Abbreviation for Nottingham, United Kingdom


In central England, Nottingham will forever be associated with Robin Hood and his men, and, jokingly, this merry road robber has left his permanent mark on the city, with a myriad of pubs, hotels and shops named Robin, Friar Tuck, Little John or Locksley.

But Nottingham is also a bustling city in rapid development. Since 1284, Nottingham has organized its annual Goose Fair, a fairground, fairgrounds and craft bazaars, and at Newark, north of downtown, Europe’s largest antique fair is held six times a year.

Nottingham has a very nice historical center dating back to the 1300s, with cobbled pedestrian streets and England’s oldest existing pub. From Nottingham it is also not far to Manchester or Liverpool which should interest those who are going on a football trip.

Nottingham and Acronyms

City Profile

  • Abbreviation: NG
  • Country: United Kingdom

Nottingham Facts

NOTTINGHAM – largest city in the East Midlands region of England.


Around 290000.

Official languages


Control Form



Protestant (50%), Catholic (12%).

Time Difference

England is an hour after Norway.


English pounds, equivalent to around £ 10 as of August 2008. ATMs can be found in many places in the city center, and the use of credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and Diners is very widespread.


It is normal to give 5-10% on dining and taxi if you are satisfied. Otherwise, you are not expected to give tips.


The Norwegian Embassy in England is located at 25 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8QD. Tel: +44 20 7591 5500.


Old Market Square






240v 50Hz. You need an adapter for the UK 3-pin outlet, and these are normally available in stores.

Holidays and Holidays

January 1st, first Monday in May, last Monday in August.


Not required for Norwegian citizens.


No vaccines are required.


Can be easily drunk from the tap.

Nearest major cities

Derby, Leicester, Sheffield.


Nottingham is considered among the worst cities in England regarding the number of killings, burglaries and car thefts, but the violence rarely strikes casual tourists. The level of preparedness in England has been raised following several terrorist attacks and bomb threats in recent years. Also pay attention to pickpockets in crowds.

NG: Nottingham

List of Nottingham Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Nottingham is NG which stands for Nottingham. In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Nottingham, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

Abbreviation Meanings
BEGIN Basic Educational Guidance in Nottingham
CANN Climate Action Network Nottinghamshire
CSNL Computer Software Nottingham Limited
FAUN Finding Aids at the University of Nottingham
GNHHS Greater Nottingham Healthy Housing Service
HGN Healthy Gay Nottingham
LND Leicester Nottingham and Derby
NCN New College Nottingham
NG Nottingham
NAIL Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill
NADT Nottingham Alcohol and Drug Team
NAFA Nottingham Anti-Fascist Alliance
NASC Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre
NAAN Nottingham Area Artists Network
NCJP Nottingham Community Justice Project
NEAP Nottingham Early Assessment Package
NEMA Nottingham East Midlands Airport
NES Nottingham Emmanuel School
NET Nottingham Express Transit
NFFC Nottingham Forest Football Club
NFFF Nottingham Forest Football Fans
NHP Nottingham Health Profile
NHS Nottingham High School
NKN Nottingham Knowledge Network
NLC Nottingham Language Centre
NPCRP Nottingham Primary Care Research Partnership
NRCS Nottingham Radio Control Society
NTIC Nottingham Trent International College
NTU Nottingham Trent University
NUBS Nottingham University Business School
NUGC Nottingham University Gliding Club
NUH Nottingham University Hospitals
NUNC Nottingham University Ningbo China
NURTURE Nottingham University Research and Treatment Unit in Reproduction
NAVO Nottinghamshire Association of Voluntary Organisations
NBLS Nottinghamshire Bobbin Lace Society
NCBA Nottinghamshire Contract Bridge Association
NCCC Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club
NCRO Nottinghamshire County Record Office
NFTL Nottinghamshire Federation of Toy Libraries
NICC Nottinghamshire International Clothing Centre
NNGP Nottinghamshire NHS General Practitioners
NSL Nottinghamshire Senior League
NS4LP Nottinghamshire Skills for Life Partnership
OCPN One City Partnership Nottingham
SNIN Social Need in Nottinghamshire
SNCL South Nottinghamshire Cricket League
TNC The Nottingham Company
TNTU The Nottingham Trent University
UON University of Nottingham
URN University Radio Nottingham
WNPC West Nottingham Presbyterian Church
WNT West Nottingham Township