comes from the
business area.
· B2C = Business to Consumer
- The product or service is mainly conveyed to private or end
· CMGR = Community Manager
- The (social media) community manager oversees and monitors
the activities within the various social media channels and
forums. The CMGR is the interface in communication between
companies and fans or consumers of the brand or company.
· CPC = Cost Per Click
- Describes the final price that a click on the respective ad
or advertising measure costs.
· CTA = Call To Action
- Is the point on a web page or advertisement that prompts the
viewer to take an action. On websites, it's often the button
that prompts you to take the desired action. (Example: A button
with the note "Make contact")
· CTR = Click-Through Rate
- Describes the relationship between the impressions of an
advertisement that were shown and the actual clicks that were
carried out. For example, if an ad was shown 1000 times and
clicked 50 times, the click rate is 5%.
· CX = Customer Experience - What experiences the customers
have with the company or the website.
- ESP = Email Service Provider - This is a provider that
focuses on the automatic sending of emails.
· GA = Google Analytics.
- Tracking, diagnosis and evaluation tool made freely
available by Google, which offers the evaluation of user flow
and behavior.
· FB = Facebook
- The largest social media network.
- DM = Direct Message - Stands for a direct message from one
user to another.
· IG = Instagram
- Is a social media network where users can share their
· ISP = Internet Service Provider
- Is a company that describes services related to the
· KPI = Key Performance Indicator
- The KPI describes the performance of a company's activities.
· LI = LinkedIn
- LinkedIn is a social media platform for maintaining business
· PPC = Pay Per Click
- Also often mentioned as a synonym for cost per click. In
technical jargon, as described above, CPC means that it is the
actual price per click, while pay per click describes the
process itself.
· PV = Pageviews
- Indicates how often a page was accessed or viewed.
· ROI = Return on Investment
- Describes the point at which the capital employed, for
example for an advertising measure, pays off. So, the point at
which the invested capital was recovered.
· RT = Retweet
- The retweet is a forwarded tweet from the short message
service Twitter.
· RTD = Real-Time Data
- This is the data that is processed in real time, so to
speak, directly after it has been entered.
· SaaS = Software as a Service
- Software as a Service means that the software used by the
customer is made available online by a service provider.
4 Letters