Economics Abbreviations


What is Economy?

Economics is a science that studies the processes of production, distribution, accumulation and consumption of material goods. It’s the containment or moderation in spending, it’s a savings.

In the figurative sense, economy means control to avoid waste in any service or activity.

The word “economy” derives from the junction of the Greek terms “ oikos ” (house) and “ nomos ” (custom, law) resulting in “rules or administration of the house, the home”.

The concept of economy encompasses the notion of how societies use resources to produce valuable goods and the way in which these goods are distributed among individuals.

Scarcity of resources suggests the idea that material resources are limited and that it is not possible to produce an infinite amount of goods, given that human wants and needs are unlimited and insatiable.

Based on this principle, economics observes human behavior as a result of the relationship between human needs and the resources available to satisfy those needs.

Economic science tries to explain the functioning of economic systems and the relationships with economic agents (companies or individuals), reflecting on existing problems and proposing solutions.

The investigation of the main economic problems and decision-making are based on four fundamental questions about production: “What to produce?”, “When to produce?”, “How much to produce?”, “For whom to produce?”.

Microeconomics and macroeconomics are the two major branches of economics. Microeconomics studies the various forms of behavior in the individual choices of economic agents, while macroeconomics analyzes microeconomic processes by looking at an economy as a whole.

Market economy

Market economy is an economic system in which organizations (banks, companies, etc.) can act with little interference from the state. It is the proper system of capitalism.

Subsistence economy

It is an economic system based on the production of goods exclusively necessary for basic, immediate consumption. Where there is no surplus in production, nor an economic relationship with other producing markets.

What is Microeconomics?

Microeconomics is the study of individual and particular economic behavior, ignoring the overall economy, but focusing only on specific markets and the actions of producers and consumers.

Also known as the Theory of Prices, this is the part of Economic Sciences that studies the phenomenon of price formation for consumer goods and services, as well as production factors, from the analysis of specific markets and the behavior of units of consumption (individuals, families, etc.).

In order to be able to explain how the final prices of products are generated, microeconomics is based on some principles, with “supply and demand” being one of the main ones.

Based on the Principle of Rationality – every producing agent will seek to maximize its profits – it is concluded that the greater the demand for a certain product, for example, the higher its price may be. On the other hand, if supply exceeds demand, then theoretically the value of the respective product tends to decrease.

Individual demand is understood as the amount of a given consumer good and/or service that the consumer would be willing to consume within a certain period of time. However, it is noteworthy that in this case the demand is interpreted as the “desire for consumption” and not its actual fulfillment.

To study the variations between supply and demand, microeconomics is based on three main theories:

  • Consumer Theory:analyzes consumer preferences, choices, limitations in relation to values, and determines the market demand for a particular product/service.
  • Company / Firm Theory:studies the economic structuring of companies that aim to produce for consumers, taking into account market demand. The offer of products is now adjusted according to the number of consumers who are willing to consume the product/service.
  • Production Theory:consists of the study of the transformation of raw materials into final consumer goods of companies. It also determines the costs of firms during this process and which, consequently, will reflect on the volume of supply and price of the final product.

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics is a branch of Economic Sciences that studies the economy in a broad sense, analyzing the global economic aspects of a society or nation, disregarding the particularities of its members (individuals).

Microeconomics, as seen, is an area of study that addresses the opposite of macroeconomics, as it aims to analyze particular and individual economic behavior, focusing mainly on producers and consumers within a specific market.

Economics Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Economics

ACSEF Aberdeen City and Shire Economic Future
AEEDO Aboriginal Economic and Employment Development Officer
AEH Abstracts in Economic History
AWPE Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics
ADCED Abu Dhabi Council for Economic Development
ANCE Academia Nacional de Ciencias Económica
AERA Accelerating Economic Recovery in Asia
AEDO Accredited Economic Development Organization
AE Acquisition Economics
ACRE Action Committee on Rural Economy
ACE Action for Cooperation in Economics
AER Action for Economic Reforms
AEDC Adirondack Economic Development Corporation
CADED Administrative Council for Economic Defense
CADE Administrative Council for Economic Defense
ADFE Advanced Diploma in Finance and Economics
ALEF Advanced Laboratory Economics and Finance
ECONIT Advisory Group on Economic Industry and Trade
ACSOR Afghan Center for Socio-economic and Opinion Research
ACEG African Centre for Economic Growth
AEC African Economic Community
AEEN African Economic Editors Network
AEO African Economic Outlook
AERC African Economic Research Consortium
IDEP African Institute for Economic Development and Planning
AKFED Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development
AESD Agency for Economy and Space Development
ACE Agent-based Computational Economics
ACE Agricultural and Consumer Economics
AREC Agricultural and Resource Economics
ARE Agricultural and Resource Economics
AER Agricultural Economics Research
AERI Agricultural Economics Research Institute
AESE Agricultural Economics Society of Ethiopia
AEDE Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
AFRE Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics
AAE Agriculture and Applied Economics
AED Agriculture Economic Development
AFHE Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics
AE Akademia Economiczna
ADECA Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
ADCED Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development
AEDA Alberta Economic Development Authority
AJWC-EDC Alice Jim Wells County Economic Development Corp.
AHEDA Alleghany-Highlands Economic Development Authority
AEJB Alliance for Economic Justice, Bangladesh
AAEFE American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts
AAEA American Agricultural Economics Association
ACAES American Committee on Asian Economic Studies
ACEEE American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
AEA American Economic Association
AEDC American Economic Development Council
AEH American Economic History
AER American Economic Review
AHEOA American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act
AIEDF American Indian Economic Development Fund
AIER American Institute for Economic Research
AIA American International Association for Economic and Social Development
ALEA American Law and Economics Association
AREUEA American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association
AREA American Rehabilitation and Economics Association
AWED American Women Economic Development
AWARE Americans Well-informed on Automobile Retailing Economics
AAE Amsterdam Aviation Economics
ACLE Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics
AEDC Anchorage Economic Development Corporation
ACEDA Anderson County Economic Development Association
ABCDE Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics
AMEE Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics
AEPP Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
AEP Applied Economic Policy
AEM Applied Economics and Management
AEM-2 Applied Economics and Management
AERI Applied Economics Research Institute
AFE Applied Financial Economics
AIE Applied Information Economics
AESCS Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems
AEU Appropriate Economic Unit
ASEZA Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority
ACCESS Arab Community Center for Economic & Social Services
AFESD Arab Fund for Economic & Social Development
ASBE Argyros School of Business and Economics
AAED Arizona Association for Economic Development
ACEE Arizona Council on Economic Education
AEDC Arizona Economic Data Center
ADED Arkansas Department of Economic Development
AED Arkansas Economic Developers
AEDC Arkansas Economic Development Commission
AIEM Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Management
AEDA Arvada Economic Development Association
AEC ASEAN Economic Community
AIELTF ASEAN -India Economic Linkages Task Force
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Conference
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Council
ACES Asian Commerce and Economics Studies Centre
ACFEA Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association
AEC Asian Economic Community
AEJ Asian Economic Journal
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
ADES Asociacion de Desarrollo Economico Social
APROSAPSE Asociación de Promotores Socio-Economicos de San Martín Jilotepque
AIDES Asociación Indígena de Desarollo Economico y Social
AEVA Asset Economic Value Added
ACEI Association for Cultural Economics International
AHE Association for Heterodox Economics
AIESEC Association for the International Exchange of Students in Economics and Commerce
ASREC Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture
ASCE Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy
ADEPT Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport
AIME Association of Industrial Management and Economics
APEC Atlantic Provinces Economic Council
AREDS Auckland Regional Economic Development Strategy
APED Audubon Partnership for Economic Development
ANZCERTA Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement
AARES Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
ABARE Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
ACORE Australian Centre of Regulatory Economics
AEHR Australian Economic History Review
AEI Australian Economic Indicators
AEP Australian Economic Papers
AHES Australian Health Economics Society
AJARE Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
ASKE Australian Society on Knowledge Economics
ANZCER Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations agreement
AEO Authorised Economic Operator
AEA Automation Economic Analysis
ASAE Autoridade de Seguranca Alimentar E Economica
AFE Average Fuel Economy
ACEMES Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy
BIE Bachelor in Economics
BBE Bachelor of Business Economics
BEC Bachelor of Economics
BHE Bachelor of Home Economics
BLE Bachelor of Land Economy
BSEC Bachelor of Science in Economics
BSE Bachelor of Science in Economics
BCEA Baldwin County Economic Alliance
BICEPS Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies
BJE Baltic Journal of Economics
BCIE Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica
BIE Banco de Informacion Economica
BNDES Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social
BCEA Barry County Economic Alliance
BET Basic Economic Test
BAEF Bay Area Economic Forum
BAHEP Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership
BEDC Bay Economic Development Corporation
BIMSTEC Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral, Technical and Economic Cooperation
BEOF Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation
BCCED Beaver County Corporation for Economic Development
BRACE Behavioral Relativity and Cognitive Economics
BSEU Belarus State Economic University
BWEDC Bellingham Whatcom Economic Development Council
BEU Benelux Economic Union
BERA Berkeley Economic Research Associates
BRIE Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy
BATEA Best Available Technology Economic Analysis
BATEA Best Available Technology Economically Achievable
BER Beyond Economical Repair
BMLIE Big Mogambo Lesson in Economics
BSEDC Big Sky Economic Development Corporation
BER Bilateral Economic Relations
BEIC Birmingham Economic Information Centre
BAFE Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economy
BEE Black Economic Empowerment
BEEAC Black Economic Empowerment Advisory Council
BEE Black Economic Empowerment Group
BERCER Black Economic Research Center
BSEC Black Sea Economic Cooperation
BSECC Black Sea Economic Cooperation Council
BCE Board of Control and Economy
BED Board of Economic Development
BEW Board of Economic Warfare
BHEI Boston Health Economics, Inc.
BREB Bounded Rationality in Economic Behaviour Unit
BCEA Branch Classification of Economic Activity
BCEA British Columbia Economic Accounts
BIEE British Institute of Energy Economics
BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment
BAME Brookfield Academy Mini Economy
BEAST Brookings Economics and Statistical Translator
BPEA Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
BEC Brown Economic Consulting Inc
BEDI Brownfields Economic Development Initiative
BEDC Brownsville Economic Development Council
BEDB Brunei Economic Development Board
BUTE Budapest University of Technology and Economics
BERCER Buffalo Economic Renaissance Corporation
BEES Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability
BEBC Bukhara Economics and Bank College
BEF Bulgaria Economic Forum
BEPA Bureau for Economic Policy and Analysis
BIEC Bureau for Investments and Economic Cycles
BREAD Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development
BBER Bureau of Business and Economic Research
BEA Bureau of Economic Advisors
BEA Bureau of Economic Affairs
BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis
BEARFACTS Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Fact Sheets
BEGINING Bureau of Economic Geology
BEG Bureau of Economic Geology
EEB Bureau of Economic, Energy, and Business Affairs
BIE Bureau of Industry Economics
BOPED Bureau of Planning and Economic Development
BTE Bureau of Transport Economics
BEW Burma Economic Watch
BED Business and Economic Development
BEDC Business and Economic Development Commission
BERCER Business and Economic Research Center
BERT Business and Economic Response Team
BEJ Business and Economics Journal
BESI Business and Economics Society International
BEC Business Economics
BEPP Business Economics and Public Policy
BEEF Business Economics Education Foundation
BREA Business Research and Economic Advisors
BAE Business, Accounting and Economics
BECD Business, Economic and Community Development
BEACON Business, Economic, and Community Outreach Network
BEL Business, Economics and Law
BGIE Business, Government and the International Economy
CCEA Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
CAGES Cage Aquaculture for Greater Economic Security
CEF Caixa Economica Federal
CED Calgary Economic Development
CCEE California Council on Economic Education
CEDP California Economic Development Partnership
CEDSP California Economic Development Strategic Plan
CEDAR California Economic Diversification and Revitalization
CREDIT Cambodia Rural Economic Development Initiatives for Transformation
CED Campaign for Economic Democracy
CEO Campus Economic Organization
CED Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
CAES Canadian Agricultural Economics Society
CECD Canadian Based Economic Development Board
CCORE Canadian Cardiovascular Outcomes Related to Economics
CEDC Canadian Economic Development Corporation
CEHB Canadian Economic History Bibliography
CEHS Canadian Economic History Society
CEA Canadian Economics Association
CEEC Canadian European Economic Council
CHERA Canadian Health Economics Research Association
CHEA Canadian Home Economics Association
CHEJ Canadian Home Economics Journal
CAJE Canadian Journal of Economics
CLEA Canadian Law & Economics Association
CREE Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Study Group
CUTHE Canadian University Teachers of Home Economics
CREDC Capital Region Economic Development Corporation
CAES Caribbean Agro-Economic Society
CBERA Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
CPEC Caribbean Programme for Economic Competitiveness
CSME Caribbean Single Market and Economy
CSME CARICOM Single Market and Economy
CSE Center for a Sustainable Economy
CAES Center for Agricultural Economic Studies
CASER Center for Agro-Socioeconomic Research
CBEST Center for Border Economic Studies
CBEA Center for Business and Economic Analysis
CBED Center for Business and Economic Development
CBER Center for Business and Economic Research
CCER Center for Community Economic Research
CCSCE Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy
CEBA Center for Economic and Business Analysis
CECD Center for Economic and Community Development
CECO Center for Economic and Community Outreach
CEEP Center for Economic and Environmental Partnership, Inc.
CEFRS Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies
CEIR Center for Economic and Industry Research, LLC
CEPR Center for Economic and Policy Research
CESI Center for Economic and Social Inclusion
CESI Center for Economic and Social Information
CESR Center for Economic and Social Rights
CEC Center for Economic Conversion
CEDI Center for Economic Deregulation and Innovation
CED Center for Economic Development
CEDAR Center for Economic Development and Applied Research
CEDBR Center for Economic Development and Business Research
CEDCE Center for Economic Development and Continuing Education
CEDRA Center for Economic Development Research and Assistance
CEE Center for Economic Education
CEFA Center for Economic Forecasting and Analysis
CEG Center for Economic Growth
CEJ Center for Economic Justice
CEP Center for Economic Progress
CERRA Center for Economic Research on Retirement and Ageing
CEPPS Center for Economics and Public Policy Studies
CEREB Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Sciences
CEPES Center for Environmental Policy, Economics and Science
CESEP Center for Environmentally Sustainable Economic Policy
CEER Center for European Economic Research
CGBE Center for Global Business and the Economy
CHQOER Center for Health Quality, Outcomes & Economic Research
CHEER Center for Health, Education and Economic Research
CHANCE Center for Housing and New Community Economics
CHEDS Center for Human and Economic Development Studies
CIED Center for Innovation and Economic Development
CIDER Center for International and Development Economics Research
CIPER Center for International and Political Economy Research
CIBER Center for International Business and Economic Research
CIE Center for International Economics
CJAED Center for Jewish Arab Economic Development
CMER Center for Management and Economic Research
CMIE Center for Management in the Information Economy
CPR Center for Pharmacoeconomic Research
CPE Center for Popular Economics
CREA Center for Regional Economic Analysis
CEREC Center for Research in Economics
CRED Center for Research on Economic Development
CRE Center for Resource Economics
CREATE Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events
CASE Center for Social and Economic Research
CSER Center for Stabilization and Economic Reconstruction
CCEW Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth
CESR Center for the Economic Study of Religion
CSIER Center for the Study of International Economic Relations
CLEO Center in Law, Economics and Organization
CAREC Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation
CAEC Central Asian Economic Community
CAUSE Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy
CCEDO Central Coast Economic Development Organisation
CCNE Central Council of the National Economy
CEC Central Economic Committee
CEIB Central Economic Intelligence Bureau
CEP Central Economic Plan
CMEDA Central Massachusetts Economic Development Authority
CAER Centre for Applied Economic Research
CEDEX Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics
CELA Centre for Economic & Libertarian Affairs
ECON Centre for Economic Analysis
CEDA Centre for Economic Development and Administration
CEF Centre for Economic Forecasting
CEPR Centre for Economic Policy Research
CERT Centre for Economic Reform and Transformation
CESP Centre for Economic Studies and Planning
CEBR Centre for Economics and Business Research Ltd
CEPE Centre for Energy Policy and Economics
CESEP Centre for European Social and Economic Policy
CFECC Centre for Fighting Economic Crime and Corruption
CGPE Centre for Global Political Economy
CHE Centre for Health Economics
CHERE Centre for Health Economics Research Evaluation
CITE Centre for Ideas and the Economy
CIRCLE Centre for Innovation Research and Competence in the Learning Economy
CIIER Centre for Innovative Industries Economic Research
CIRET Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency
CLED Centre for Local Economic Development
CLES Centre for Local Economic Strategies
CMIE Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy
CREDIT Centre for Research in Economic Development and International Trade
CREEF Centre for Research in European Economics and Finance
CER Centre for Research on Economic Relationships
CSEF Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance
CEMARE Centre for the Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources
CTEI Centre for Trade and Economic Integration
CEBR Centre of Economics and Business Research
CENDEC Centro de Capacitación para el Desarrollo Económico
CERES Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Economica y Social
CEES Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales
CEDE Centro de Estudios sobre Desarrollo Economico
FIE Centro de Fomento a Iniciativas Economicas
CIEN Centro de Investigacion Economica Nacional
CIDE Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica
CIDSE Centro de Investigaciones y Documentacion Socioeconomica
CECD Certified Economic Developer
CEDT Certified Economic Developer Trainer
CEMI Chair of Economics and Management of Innovation
CEREC Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics
CHEA Chartered Economic Analyst
CAEDC Cherokee Area Economic Development Corporation
CED Chesapeake Economic Development
CEDA Chesterfield Economic Development Authority
CCER China Center for Economic Research
CENS China Economic News Service
CEQ China Economic Quarterly
CERAP China Economic Research and Advisory Programme
CER China Economic Review
CNCPEC China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation
CTEI China Textile Economic Information
CE Chinese Economy
SETC Chinese State Economic and Trade Commission
CEAF Christian Economic Assistance Foundation
CEDI Christian Economic Development Institute
CEDA Churchill Economic Development Authority
CSE Citizens for a Sound Economy
CEEB Citizens for Economic and Environmental Balance
CTJ Citizens for Tax Justice/Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
CENTS Civil, Economic, Natural, Technological, & Subsequent
CIEDA Claremore Industrial and Economic Development Authority
CBNE Classification of Branches of the National Economy
CCEDO Clay County Economic Development Organization
CEO Clinical and Economic Outcomes
CEP Closer Economic Partnership
CEPA Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
CER Closer Economic Relations
COADEC Coalition for a Digital Economy
CEJ Coalition for Economic Justice
CES Coalition for Economic Survival
CERES Coalition for Economically Responsible Economies
CPEC Coalition for the Prevention of Economic Crime
CODE Collaborative Ownership and the Digital Economy
COBE College of Business and Economics
CBE College of Business and Economics
CBEA College of Business Economics and Accountancy
CCE College of Commerce and Economics
CDEM College of Development Economics and Management
CEMETERY College of Economics and Management
CEM College of Economics and Management
CHE College of Home Economics
CEDAP Colonia Economically Distressed Areas Program
CCEE Colorado Council on Economic Education
CEDIS Colorado Economic Demographic Information System
CREDC Columbia River Economic Development Council
CLEDA Columbus-Lowndes Economic Development Association
CEPAL Comision Economica Para America Latina y el Caribe
CEPE Comisión Económica Para Europa
CAE Comissão de Assuntos Econômicos
CES Comitato Economico e Sociale
CIPE Comitato Interministeriale per la Programmazione Economica
ECOS Commission for Economic and Social Policy
COE Commission on Economic Opportunity
CHEE Commission on Higher Education and the Economy
CMH Commission on Macroeconomics and Health
CED Committee for Economic Development
CESCR Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
COMER Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform
CESF Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty
CED Commodity Economics Division
CES Common Economic Space
CLEG Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics and Government
CEDC Community and Economic Development Committee
CCER Community Choices for Economic Renewal
CEWC Community College Economic Welfare Committee
CCEE Community College Economics Educators
CEBA Community Economic Betterment Account
CED Community Economic Development
CEDEC Community Economic Development and Employability Committee
CEDA Community Economic Development Association
CEDAM Community Economic Development Association of Michigan
CEDM Community Economic Development Model
CEDP Community Economic Development Program
CEDSP Community Economic Development Strategic Planning
CEDI Community Economic Diversification Initiative
CERB Community Economic Revitalization Board
CHED Community Health and Economic Development
CLED Community Leadership and Economic Development
COFFEE Community of Faith for Economic Empowerment
CPED Community Planning and Economic Development
CTED Community, Trade and Economic Development
CBED Community-Based Economic Development
CPE Comparative Political Economy
CPEI Comparative Political Economy of Innovation
CEBC Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee
CEDDS Complete Economic and Demographic Data Source
CETA Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
CEDS Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
CEPEA Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia
CEL Computer Economics Limited
CHEER Computers in Higher Education Economics Review
CEE Comunità Economica Europea
CABERNET Concerted Action on Brownfield and Economic Regeneration Network
CAMEF Conference of African Ministers of Economy and Finance
CFEA Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting
CIEC Conference on International Economic Cooperation
COPEC Conference On Political and Economic Planning
CPDES Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics
COPEC Conference on Problems of Economic Change
CTTE Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics
CORE Connected Organizations for a Responsible Economy
CCNE Connecticut Center for a New Economy
CECD Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development
CERC Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc
CEFSA Consejeros Economicos y Financieros SA
CES Consejo Economico y Social
CADED Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Economica
CADE Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica
CEPR Consolidating Economic Policy Reform
CHER Consortium of Household Panels for European Socio-Economic Research
CEBA Contemporary Economics and Business Association
CIDE Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio Econômico
CCPE Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
CPE Contributions to Political Economy
CREDC Conyers Rockdale Economic Development Council
CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy
CED Corporation for Economic Development
CEIR Corporation for Economic Industrial Research
CEA Cost & Economic Analysis
CEAC Cost & Economic Analysis Center
CEA Cost and Economic Assessment
CCER Council for Community and Economic Research
CEMA Council for Economic Mutual Economic Assistance
CEOGC Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland
CEO Council for Economic Outreach
CEPD Council for Economic Planning and Development
CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Aid
COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
COSTEP Council for South Texas Economic Progress
CEA Council of Economic Advisors
CECON Council of Economics Educators
CEP Council on Economic Priorities
CFEP Council on Foreign Economic Policy
CIEP Council on International Economic Policy
CEMETERY Country Economic Memorandum
CEM Country Economic Memorandum
CESCR Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
CREDC Cowichan Region Economic Development Commission
CUE Cracow University of Economics
CIEC Creative and Innovative Economy Center
CPE Critical Political Economy
CEPS Cultural, Economic, Political and Social
CZAEE Czech Association for Energy Economics
DGPE Danish Graduate Programme in Economics
DCEDC Dauphin County Economic Development Corporation
DIPJ Declaração de Informações Econômico-Fiscais da Pessoa Jurídica
DECA Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement
DEAC Defense Economic Analysis Council
DECA Defense Economic Cooperation Agreement
DETA Defense Economic Transition Assistance
DETAS Defense Economic Transition Assistance
DCOED DeKalb County Office of Economic Development
DEDA Delaware Economic Development Authority
DEDO Delaware Economic Development Office
DSE Delhi School of Economics
DIEESE Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Sócio-Econômicos
INEC Department for Infrastructure and Economic Cooperation
DFAEV Department for the Fight Against Economic Violations
DARE Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
DAE Department of Agricultural Economics
DAE Department of Applied Economics
DCEO Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
DCED Department of Community and Economic Development
DEA Department of Economic Affairs
DECD Department of Economic and Community Development
DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs
DED Department of Economic Development
DEO Department of Economic Opportunity
DES Department of Economic Security
DEB Department of Economics and Business
DEIDING Department of Economics and International Development
DES Department of Economics and Statistics
DEED Department of Employment and Economic Development
DFEA Department of Finance and Economic Affairs
DIEES Department of International and European Economic Studies
DIESA Department of International Economic and Social Affairs
DPED Department of Planning and Economic Development
DPE Department of Planning and Economy
DRED Department of Resources and Economic Development
SES Department of Social and Economic Studies
DTEC Department of Technical and Economic Cooperation
DDEP Derby & Derbyshire Economic Partnership
DEEP Design, Economics, Environmental, Planning
DMEC Developed Market-Economy Countries
DEW Developing the Economy from Within
DEPRA Development Economic Policy Reform Analysis
DEWS Development Economic Western Switzerland
DERG Development Economics Research Group
DIIPER Development, Innovation and International Political Economy Research
DEBE Developments in Economics and Business Education
DCLE Dhaka Centre for Law and Economics
DPEF Di Programmazione Economico Finanziaria
DEA Digital Economy Act
DIME Diplomacy, Intelligence, Military, Economics
DIME Diplomatic, Information, Military, and Economic
DCEC Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime
DCEO Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences
DCEA División de Ciencias Económico Administrativas
DESI Division for Economic and Social Information
DECO Division of Economic and Community Outreach
DES Division of Economic Support
DED Doctor of Economic Development
DEC Doctor of Economics
DECON Doctor of Economics
DPES Doctoral Program in Economics and Statistics
DEA Dominant Economic Activities
DREAM Downtown Revitalization and Economic Assistance for Missouri
DREW Drawdown Regional Economic Workgroup
DEDA Duluth Economic Development Authority
DEGREE Dutch Electronic GREy files on Economics
DCEDC Dutchess County Economic Development Corporation
DICE Dynamic Integrated Model of Climate and the Economy
EAEC East African Economic Community
EAEG East Asia Economic Group
EAEC East Asian Economic Caucus
EAEG East Asian Economic Grouping
ECER East Coast Economic Region
ECEDC East County Economic Development Council
EEE Eastern Economic Edition
EMBERS Eastside Movement for Business and Economic Renewal Society
EWEC East-West Economic Corridor
E2 Ecology and Economics Inc
EDEN Ecology, Demography and Economy in Nusantara
ECRS Economic & Contingency Reserve Stock
EIDA Economic & Industrial Development Authority
ESCWA Economic & Social Commission for Western Asia
EAG Economic Action Group
EASI Economic Activity Surprise Index
EAC Economic Adjustment Committee
EAF Economic Adjustment Factor
EAC Economic Advisory Committee
EA Economic Affairs
EAS Economic Affairs Secretariat
EA Economic Analysis
EAP Economic Analysis and Policy
EAA Economic Analysis Application
EAD Economic Analysis Division
EAF Economic Analysis Fundamentals
EAS Economic Analysis Staff
EAU Economic Analysis Unit
EAW Economic Analysis Worksheet
EBAY Economic and Business Affairs
EB Economic and Business Affairs
EBA Economic and Business Analysis
EBD Economic and Business Development
ECRA Economic and Community Revitalization Activity
EDR Economic and Demographic Research
ECOFIN Economic and Financial Committee
EFC Economic and Financial Committee
EFCC Economic and Financial Crime Commission
EFMP Economic and Financial Management Project
EFRD Economic and Financial Research Division
EHD Economic and Human Development
ELMI Economic and Labor Market Information
EMU Economic and Monetary Union
ERDA Economic and Regional Development Agreement
ERAD Economic and Regulatory Analysis Division
ESA Economic and Social Affairs
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESC Economic and Social Committee
ESC Economic and Social Council
ECOSOC Economic and Social Council
ESDB Economic and Social Data Base
ESDS Economic and Social Data Service
ESPD Economic and Social Policy Division
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
ESRF Economic and Social Research Foundation
ESRI Economic and Social Research Institute
ESAU Economic and Statistical Analysis Unit
EVS Economic and Valuation Services
EWD Economic and Workforce Development
EAO Economic Assessment Office
EBR Economic Based Reliability
EBQ Economic Batch Quantity
EBV Economic Book Value
EBAY Economic Botany
EB Economic Botany
EBBD Economic Botany Bibliographic Database
EBB Economic Bulletin Board
ECUADOR Economic Capital
ECONOMICS Economic Capital
EC Economic Capital
ECAP Economic Capital
ECIF Economic Challenge Investment Fund
ECPE Economic Change, Poverty and Environment
ECPC Economic Classification Policy Committee
ECRA Economic Cleanup Responsibility Act
ECA Economic Commission for Africa
ECE Economic Commission for Europe
ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America
ECA Economic Commission for Latin America
ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean
ELAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
ECWAS Economic Commission for Western Asia
ECD Economic Community Development
ECA Economic Community for Africa
ECOCAS Economic Community of Central African States
ECGLC Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries
ECOWA Economic Community of West African States
ECWAS Economic Community of West African States
ECOWAS Economic Community Of West African States
ECOLOGY Economic Competitive Opportunity
ECO Economic Competitive Opportunity
ECOA Economic Competitive Opportunity Analysis
ECPG Economic Competitiveness Policy Group
ECL Economic Conformance Level
ECOS Economic Consequences of Smoking
ECR Economic Continuous Rating
ECIX Economic Conversion Information Exchange
ECA Economic Cooperation Administration
ECA Economic Cooperation Agreement
ECDC Economic Cooperation Among Developing Countries
ECC Economic Cooperation Council
ECF Economic Cooperation Foundation
ECFA Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement
ECOLOGY Economic Cooperation Organization
ECO Economic Cooperation Organization
ECC Economic Coordination Committee
ECON Economic Corporation of Newport
ECID Economic Crime Investigation Department
ECID Economic Crime Investigation Division
ECRI Economic Cycle Research Institute
EDA Economic Decision Analysis
EDAC Economic Defense Advisory Committee
EDB Economic Defense Board
EDIN Economic Democracy Information Network
EDR Economic Demonstrated Resources
EDAA Economic Developers Association of Alberta
EDAC Economic Developers Association of Canada
EDCO Economic Developers Council of Ontario
ED Economic Development
ED-1 Economic Development 1
EDA Economic Development Administration
EDAC Economic Development Advisory Committee
EDANZ Economic Development Agencies of New Zealand
EDEPS Economic Development and Employer Planning System
EDLB Economic Development and Labour Bureau
EDP Economic Development and Planning
EDTV Economic Development and Technology Ventures
EDTC Economic Development and Tourism Corporation
EDTC Economic Development and Training Center
EDAA Economic Development Association of Alabama
EDAM Economic Development Association of Minnesota
EDANZ Economic Development Association of New Zealand
EDA Economic Development Authority
EDBG Economic Development Block Grant
EDB Economic Development Board
EDC Economic Development Commission
EDCD Economic Development Consultants Directory
EDC Economic Development Conveyance
EDCF Economic Development Cooperation Fund
EDCU Economic Development Corp of Utah
EDC Economic Development Corporation
EDCEC Economic Development Corporation of Elkhart County
EDCEC Economic Development Corporation of Erie County
EDCMC Economic Development Corporation of Manitowoc County
EDCO Economic Development Corporation of Oxnard
EDCCD Economic Development Corporation of the City of Dieppe
EDC Economic Development Council
EDCJC Economic Development Council of Jefferson County
EDCM Economic Development Council of Maine
EDCNV Economic Development Council of Northern Vermont
EDDY Economic Development Deal of the Year Award
EDD Economic Development District
EDFA Economic Development Finance Authority
EDFP Economic Development Finance Professional
EDCO Economic Development for Central Oregon
EDFRI Economic Development Foundation of Rhode Island
EDGWC Economic Development Group of Wabash County
EDIT Economic Development Income Tax
EDIC Economic Development Information Center
EDIN Economic Development Information Network
EDI Economic Development Initiative
EDI Economic Development Institute
EDNR Economic Development Natural Resources
EDO Economic Development Officer
EDP Economic Development Partnership
EDPA Economic Development Partnership of Alabama
EDP Economic Development Policy
EDP Economic Development Professional
EDQ Economic Development Quarterly
EDRG Economic Development Research Group
EDRG Economic Development Resource Guide
EDSTP Economic Development Skills Training Program
EDSC Economic Development Standing Committee
EDTF Economic Development Task Force
ENGINEER Economic Development Team
EDT Economic Development Team
EDTF Economic Development Transportation Fund
EDTC Economic Development Tripartite Committee
EDWC Economic Development Washington County
EDWG Economic Development Working Group
EDZ Economic Development Zone
EDTC Economic Development, Tourism and Culture
EDGA Economic Development/Government Affairs
EDL Economic Discard Limit
EDC Economic Dispatch Control
EDL Economic Disposal Limit
EDMI Economic Drought Management Index
EEZ Economic Empowerment Zone
EEA Economic Espionage Act of 1996
EED Economic Evaluation Database
EEE Economic Exchange Event
EFS Economic Farm Surplus
EFC Economic Forecasting Center
EGSA economic gain spatial analysis
EGYPT Economic Geography
EG Economic Geography
EGE Economic Globalization and the Environment
EGTA Economic Governance Technical Assistance
EGPS Economic Group Pension Services
ENGIME Economic Growth and Innovation in Multicultural Environments
EGTRR Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
EGTRRA Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
EGAT Economic Growth and Trade
EGC Economic Growth Center
EGAT Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade
EHD Economic Hardship Deferment
EH Economic History
EHA Economic History Association
EHS Economic History Society
EHM Economic Hit Man
EI Economic Ideas
EIA Economic Impact Assessment
EIFS Economic Impact Forecast System
EISSS Economic Impact Study System
EISS Economic Impact Study System
EIF Economic Improvement Fund
EIP Economic Incentive Program
EIEIO Economic Incentives for Enterprises in Indiana and Ohio
EIS Economic Information System
EIS Economic Information Systems, Incorporated
EIDL Economic Injury Disaster Loans
EIA Economic Integration Agreement
EIIB Economic Intelligence and Investigation Bureau
EIC Economic Intelligence Community
ECOMET Economic Interest Grouping of the National Meteorological Services of the European Economic Area
EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return
EIP Economic Inventory Procedures
EJ Economic Journal
EJN Economic Justice Network
EJP Economic Justice Project
EK Economic Key
ELSE Economic Learning and Social Evolution
LEADER Economic Liberalism and Democratic Action for National Recovery
ELF Economic Limit Factor
ELS Economic Lot Size
EMQ Economic Manufacturing Quality
EMBA Economic Modelling Bureau of Australia
ENUF Economic National Underprivileged Foundation
ENTRY Economic Need Test
ENT Economic Need Test
ENA Economic Net Assets
ENPV Economic Net Present Value
EOW Economic Offence Wing
EOA Economic Opportunities Analysis
EOIS Economic Opportunity and Income Security
EOB Economic Opportunity Board
EOC Economic Opportunity Council
EOI Economic Opportunity Institute
EOZ Economic Oppression Zone
EOQ Economic Order Quantity
EOQBC Economic Order Quantity Buy Computation
EOV Economic Order Van
EOC Economic Outlook Conference
EOC Economic Outpatient Care
EPA Economic Partnership Agreement
EPDC Economic Planning & Development Committee
EPA Economic Planning Agency
EPB Economic Planning Board
EPUS Economic Planning Unit
EPU Economic Planning Unit
EPSC Economic Policy and Summit Coordination
EPTP Economic Policy and Trade Practices
EPC Economic Policy Committee
EPCC Economic Policy Coordination Committee
EPC Economic Policy Council
EPI Economic Policy Institute
EPMAN Economic Policy Management African Network
EPRI Economic Policy Research Institute
EPRN Economic Policy Research Network
EPA Economic Price Adjustment
EPZA Economic Processing Zone Administration
EP Economic Profit
EPTF Economic Projects Trust Fund
EP Economic Prosperity
ERROR Economic Rate of Return
ERR Economic Rate of Return
ERI Economic Reciprocity Initiative
ERAB Economic Recovery Advisory Board
ERAC Economic Recovery and Adjustment Credit
ERMS Economic Recovery and Market System
ERA Economic Recovery Assistance
ERAP Economic Recovery Assistance Program
ERP Economic Recovery Plan
ERTA Economic Recovery Tax Act
ERTA Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981
ERGP Economic Reform and Governance Project
ERGO Economic Reform and Growth Office
ERSAP Economic Reform and Structural Adjustment Programme
ERSP Economic Reforms Support Programme
ERA Economic Regulation Authority
ERA Economic Regulatory Administration
ERA Economic Regulatory Agency
ERD Economic Relations Division
ERQ Economic Repair Quantity
EROP Economic Report of the President
ERAC Economic Research Advisory Committee
ERA Economic Research Analysis
ERDC Economic Research and Development Center
ELSA Economic Research and Financial Analysis
ERTF Economic Research and Training Foundation
ERF Economic Research Forum
ERGER Economic Research Group
ERG Economic Research Group
ERI Economic Research Institute
ERIA Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
ERS Economic Research Service
ERSA Economic Research Southern Africa
ERI Economic Residual Income
ERIS Economic Resource Impact Statement
ERB Economic Resources Board
ERROR Economic Retention Requirement
ERR Economic Retention Requirement
ERS Economic Retention Stock
ERC Economic Review Committee
ERTF Economic Revitalization Task Force
ERDS Economic Rural Development Society
ESG Economic Scenario Generator
ESC Economic Security Corporation
ESP Economic Security Project
ESR Economic Self-Reliance
ESS Economic Self-Sufficiency Services
ESL Economic Service Life
ESB Economic Services Bureau
ESD Economic Services Division
ES Economic Severity
ESPANOL Economic Severity
ESBWR Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor
ESSA Economic Society of South Africa
ESSI Economic Software Systems International
ESBR Economic Statistics Briefing Room
ESA Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
ESI Economic Strategy Institute
ESI Economic Stress Index
ESAP Economic Structural Adjustment Program
ESF Economic Support Fund
ESS Economic Support Specialist
ETL Economic Threshold Level
ET Economic Times
ETE Economic Transformation in Europe
ETI Economic Trends and Issues
EUL Economic Useful Life
EVA Economic Value Added
EVI Economic Value Increase
EVM Economic Value Management
EVE Economic Value of Equity
EVS Economic Value Sourced
EZ Economic Zone
EZS Economic Zone
EZW Economic Zones World
EZWS Economic Zones World
ECHO Economic, Clinical and Humanistic Outcomes
ELPSA Economic, Legal, and Political Systems in Action
ESCR Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
ETO Economic, Technical or Organisational
ETI Economical and Technological Intelligence
EAP Economically Active Population
ECUADOR Economically Disadvantaged
ECONOMICS Economically Disadvantaged
EC Economically Disadvantaged
EDA Economically Disadvantaged Area
ELDC Economically Less Developed Country
EMDC Economically More Developed Country
EMA Economically Motivated Adulteration
ETI Economically Targeted Investment
EWS Economically Weaker Section
ECUADOR Economics
EC Economics
ECOLOGY Economics
ECON Economics
ECN Economics
ECO Economics
EBA Economics & Business Administration
EBEA Economics & Business Education Association
ETI Economics & Technology Incorporated
EAWP Economics Analysis Working Papers
ECB Economics and Business
ECBA Economics and Business Administration
EBC Economics and Business Cluster
ECSS Economics and Commerce Student Society
EDS Economics and Decision Sciences
EIBR Economics and International Business Research Conference
ENGINEER Economics and Management
EM Economics and Management
EMS Economics and Management Science
EPA Economics and Public Affairs
ESA Economics and Statistics Administration
ETD Economics and Technology Division
ETB Economics and Trade Branch
EDP Economics Discussion Paper Series
EGO Economics Graduate Organization
EGSA Economics Graduate Student Association
EOA Economics of Aging
EGBS Economics of Global Business
EGB Economics of Global Business
EINT Economics of Innovation and New Technology
EOU Economics of One Unit
ESC Economics of Software and Computation
ERA Economics Research Associates
ERC Economics Research Center
ERC Economics Research Centre
ESC Economics Society of Calgary
ESA Economics Student Association
EWC Economics Working Group
EBEA Economics, Business and Enterpise Association
EFCE Economics, Finance and Cost Engineering
EFM Economics, Finance and Marketing
EFA Economics, Finance, Accounting
ESI Economics, Statistics and Informatics
ECE Economische Commissie voor Europa (Dutch: Economic Commission for Europe)
Y Economy
EC Economy
ECON Economy
EAO Economy Act Order
ENGINEER Economy and Management
EM Economy and Management
EBF Economy Business Finance
ECAR Economy Car
CONTROL Economy Class
COMPUTE Economy Class
COLLEGE Economy Class
CATEGORY Economy Class
COMBINED Economy Class
CHARLIE Economy Class
C Economy Class
ECS Economy Class Syndrome
EFCO Economy Forms Company
EOC Economy of Communion
EOM Economy of Movement
EPHS Economy Plumbing and Heating Supply
EET Economy, Energy & Tourism Committee
ECEJ Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice
EEDA Edmond Economic Development Authority
EED Education and Economic Development
EEDA Education and Economic Development Act
EEDS Education and Economic Development Society
EOE Educational Object Economy
ECES Egyptian Center for Economic Studies
EIEF Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance
EESA Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
EER Emerging Economic Region
EER Engineering and Economic Research
EER Engineering and Economics Research Systems
EBE English for Business and Economics
EPING Ente Pubblico Economico
EPE Ente Pubblico Economico
EEC Environment, Economy and Culture
EPED Environmental Protection and Economic Development
EPISTLE Environmental, Psychological, Institutional/political, Social, Technological, Legal and Economic
EEVA Equity Economic Value Added
EJPE Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics
ESEER Erasmus School of Economics
ESE Erasmus School of Economics
EDEN Erepublik Defence and Economy Network
EEE Espaço Económico Europeu
EEA Ethiopian Economic Association
EAEC Eurasian Economic Community
EEU Eurasian Economic Union
EAPLE European Association for Pharmaceutical Law and Economics
ECARES European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics
EEPA European Economic and Public Affairs
EECS European Economic and Social Committee
ECSC European Economic and Social Committee
EEA European Economic Area
EEC European Economic Commission
EEC European Economic Community
EECT European Economic Community Treaty
EEIG European Economic Interest Group
EEU European Economic Union
EEFC European Economics and Financial Centre
EIEC European Institute for Economy and Commerce
EJPE European Journal of Political Economy
ELEC European League for Economic Cooperation
EMLE European Master in Law and Economics
EREF European Regional Economic Forum
ESNIE European School on New Institutional Economics
ESPE European Society for Population Economics
ESA European System of Integrated Economic Accounts
ERE Evenly Rotating Economy
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
ECNEC Executive Committee of the National Economic Council
EDE Experimental Digital Economy
EEH Explorations in Economic History
EEZ Extended Economic Zone
FCE Facultad de Ciencias Economicas
FACES Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales
FBES Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics
FEA Faculty of Economics and Administration
FEAS Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science
FEB Faculty of Economics and Business
FEBA Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
FEDP Faculty of Economics and Development Planning
FEM Faculty of Economics and Management
FEM Faculty of Economics and Muamalat
FEAF Fair Economy Action Fund
FEDA Fairfax Economic Development Authority
FEAP Family Economic Advancement Programme
FESS Family Economic Self Sufficiency
FCCEDC Fargo-Cass County Economic Development Corporation
FLERM Farm-Level Economic Risk Model
FEDC Fayetteville Economic Development Council
FDPE Federal Department of Public Economy
FEDA Federal Economic Development Administration
FOFEA Federal Office of Foreign Economic Affairs
FRED Federal Reserve Economic Database
FIEO Federation of Israeli Economic Organizations
FEB Fiber Economics Bureau
FEB Financial and Economic Board
FEN Financial Economics Network
FFSEO Finnish Forest Sector Economic Outlook
FPPE Finnish Postgraduate Programme in Economics
FERU Fisheries Economics Research Unit
FMEP Fishery Monitoring and Economics Program
FPEPA Fixed-Price with Economic Price Adjustment
FCEE Florida Council on Economic Education
FEDC Florida Economic Development, Inc.
FRED Florida Research & Economic Database
FEMSA Fomento Economico Mexicano, SA
FREC Food and Resource Economics
FRE Food and Resource Economics
FRED Food and Resource Economics Department
FEA Foreign Economic Administration
FETAC Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
FECC Foreign Economic Cooperation Center
FECO Foreign Economic Cooperation Office
FERD Foreign Economic Relation Department
FERC Foreign Economic Relations Commission
FLIE Foreign Language and International Economics
FPE Forest Policy and Economics
FBEA Forest-Based Economic Assistance
FTFE Forget the Fuel Economy
FEE Foundation for Economic Education
FEF Foundation for Economic Freedom
FREE Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment
FSED Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development
FTE Foundation for Teaching Economics
FET Foundation on Economic Trends
FOET Foundation on Economic Trends
FLEC Foward Looking Economic Cost
FESE Free European School of Economics
FME Free Market Economy
FEDC Frisco Economic Development Corporation
FE Frontier Economics
FPP Fuel and Economy Purchased Power Rider
FE Fuel Economy
FEC Full Economic Costing
FEA Functional Economic Analysis
FEA Functional Economic Area
FME Functioning Market Economy
FIPE Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas
FUSADES Fundación Salvadoreña Para el Desarrollo Económico y Social
FBED Fundamentals of Business and Economics
FBE Fundamentals of Business and Economics
FEL Future Economic Loss
GREDA Galesburg Regional Economic Development Association
GEBS Games and Economic Behaviour
GEB Games and Economic Behaviour
GERA Gender and Economic Reform in Africa
GERPA Gender Economic Research and Policy Analysis
GANE General Agreement on a New Economy
GEMINI-E3 General Equilibrium Model of International-National-Interaction for Economy-Energy-Environment
GEG Generating Economic Growth
GOE Generic Object Economy
GGEA Ghanaian-German Economic Association
GFAE Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics
GAEG Global Agriculture and Economic Growth
GEF Global Economic Forum
GEM Global Economic Monitor
GEC Global Economy Crisis
GEJ Global Economy Journal
GMDE Global Market-Driven Economy
GNEIS Global New E-Economy Index
GPEC Global Political Economy Commission
GIPE Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics
GES Government Economic Service
GSE Graduate School of Economics
GSIEF Graduate School of International Economics and Finance
GJEP Grand Junction Economic Partnership
GREDA Grand Rapids Economic Development Authority
GEORGIA Grass Roots economic Organizing
GEORGE Grass Roots economic Organizing
GEOGRAPHIC Grass Roots economic Organizing
GEO Grass Roots economic Organizing
GBEF Greater Baltimore Economic Forum
GFMEDC Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development Corporation
GPEC Greater Phoenix Economic Council
GRACE Grid Architecture for Computational Economy
GEPA Group of Economic Policy Analysis
GEEPI Group on Economic and Environmental Policy Integration
GOLE Grow Our Local Economy
HAFED Haitian-Americans for Economic Development
HIES Handbook of International Economic Statistics
HE Health Economics
HEAL Health Economics Analysis Letters
HEDS Health Economics and Decision Science
HEHS Health Economics and Health Systems
HECG Health Economics Consulting Group
HEPAC Health Economics in Prevention and Care
HEOR Health Economics Outcomes Research
HER Health Economics Research
HERG Health Economics Research Group
HERU Health Economics Research Unit
HERC Health Economics Resource Center
HEU Health Economics Unit
HITECH Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
HOPE Health Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomic
HPERU Health Policy and Economic Research Unit
HEED Health, Education and Economic Development
HEED Health, Environment and Economic Development
HSE Helsinki School of Economics
HCEDP Hendricks County Economic Development Partnership
HFE High Fuel Economy
HSE Higher School of Economics
HFET Highway Fuel Economy Test
HAPEE Hiroshima Association for the Promotion of Economic Exchange
HUE Hiroshima University of Economics
HPAE Historical Perspectives on the American Economy
HET History of Economic Thought
HES History of Economics Society
HOPE History of Political Economy
HEPS History, Economics, Political Science, Sociology
HECS History-Economics Computing Support
HEDIC Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation
HELE Home Economics & Livelihood Education
HECT Home Economics Careers and Technology
HEIA Home Economics Institute of Australia, Inc.
HERO Home Economics Related Occupations
HETAC Home Economics Teachers Association of California
HKEA Hong Kong Economic Association
HKMF Hong Kong Macroeconomic Forecast
HEA Household Economy Approach
HFEA Household Food Economy Approach
HERA Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
HHES Housing and Household Economic Statistics
HOPE Housing Our People Economically
HCED Housing, Community, and Economic Development
HCEDA Howard County Economic Development Authority
HED Human and Economic Development
HESE Human Ecological Social Economical
HEZ Hunter Economic Zone
ISTD ICT and Science and Technology Division (UN Economic Commission for Africa)
ILDCEO Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
IRAE Impuesto a las Rentas de las Actividades Económicas
IAE Impuesto de Actividades Económicas
ITE In This Economy
INVEST Incentives for New Ventures and Economic Stimulation
IFEZ Incheon Free Economic Zone
ITEM Independent Treasury Economic Model
IEF Index of Economic Freedom
ISEW Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare
INREM India Natural Resource Economics and Management
ITEC India Technical and Economic Cooperation
IEJ Indian Economic Journal
IER Indian Economic Review
INSEE Indian Society for Ecological Economics
IEDC Indiana Economic Development Corporation
IED Indianapolis Economic Development
IED Indigenous Economic Development
IEDC Indigenous Economic Development Conference
IEK Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center
IESE Industrial Economics and Strategy
IEC Industrial Economics Inc
IMEC Industrialized Market Economy Countries
IEDM Industry, Economic Development and Mines
IGWEL Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders
IEMP Information Economics, Management, and Policy
INSCAPE Inhabited Spaces for Community, Academy, Polity and Economy
INPEG Initiative against Economic Globalization in Prague
ICEF Inner City Economic Forum
IEE Innovation and the New Economy
INE Innovation in the New Economy
INGE Inside the Global Economy
IGAE Inspectorate-General of Economic Activities
IFE Instantaneous Fuel Economy
IFAMS Institute for Applied Management in Social Economics
IAS Institute for Applied Socio-Economics
ICE Institute for Community Economics
ICCE Institute for Comparative Research Into Culture and Economic Systems
ICE Institute for Construction Economics
IDSER Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research
INDEF Institute for Development of Economics and Finance
IEC Institute for Economic Competitiveness
IED Institute for Economic Democracy
IER Institute for Economic Rationalization
IER Institute for Economic Research
IIDE Institute for International and Development Economics
ICEPS Institute for International Economic Cooperation and Development
IIES Institute for International Economic Studies
IIE Institute for International Economics
ILEP Institute for Law and Economic Policy
INET Institute for New Economic Thinking
IPEG Institute for Political and Economic Governance
IREE Institute for Research on Environment and Economy
IRET Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation
ISER Institute for Social and Economic Research
ISBER Institute for Social Behavioral and Economic Research
ISEA Institute for Spatial Economic Analysis
IWE Institute for World Economics
IAFE Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
IAE Institute of Agricultural Economics
IEA Institute of Economic Affairs
IEB Institute of Economic Botany
IED Institute of Economic Development
IEG Institute of Economic Growth
IES Institute of Economics and Statistics
IEHAS Institute of Economics of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
IIEL Institute of International Economic Law
IPLE Institute of Population and Labor Economics
ISL Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics
ISER Institute of Social and Economic Research
IWEP Institute of World Economy and Politics
ITEP Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
IBES Institutional and Behavioral Economics Section
IBASE Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais E Econômicas
IDES Instituto de Desarrollo Economico y Social
IESE Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Economicos
IIES Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales
IRES Instituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali
INSEC Instituto Socio-Económico Comunitario
ITEI Instrumentation Technology and Economy Institute
IEDN Interactive Economic Development Network
IEPA Interim Economic Partnership Agreement
REISDE Internaitonal Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Information Systems in Digital Economy
IERR Internal Economic Rate of Return
IDE International & Development Economics
IAED International Agency for Economic Development
IAEN International AIDS Economics Network
IDEC International and Development Economics
IAES International Atlantic Economic Society
IBEC International Bank for Economic Cooperation
IBEC International Basic Economy Corporation
ICEPS International Center for Economic Policy Studies
ICERD International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines
ICEF International College of Economics and Finance
ICBME International Conference on Business Management and Economics
ICEMP International Conference on Economic and Management Perspectives
ICEF International Conference on Economics and Finance
ICIEF International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance
ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
IEA International Economic Association
IEC International Economic Cooperation
IEDC International Economic Development Council
IEHC International Economic History Congress
IELPO International Economic Law and Policy
IEO International Economic Organisation
IERI International Economics Research Institute
IESG International Economics Study Group
IEEPA International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977
IFHM International Federation for Home Economics
IJBE International Journal of Business and Economics
IJEPS International Journal of Economic Policy Studies
IJEEE International Journal of Energy-Environment Economics
IJFE International Journal of Finance and Economics
IJGE International Journal of Green Economics
IMEHA International Maritime Economic History Association
INEM International Network for Economic Method
INED International Network of Economic Developers
IPE International Political Economy
ISEE International Society for Ecological Economics
ISC International Steering Committee on the Economic Advancement of Rural Women
ITED International Trade and Economic Development
IAED Internet Alliance for Economic Development
IEJI Internet Economy Jobs Indicator
IERI Internet Economy Revenues Indicator
ISBE Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics
IUFED In-Use Vehicle Fuel Economy Data
IDED Iowa Department of Economic Development
IAES Iranian Agricultural Economics Society
ISE Irish School of Economics
IWEP Isle of Wight Economic Partnership
ISECO Israel Economic and Cultural Office
IUE Izmir University of Economics
JCEDB Jackson County Economic Development Board
JWE Japan and the World Economy
JERI Japan Economic Research Institute
JANCPEC Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation
JSHET Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
JIEAS Japan-Ireland Economic Association
JPEPA Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement
JTEPA Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement
JCSER Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights
JXUFE Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
JERI Jobs and Economic Recovery Initiative
JEDA Jobs-Economic Development Authority
JCPES Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
JCEO Joint Council for Economic Opportunity
JCEE Joint Council on Economic Education
JECC Joint Economic and Commercial Committee
JEC Joint Economic Committee
JECC Joint Economic Committee of Congress
JEMC Joint Economic Management Committee
JAE Journal of Accounting and Economics
JAE Journal of African Economics
JBES Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
JCES Journal of Comparative Economic Studies
JCAE Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics
JCE Journal of Cultural Economics
JEB Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
JEE Journal of Economic Education
JEG Journal of Economic Geography
JEH Journal of Economic History
JOEI Journal of Economic Inequality
JEL Journal of Economic Literature
JEP Journal of Economic Perspectives
JET Journal of Economic Theory
JFE Journal of Financial Economics
JIE Journal of International Economics
JLE Journal of Law and Economics
JME Journal of Monetary Economics
JPE Journal of Political Economy
JPET Journal of Public Economic Theory
JUE Journal of Urban Economics
JHSTE Junior High Test of Economics
JEDI Justice, Economic Dignity, and Independence for Women
KCCED Kansas Center for Community Economic Development
KFEZ Kaunas Free Economic Zone
KERP Keele Economics Research Papers
KAED Kentucky Association for Economic Development, Inc.
KDEC Kidney Disease Economics Conference
KNUTE Kiev University of Trade and Economics
KEDCO Kingston Economic Development Corporation
KBE Knowledge Based Economy
KEF Knowledge Economy Forum
KEI Knowledge Economy Indicators
KED Korea Economic Daily
KEI Korea Economic Institute
KFEZ Korea Free Economic Zone
KIET Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade
KEI Kyiv Economics Institute
LCED Laboratory for Community and Economic Development
LEMA Laboratory for Economics Management and Auctions
EEPS Laboratory for Experimental Economics and Political Science
LIEE Laboratory of Industrial and Energy Economics
LEDA Lafayette Economic Development Authority
LCEOC Lake County Economic Opportunity Council, Inc.
LIEA Lakeland Institute for Economic Advancement
LEED Land Environment Economics and Development
LASED Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development, Inc
LEDC Latino Economic Development Corporation
LEI Leading Economic Indicators
LEARN Learning for Economic Action and Recovery Network
LDEED Least Developed Economies Economic Development Act
LEC Least Economic Countries
LNEMS Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
LEDC Less Economically Developed Country
LIEO Liberal International Economic Order
LSEZ Liepaja Special Economic Zone
LEAP Lifetime Economic Acceleration Process
LEDA Lincoln Economic Development Association
LRED Local and Regional Economic Development
LCEA Local Community Economic Assessment
LEED Local Economic and Employment Development Council, Inc.
LECS Local Economic Consequences Study
LED Local Economic Development
LEDC Local Economic Development Corporation
LEDS Local Economic Development Strategy
LEEDS Local Economic Empowerment Development Strategy
LED Local Economy Development
LHE Local Health Economy
LEDC London Economic Development Corporation
LEEC London Environmental Economics Centre
LSE London School of Economics & Political Science
LCEA Low Carbon Economy Act
LEDC Lower Economically Developed Country
LLEE Luiss Lab on European Economics
MAWEED Maasai Women for Education and Economic Development
MAERP Macdonald Avenue Economic Revitalization Plan
MEV Macro Economic Outlook
ME Macro Economics
MAP Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
MAPER Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
MEFF Macroeconomic and Fiscal Framework
MF Macroeconomic Forecasting
MMF Macroeconomic Management and Financial Sector Issues
MPIF Macroeconomic Policy and International Finance
MFPG Macroeconomics and Fiscal Policy Group
MEDC Maharashtra Economic Development Council
MEI Main Economic Indicators
MEIF Maine Economic Improvement Fund
MEA Major Economic Area
MERC Malaysian Economic Research Corporation
MIER Malaysian Institute of Economic Research
MINE Management in the Network Economy
MOPE Management of Perspective Economics
MEIP Market Economy Investor Principle
MR-AND-E Market Research & Economics
MEDIC Marshalltown Economic Development Impact Committee
MEDC Maryland Economic Development Commission
MAED Massachusetts Alliance for Economic Development
MISER Massachusetts Institute for Social and Economic Research
MEND Massive Economic Neighborhood Development
MBE Master in Business Economics
MTEE Master in Tourism and Environmental Economics
MAE Master of Arts in Economics
MFE Master of Financial Economics
MILE Master of International Law and Economics
MLERE Master of Land Economics and Real Estate
MSAE Master of Science in Applied Economics
MSEC Master of Science in Economics
MSE Master of Science in Economics
MSIE Master of Science in International Economics
MLERE Masters of Land Economics & Real Estate
MEEM Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods
MAEF Mathematics, Economics and Finance
MORSE Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics and Economics
MEDI Mattapan Economic Development Initiative
MEY Maximum Economic Yield
MES McMaster Economics Society
MEW Measure of Economic Welfare
MERCS Medical Economics and Research Centre, Sheffield
MERG Medical Economics Research Group
MEI Medicare Economic Index
MTES Medium Term Economic Strategy
MTEF Medium-Term Economic Framework
MIAESR Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
MIED Member of the Institute of Economic Development
MEFP Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies
MEDA Mennonite Economic Development Associates
MEC Mercato Comune Europeo (Italian: European Economic Community
MEDIC Mercy Economic Development International Corporation
MAER Meta-Analysis of Economic Research
MEG Metals Economics Group
MEDA Metro Economic Development Alliance
MEDC Michigan Economic Development Corporation
MEGA Michigan Economic Growth Authority
MJE Michigan Journal of Economics
MEDP Micro-economic Development Project
MEPA Micro-Economic Policy Analysis Branch
ME Micro-Economics
MWEP Mid Wiltshire Economic Partnership
MEEF Middle East Economic Engineering Forum
MEEF Middle East Economic Forum
MTMF Mid-Term Macroeconomic Framework
MREIDL Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan
MKEP Milton Keynes Economic Partnership
MIED Milwaukee Idea Economic Development
MOE Minister of Economy
MIDEPLAN Ministerio de Planificacion Nacional y Politica Economica
MOEA Ministry Of Economic Affairs
MEA Ministry of Economic Affairs
MEAN Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands
MEDICAL Ministry of Economic Development
MED Ministry of Economic Development
MEDAC Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation
MEPD Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
MEW Ministry of Economic Warfare
MEBP Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning
MEEI Ministry of Economy and European Integration
MOEF Ministry of Economy and Finance
METE Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy
METT Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
MOFEP Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
MFEP Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
MOFERT Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade
MOFTEC Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
MIER Ministry of International Economic Relations
MKE Ministry of Knowledge Economy
MONE Ministry of National Economy
MAEDB Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board
MDES Minnesota Department of Economic Security
MIEDF Minnesota Indian Economic Development Fund
ME3 Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy
MEEE Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy
MERC Minority Economic Resources Corporation
MEDA Mission Economic Development Association
MEPC Mississippi Economic Policy Center
MEBA Mississippians for Economic and Beverage Advancement
MFEP Mississippians for Economic Progress
MEDC Missouri Economic Development Center
MERIC Missouri Economic Research and Information Center
MFE Modeling Financial Economics
MESU Monetary, Economic and Social Union
MEI Monthly Economic Indicators
MER Monthly Economic Review
MEI Montreal Economic Institute
MEDC More Economically Developed Country
MSE Moscow School of Economics
MERS Most Economical Routing Selection
MEAT Most Economically Advantageous Tender
MCER Mothers and Caregivers Economic Rights
MACED Mountain Association for Community Economic Development
MHEA Mt Hood Economic Alliance
MABEL Multi-Agent Based Economic Landscape
MEI Multilateral Economic Institutions
MEDF Municipal Economic Development Fund
MEDI Municipal Economic Development Initiative
MAED Mutually Assured Economic Destruction
MEHL Myanmar Economic Holdings, Ltd.
NEPED Nagaland Environmental Protection and Economic Development
NITE Names in the Economy
NEPRU Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit
NEA Naroff Economic Advisors
NAREEE National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education and Economics
NABE National Association for Business Economics
NAFE National Association of Forensic Economics
NBER National Bureau of Economic Research
NBEIC National Business Economic Issues Council
NCER National Center for Economic Research
NCEMA National Centre for Economic Management and Administration
NCECD National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament
NCVEI National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues
NCPES National Conversation on Poverty and Economic Security
NEAC National Economic Action Council
NESC National Economic and Social Council
NESF National Economic and Social Forum
NEA National Economic Association
NECI National Economic Conduct Inspectorate
NECF National Economic Consultative Forum
NEC National Economic Council
NED National Economic Development
NEEDS National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy
NEOF National Economic Opportunity Fund
NERP National Economic Recovery Plan
NERA National Economic Research Associates
NERA National Economic Research Association
NERI National Economic Research Institute
NESRA National Economic Security and Reformation Act
NEST National Economic Service-Life Tools
NESEC National Economic Social Education and Cultural Foundation
NESRA National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act
NHEI National Health Economics Institute
NISER National Institute for Social and Economic Research
NIESR National Institute of Economic and Social Research
NALEDI National Labour, Economic and Development Institute
NOEP National Ocean Economics Program
NRIAE National Research Institute of Agricultural Economics
NSCEE National Schools Committee for Economic Education, Inc.
NEDED Nebraska Department of Economic Development
NCE Neo Classical Economics
NRID NEPAD and Regional Integration Division (UN Economic Commission for Africa)
NEHA Netherlands Economic History Archive
NECG Network Economics Consulting Group
NEED Network of Entrepreneurship & Economic Development
NCCEDC New Castle County Economic Development Council
NEG New Economic Geography
NEH New Economic History
NEO New Economic Order
NEP New Economic Papers
NEP New Economic Policy
NEPC New Economic Policy Consensus
NEP New Economic Program
NEPAD New Economic Program for African Development
NEF New Economics Foundation
NEBM New Economy Business Model
NEDG New Economy Development Group
NEI New Economy Index
NEIS New Economy Information Service
NEM New Economy Model
NENR New Economy New Rules
NERF New Economy Research Fund
NERG New Economy Research Group
NEER New England Economic Review
NHESC New Haven Economic Security Coalition
NIE New Institutional Economics
NIEO New International Economic Order
NJEDA New Jersey Economic Development Authority
NMEDD New Mexico Economic Development Department
NNWE New New Welfare Economics
NRE New Rural Economy
NTEP New Transatlantic Economic Partnership
NYCEF New York Consensus Economic Forecasts
NZCEE New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics
NIE Newly Industrializing/Industrialized Economy
NEAP Newspaper Economic Action Plan
NES Nigerian Economic Society
NISER Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research
NEEDS Nikkei Economic Electronic Databank System
NETD Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone
NEL Non Economic Loss
NOE Non-Observed Economy
NCNMEDD North Central New Mexico Economic Development District
NESER North East Scotland Economic Review
NAREA Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association
NABET Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology
NCEDC Northern Colorado Economic Development Corporation
NCEDC Northern Colorado Economic Development Council
NCER Northern Corridor Economic Region
NIEC Northern Ireland Economic Council
NIERC Northern Ireland Economic Research Centre
NLEA Northern Lakes Economic Alliance
NEDAC Northside Economic Development Assistance Corporation
NSEC North-South Economic Corridor
OEDB Oahu Economic Development Board
OREP Oak Ridge Economic Partnership
OCPEDS Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services
OSEU Odessa State Economic University
OAE Office of Agricultural Economics
OAE Office of Applied Economics
OBEDS Office of Business and Economic Development
OBE Office of Business Economics
OCED Office of Community and Economic Development
OEA Office of Economic Adjustment
OEDR Office of Economic and Demographic Research
OEMA Office of Economic and Manpower Analysis
OEWD Office of Economic and Workforce Development
OECI Office of Economic Conversion Information
OECD Office of Economic Cooperation and Development
OED Office of Economic Development
OEDIT Office of Economic Development & International Trade
OEDR Office of Economic Dispute Resolution
OEG Office of Economic Growth
OEGS Office of Economic Growth
OEO Office of Economic Opportunity
OET Office of Economic Transition
OEW Office of Economic Warfare
OHE Office of Health Economics
IEED Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development
OME Office of Manpower Economics
OMEI Office of Minority Economic Impact
OSEDA Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis
SIES Office of Strategic Industries & Economic Security
OTCED Office of Technology Commercialization and Economic Development
OERB Office of the Economic Representative of Bahrain
OTTER Office of the Tasmanian Economic Regulator
OTE Office of Transportation Economics
OEM Old Economy Model
OCEDA Oldham County Economic Development Authority
OFSHEEA Ontario Family Studies Home Economics Educators Association
OHEA Ontario Home Economics Association
OREDI Ontario Regional Economic Development and Innovation
OFFER Open Forum for Economic Regeneration
OSEP Oregonians for Sound Economic Policy
OCED Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECD-DAC Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development/Development Assistance Committee
OCDE Organizacao para a Cooperacao e Desenvolvimento Economico
OCDEA Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico
OCDE Organizacion Para La Cooperacion Y El Desarrollo Economico
OECA Organizaciones Económicas Campesinas
OEEC Organization for European Economic Cooperation
OBEM Organization of Business Economics Majors
OE Organizational Economics
OCSE Organizzazione per la Cooperazione Economica e per lo Sviluppo
OCEA Otsego County Economic Alliance
OPED Ouachita Partnership for Economic Development
OECO Overseas Economic Cooperation Operation
OEDF Overseas Economic Development Fund
OEF Oxford Economic Forecasting
OEP Oxford Economic Papers
OREP Oxford Review of Economic Policy
PACER Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations
PECC Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference
PECC Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
PEO Pacific Economic Outlook
PNEC Pacific Northwest Economic Conference
PIDE Pakistan Institute for Development Economics
PIJ Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture
PEARS Palmetto Economic Analysis and Research System
PAES Partnership for America’s Economic Success
PREDC Payson Regional Economic Development Corporation
PES Peace and Economic Security
PESDO Peace Economic Social Development Organization
PREDA Peace Region Economic Development Alliance
PEDE Pediatric Economic Database Evaluation
PAED Peninsula Alliance for Economic Development
PEEDS People’s Education and Economic Development Society
PIECES Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency, Security
PROGRESS Personal Responsibility and Opportunities to Gainfully Reach Economic Self-Sufficiency
PEC PharmacoEconomic Center
PE Pharmacoeconomics
PES Philippine Economic Society
PEOPLE Philosophies and Ethics of Politics, Law and Economics
P-AND-E Philosophy & Economics
PPE Philosophy, Politics and Economics
PEQ Pittsburgh Economic Quarterly
PCOED Placer County Office of Economic Development
PLEF Planet Life Economy Foundation
PEDS Planning and Economic Development Services
PEMD Planning and Economic Management Department
PHED Planning, Housing and Economic Development
PAE Plano de Aproveitamento Econômico
PEA Poblacion Economicamente Activa
PMEA Población Mapuche Económicamente Activa
PHARE Poland and Hungary Assistance for Reconstruction of Economy
PHARE Poland, Hungary Aid for Restructuring of the Economy
PERU Policy and Economic Research Unit
PEBA Polish Economic and Business Association
PERC Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd
PEST Political Economical Social Technological
PEEHS Political Economy and Economic History Society
PEEHS Political Economy and Economic History Society
PEIS Political Economy of Industrial Societies
PEGS Political Economy of the Good Society
PEWS Political Economy of the World System
PERC Political Economy Research Center
PERI Political Economy Research Institute
PEGS Political, Economic, Geographic, Social
PESTEL Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal Factors
PESTELO Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal, Organisational
PESTLE Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental
PPE Politics Philosophy and Economics
PEERS Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues
PEA Populacao Economicamente Ativa
PCEF Postgraduate Certificate in Economics and Finance
PKE Post-Keynesian Economics
PEP Poverty and Economic Policy
PRED Poverty Reduction and Economic Development
PREM Poverty Reduction and Economic Management
PUE Poznan University of Economics
PCPE Prague Conference on Political Economy
PEFO Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook
PEA Preliminary Economic Analysis
PVEDF Prescott Valley Economic Development Foundation
PCEF Prestressed Concrete Committee for Economic Fabrication
PDE Primark Decision Economics
PERTEE Prince Edward Round Table on Environment and Economy
PREDC Prince Rupert Economic Development Commission
PWSEDD Prince William Sound Economic Development District
POME Principles of Motion Economy
PEOQ Production Economic Order Quantity
PREISM Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management
STAGE Program on Science, Technology, America, and the Global Economy
PERU Project on Economic Reform in Ukraine
PACE Protection Against a Changing Economy
PEA Public Economic Agency
PEDAL Public Economics Data Analysis Laboratory
PFED Public Facilities for Economic Development
PWED Public Works Economic Development Program
PSEF Puget Sound Economic Forecaster
QEO Qualified Economic Offer
QEA Quantitative Economic Analysis
QED Quantitative Economics Doctorate
QM Quantitative Macroeconomics
QME Quantitative Marketing and Economics
QED Quantum Economic Development
QE Quantum Economics
QEN Quarterly Economic Newsletter
QER Quarterly Economic Report
QES Quarterly Economic Survey
QJE Quarterly Journal of Economics
QRES Quarterly Regional Economic Situationer
QREF Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
QED Queen’s Economics Department
QEDC Queens Economic Development Corporation
Q4EJ Queers for Economic Justice
QEJ Queers for Economic Justice
QED Quest for Economic Development
QEDC Quinte Economic Development Commission
RJE RAND Journal of Economics
REJ Rapid Economic Justification
RDE Rapidly Developing Economy
REP Rating to Economic Performance
RCEDA Ravalli County Economic Development Authority
REI Real Economic Impact
RTED Real Time Economy
RTE Real Time Economy
REDA Recycling Economic Development Advocate
REAP Regional Economic Area Partnership
RECYCLE Regional Economic Communities
REC Regional Economic Communities
RECAP Regional Economic Community Action Program
REDUNDANT Regional Economic Development
RED Regional Economic Development
REDAC Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee
REDA Regional Economic Development Agency
REDD Regional Economic Development and Diversification
REDEC Regional Economic Development and Energy Corporation
REDIA Regional Economic Development and Investment Agency
REDAC Regional Economic Development Assistance Corporation
REDA Regional Economic Development Authority
REDC Regional Economic Development Center
REDC Regional Economic Development Commission
REDF Regional Economic Development Fund
REDUNDANT Regional Economic Development Partnership
RED Regional Economic Development Partnership
REDPP Regional Economic Development Partnership Program
REJN Regional Economic Justice Network
REMU Regional Economic Monitoring Unit
REO Regional Economic Organisation
RESIDENCE Regional Economic Strategy
RES Regional Economic Strategy
REFS Rehabilitation of Economic Facilities
REDC Renaissance Economic Development Corporation
REED Renewable Energy and Economic Development
REA Repertorio Economico Amministrativo
RMH Report on Macroeconomics and Health
REDUNDANT Research and Economic Development
RED Research and Economic Development
RCEEE Research Center for Ecological and Environmental Economics
RIDGE Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics
RIEB Research Institute for Economics and Business
SENSE Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment
REE Research, Education, and Economics
REEIS Research, Education, and Economics Information System
RBE Resource-Based Economy
RFE Resources for Economics
RWL-INE Restructuring Work and Labour in the New Economy
ROEC Return on Economic Capital
ROAPE Review of African Political Economy
RODE Review of Development Economics
RESIDENCE Review of Economic Studies
RES Review of Economic Studies
ROIE Review of International Economics
RRPE Review of Radical Political Economics
RIEDC Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation
REDA Riverview Economic Development Association
RCER Rochester Center for Economic Research
REDI Rockville Economic Development, Inc.
REDT Rodney Economic Development Trust
RSCE Roundtable for A Sustainable Cocoa Economy
REAL Routine Economic Airlift
RULE Royal University of Law and Economics
RADE Rural Association for the Development of the Economy
RECD Rural Economic and Community Development
REAP Rural Economic Area Partnership
REAL Rural Economic Assistance League
REDG Rural Economic Development Grants
REDI rural economic development initiative
REDL Rural Economic Development Loan
RETAC Rural Economic Technical Assistance Center
RESSG Rural Economy and Society Study Group
RHED Rural Housing and Economic Development
RNFE Rural Non Farm Economy
RECEP Russian European Centre for Economic Policy
SETD Sac Economic and Tourism Development
SAED Salmon Arm Economic Development Society
SEDA Sandzak Economic Development Agency
SBRECP Santa Barbara Region Economic Community Project
SCCIE Santa Cruz Center for International Economics
SERDA Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency
SEDC Saratoga Economic Development Corporation
SEEDS Sarvodaya Economic Enterprise Development Services
SEDA Saskatchewan Economic Developers Association
SMEDA Saskatoon Mountain Economic Development Authority
SEDCO Saudi Economic and Development Company
SEDA Savannah Economic Development Authority
SOBE School of Business and Economics
EPPS School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences
SECL School of Economics and Commercial Law
SEM School of Economics and Management
SSBE Schumpeter School of Business and Economics
SEDCO Schuylkill Economic Development Corporation
STEI Scientific, Technical and Economic Information
SEPD Scottish Economic Planning Department
SGPE Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics
SIECA Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration
SCED Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
SES Secretary for Economic Services
SIFEE Securities Industry Foundation for Economic Education
SCED Security Constrained Economic Dispatch
SCNE Self Creation for the New Economy
SEEDA Self Employees Economic Development Association
STEOM Senior Trade Economic Officials Meeting
SEGA Serbia Economic Growth Activity
SEC Shanghai Economic Commission
SEMC Shanghai Economic Management College
SILE Shanghai Institute of Law and Economics
SHUFE Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
SUFE Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
SEDA Shoals Economic Development Authority
STESEG Short Term Economic Statistics Expert Group
SVED Silicon Valley Economic Development
SES Single Economic Space
SEZ Single Economic Zone
SELA Sistema Económico Latinoamericano y del Caribe
SEDA Sitka Economic Development Association
SKEIN Skills for Economic Inclusion Network
SBET Small Business Economic Trends
SOE Small Open Economy
SEC Social and Economic Council
SEDA Social and Economic Data Analysis
SEDT Social and Economic Development Trust
SEIA Social and Economic Impact Assessment
SPHERE Social and Public Health Economics Research Group
SANE Social Assistance in the New Economy
SEAL Social Economy and Law Journal
SEC Social Economy Centre
SEE Social Economy Europe
SESN Social Economy Student Network
SLEPT Social Legal Economical Political Technological
SPERM Social Political Economic Religious Military
SBES Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
SBE Social, Behavioral, and Economic
SEED Social, Economic and Environmental Development
SEEC Social, Economic, Environmental and Cultural
SEEP Social, Environmental and Economic Performance
SPRITE Social, Political, Religious, Intellectual, Technological, Economic
STEEPLE Social/demographic, Technological, Economic, Environmental , Political, Legal and Ethical factors (analysis)
SENCE Social-Economic-Natural Complex Ecosystems
SEE Socialist Economy Expert
SERB Socially/Economically Restricted Business
SEB Society for Economic Botany
SEC Society for Economic Botany
SSED Society for Socio Economic Development
SASE Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics
SHET Society for the History of Economic Thought
SEG Society of Economic Geologists
SEPM Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
STEEP Society, Technology, Economy, Environment, and Politics/Regulation
SEIFA Socio Economic Indexes for Areas
SEAC Socio-Economic Analysis Committee
SEEA Socio-Economic and Environmental Assessment
SERI Socio-Economic and Environmental Research Institute
SEA Socio-Economic Assessment
SEC Socio-Economic Classification
SED Socio-Economic Development
SEDO Socio-Economic Development Organisation
SEMC Socioeconomic Evaluation and Monitoring Cell
SEFI Socio-Economic Factor Index
SEG Socio-Economic group
SEIA Socio-Economic Impact Analysis
SIAS Socioeconomic Impact Analysis Study
SEIS Socio-Economic Impact Study
SEIT Socio-Economic Implications of Telecommunications
SEI Socio-Economic Index
SEL Socioeconomic Level
SMMP Socioeconomic Monitoring & Mitigation Plan
SMS Socioeconomic Monitoring System
SER Socio-Economic Rehabilitation
SERAP Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project
SERI Socio-Economic Risk Indicator
SES Socio-Economic Situation
SESA Socio-Economic Spatial Analysis
SES Socioeconomic Status
SEFUT Socio-Economics of Forest Use in the Tropics
SPEE Socio-Politico-Economic-Entity
STEEP Solutions to Environmental and Economic Problems
SAJE South African Journal of Economics
SANE South African New Economics Network
SCCEE South Carolina Council on Economic Education
SCEDS South Carolina Economic Development School
SCKEDD South Central Kansas Economic Development District
SLEC South Louisiana Economic Council
SPEC South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation
SWEDT South Waikato Economic Development Trust
SEEF Southeast Europe Economic Forum
SMEDA Southeast Missouri Economic Development Alliance
SBEJ Southern Business and Economic Journal
SCEDD Southern Colorado Economic Development District
SEDC Southern Economic Development Council, Inc.
SOFEW Southern Forest Economics Workers
SKED Southern Kentucky Economic Development Corporation
SMEDA Southern Maryland Economic Development Association
STEG Southern Tier Economic Growth
SEJ Southerners for Economic Justice
SEDA Southside Economic Development Association
SMEDA Southwest Minority Economic Development Association
SEE Spazio Economico Europeo
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SFEU Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties
SPEZ Special Petrochemical Economic Zone
SEDA Springfield Economic Development Agency
SMEDA St Martin Economic Development Authority
SAEF St. Andrews Economic Forum
STEDF St. Tammany Economic Development Foundation
COMCEC Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation
SCER Standing Committee for Economic Reconstruction
STELLAR Star Tracker for Economical Long Life Attitude Reference
SEA State Economic Area
SEEDS State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy
SEEDS State Economic Empowerment Strategy
SEOO State Economic Opportunity Office
SECO State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
SESRTCIC Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries
SESRTCIC Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries
SNEL Statutory Non-Economic Loss
SSE Steady State Economy
SCEME Stirling Centre for Economic Methodology
SITE Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics and East European Economies
SSE Stockholm School of Economics
SAJE Strategic Actions for a Just Economy
SED Strategic Economic Dialogue
SEIC Strategic Economic Investment and Commercialization
SEER Strategic Energy and Economic Research, Inc.
SEED Strategic Entrepreneurial Economic Development
SELI Strengthening Economic Legal Infrastructure
SER Student Economic Review
SEJ Students for Economic Justice
SURGE Students United for a Responsible Global Economy
SWEET Students Who Enjoy Economic Thinking
SDR Subeconomic Demonstrated Resources
SCORE Summary of Current Offshore Rig Economics
SEDA Sunnyside Economic Development Association
SCEC Sunrise County Economic Council
SCEDD Superior California Economic Development District
SEGIR Support for Economic Growth and Institutional Reform
SCIES Surrey Centre for International Economic Studies
SEA Survey on Economic Attitudes
SEDA Susquehanna Economic Development Association
SAFE Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Economics
SEGRA Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia
SEEN Sustainable Energy and Economy Network
SEED Sustainable Energy for Economic Development
SSED Sustainable Socio-Economic Development
SNEE Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics
SEF Swiss Economic Forum
SEEA System of Environmental and Economic Accounting
SEEL Systems Engineering Economics Lab
TECO Taipei Economic and Cultural Office
TEJ Taiwan Economic Journal
TIER Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
TEDF Tangipahoa Economic Development Foundation
TAHEA Tanzania Home Economics Association
TSED Tanzania Socio-Economic Database
TSER Targeted Socio-Economic Research
TSER Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme
TEJ Technical and Economic Justification
TEA Techno-Economic Analysis
TIDE Technological Initiative for the Socioeconomic Integration of the Disabled and Elderly
THE Technology & Home Economics
TEAP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel
TEG Technology and Economic Growth
TTED Technology Transfer and Economic Development
TRED Technology-based Regional Economic Development
TERN Tennessee Economic Renewal Network
TOTEM Terms-of-Trade Economic Model
TANE Ternopil Academy of National Economy
TEDA Terrace Economic Development Authority
TEDA Terrebonne Economic Development Authority
TED Test of Economic Decisionmaking
TEK Test of Economic Knowledge
TEL Test of Economic Literacy
RTEL Test of Economic Literacy – Revised
TEU Test of Economic Understanding
TEE Test of Elementary Economics
TUPE Test of Understanding in Personal Economics
TUCE Test of Understanding of College Economics
TEDA Texas Economic Demographic Association
TNZCEP Thailand-New Zealand Closer Economic Partnership
TYEES Thank You Economy
TYE Thank You Economy
TECH The Economic Consultancy House
TEIG The Economical Insurance Group
TNE The New Economics
TSEM The School of Economics and Management
TWF Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies
THEA Thread of Hope for Economic Advancement
TEDA Tianjin Economic Development Area
TUFE Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
TUFE-2 Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
TCER Tokyo Center for Economic Research
TITAN Tool for Introduction Scenarios and Techno-Economic Evaluation of the Access Network
TABE Toronto Association for Business and Economics
THE Toronto Health Economics
THETA Toronto Health Economics and Technology Assessment
TEI Total Economic Impact
TEV Total Economic Value
TSE Toulouse School of Economics
TED Tourism Economic Development
TECF Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework
TECZ Trade and Economic Cooperation Zone
TCE Transaction Cost Economics
TEC Transatlantic Economic Council
TELC Transnational Economic Law Research Center
TIGER Transport Integration in the Gwent Economic Region
TEDF Transportation Economic Development Fund
TIGER Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery
TELUS Transportation, Economic, and Land Use System
TEDA Triangle Economic Development Authority
TRADE Tri-Area Association for Economic Development
TEB Turkish Economy Bank
TEDI Tuscola Economic Development, Inc.
TCED Twin Cities Economic Development Group
UERR Undiscovered Economically Recoverable Resources
UES UNE Economics Society
UOE UNESCO /OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development) /EUROSTAT (Statistical Office of the European Communities)
UEM Uniao Economica e Monetaria
UDAPE Unidad de Análisis de Politicas Sociales y Económicas
URPE Union for Radical Political Economics
UEM Unione Economica e Monetaria
UEE Unione Economica Europea
URES Unione Regionale Economica Slovena
UES United Economic Space
UFE United for a Fair Economy
UNCEEA United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting
UNDESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UNDIESA United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs
UNESA United Nations Economic and Social Affairs
UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UNEEC United Nations European Economic Commission
OETB United Nations Ocean Economics and Technology Branch
UNPAAERD United Nations Program of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development
UPSE University of the Philippines School of Economics
ULE Urban Land Economics
UNEEC Urban Neighborhood Economic Enterprise Club
UPER Urban Public Economics Review
URED Urban, Rural and Economic Development
UETDZ Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone
JEDG US-Israel Joint Economic Development Group
USTEC US-USSR Trade and Economic Council
VESC Valued Ecological and Socio-Economic Component
VEGA Vegetarian Economy & Green Agriculture
VEIS Venture Economics Information Services
VEISHEA Veterinary College, Engineering College, Industrial Science College, Home Economics College, Agriculture College
VEERU Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit
VHETTA Victorian Home Economics and Textiles Teachers Association
VET Vietnam Economic Times
VEA Vietnam Economics Association
VIE Vietnam Institute of Economics
VEDLF Virginia Economic Development Loan Fund
VIBES Virtual International Business and Economic Sources
VED Visual Economic Dispatch
VEGA Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance
WCED Wake County Economic Development
WISER Warsaw Institute for Socio-Economic Research
WSE Warsaw School of Economics
WCEGP Washington County Economic Growth Partnership
WEDA Washington Economic Development Association
WEDF Washington Economic Development Foundation
WECG Washington Economics Consulting Group, Inc.
WEDC Wauwatosa Economic Development Corporation
WAGES Wayne Action Group for Economic Solvency
WCED Wayne County Economic Development
WREDA Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency
WERU Welsh Economy Research Unit
WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union
WAEZ West African Economic Zone
WBEF West Belfast Economic Forum
WCIEDD West Central Indiana Economic Development District
WMEDP West Michigan Economic Development Partnership
WMES West Midlands Economic Strategy
WSEP West Sussex Economic Partnership
WVEDC West Virginia Economic Development Council
WVGES West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey
WAEA Western Agricultural Economics Association
WCER Western Centre for Economic Research
WEC Western Economic Council
WED Western Economic Development
WD Western Economic Development Canada
WED Western Economic Diversification
WD Western Economic Diversification Canada
WEPA Western Economic Partnership Agreement
WIEDP Western Illinois Economic Development Partnership
WMEA Western Michigan Economic Alliance
WRHMFEE Western Region Home Management Family Economics Educators
WEDA Westminster Economic Development Authority
WEO Where Economy Originates
WSBE Whittemore School of Business & Economics
WEDB Whyalla Economic Development Board
WEB Wider Economic Benefit
WEC Wider Economic Cost
WEN Will Economic Network
WELL Willits Economic Localization
WSEP Wiltshire and Swindon Economic Partnership
WBEC Winter Business Economics Conference
WU Wirtschaftsuniversität University of Economics (Vienna, Austria)
WCEE Wisconsin Council on Economic Education
WHEDA Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
WISER Wits Institute for Social & Economic Research
WAGES Women and Associations for Gain Both Economic and Social
WRED Women and Rural Economic Development
WELD Women for Economic and Leadership Development
WIFE Women Involved in Farm Economics
WAGES Women’s Action to Gain Economic Security
WEDC Women’s Economic Development Council
WERT Women’s Economic Round Table
WHEDA Women’s Health and Economic Development Association
WEPRU Work and Economic Policy Research Unit
WAGES Work And Gain Economic Self-sufficiency
WANE Workforce Ageing in the New Economy
WAGE Workforce Alliance for Growth in the Economy
WEDD Workforce and Economic Development Division
WIED Workforce, Industry, and Economic Development
WEEL Working for Equality and Economic Liberation
WGEC Working Group on Economic Cooperation
WPIE Working Party on the Information Economy
WISE Workshop on Information Systems and Economics
WINE Workshop on Internet and Network Economics
WAGE World Affairs and the Global Economy
WAPE World Association for Political Economy
WBER World Bank Economic Review
WBIPR World Bank Institute Poverty Reduction and Economic Reform Division
WEDC World Economic Development Congress
WEFFA World Economic Forecasting
WEFS World Economic Forum
WEF World Economic Forum
WEFS World Economic Fund
WEF World Economic Fund
WEO World Economic Outlook
WESP World Economic Situation and Prospects
WESP World Economic Situation and Prospects
WEED World Economy, Ecology & Development
WNEC World Nano-Economic Congress
WREDC Worthington Regional Economic Development Corporation
WSEN Wrexham Social Economy Network
WEDC Wylie Economic Development Corporation
WEDA Wyoming Economic Development Association
YVEDDI Yadkin Valley Economic Development District Inc.
YEE Yale Economic Essays
YER Yale Economic Review
ZCSEZA Zamboanga City Special Economic Zone Authority
ZEG Zero Economic Growth
ZJTIE Zhejiang Technology Institute of Economy
ZEE Zona Economica Exclusiva