Social media abbreviations such as BRB, ASAP, BTW, CYA and many others have long been part of a language that one encounters on a daily basis. What do you mean with that?
In the social media age, we keep encountering abbreviations that are simply part of everyday digital life.
For example, the terms DAU, ASAP, BTW, OMG and many others have also long been part of a language that can be found daily on Twitter, among other things. But even on Facebook, these abbreviations appear not only in the chat.
What does that actually mean? First of all: There are many more abbreviations than those listed in the infographic below. But do you really have to know all the abbreviations?
"Dumbest Probable User"
User with no basic knowledge or computer skills who commits serious
thinking and application errors that appear idiotic and potentially
funny to the savvy.
"As Soon As Possible"
"As Far As I Know"
"Away From Keyboard"
"Be Right Back" - "I'll be right back"
BTW – „By The Way“ – „Übrigens“
„See Ya“ / „See You Again“ / „See You All“ – „bis später“
"For your information"
"In My Opinion" - "In My Opinion"
Just Kidding
"Not safe/suitable for work" - "Not safe for the workplace" or "Unsuitable for use at the workplace", for example when passing on hyperlinks
"Oh My God" / "Oh My Goodness"
"Welcome Back"
„See Ya“ / „See You Again“ / „See You All“ – „bis später“
API = Application Programing Interface
B2B = Business to Business
B2C = Business to Consumer
CMGR = Community Manager
CPC = Cost Per Click
CTA = Call To Action
CTR = Click-Through Rate
CX= Customer Experience
ESP = Email Service Provider
G+ = Google Plus
GA = Google Analytics
FB = Facebook
FTW = For the win!
DM = Direct Message
IG = Instagram
ISP = Internet Service Provider
KPI = Key Performance Indicator
LI = LinkedIn
P2P = Person to Person
PPC = Pay Per Click
PV = Pageviews
ROI = Return on Investment
RSS = Really Simple Syndication
RT = Retweet
RTD = Real-Time Data
SaaS = Software as a Service
SEM = Search Engine Marketing
SEO = Search Engine Optimization
SERP = Search Engine Results Page
SM = Social Media
SMB = Small Business
SMM = Social Media Marketing
SMO = Social Media Optimization
SMP = Social Media Platform
SOV = Share of Voice
TOS = Terms of Service
UGC = User Generated Content
UV = Unique Visitor
UX = User Experience
WOM = Word of Mouth
What social media abbreviations are you absolutely stumped with?