Artificial Intelligence Abbreviations

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI ) is a branch of Computer Science research that is concerned with developing technological mechanisms and devices that can simulate human reasoning, that is, the intelligence that is characteristic of human beings.

The central objective of research related to artificial intelligence is based on the idea of making computers “think” exactly like humans, creating analyses, reasoning, understanding and obtaining answers to different situations.

Not only solving problems in a rational way, but the big “step” within the studies of artificial intelligence is the development of systems that can learn and develop themselves. In other words, it means creating new deductions from the joining of various fragmented information, just as it happens within the neurological system of human beings.

Going beyond the cognitive point of view, another great ambition of research involving artificial intelligence technologies is the possibility of making human creativity, emotions and feelings also reproduced by machines.

The idea of artificial intelligence may seem like a sci-fi story plot. But thanks to advances in research in the area, significant results are already beginning to appear and become part of people’s daily lives.

How does artificial intelligence work?


The union of several technologies is necessary for the development of artificial intelligence, highlighting three important factors:

  • machines with great processing power;
  • optimized data models (able to intelligently analyze and process information);
  • constant amount of information to feed the models.

There are also some laws that AI software developers must follow to prevent the technology from taking unexpected actions.

These parameters were created based on the Laws of Robotics or “Asimov’s Laws” (named after Isaac Asimov, one of the most important science fiction writers in history). Among some of the principles, we highlight:

  • Knowledge constraint:imposes a limit on what artificial intelligence can learn and perform.
  • No self-replication:prevents the AI from reproducing itself, that is, from generating copies of its software
  • Interaction Prohibition:Prevents artificial intelligence from contacting people not authorized to communicate with them.
  • Order:the artificial intelligence must obey every order your programmer puts into the system, even if that includes the device’s self-destruction.

These “barriers” are useful to limit the area of action and participation of artificial intelligence, preventing it from being able to perform actions that have been learned, but that do not fit its purpose.

Examples of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is present in most people’s daily lives, even if they don’t realize it. Some basic examples are:

  • Technologies that provide easy recognition in photographsthat are available on major social networks, such as Facebook, for example. They consist of forms of artificial intelligence, as the system is able to virtually recognize features of the person’s physiognomy and associate it with that individual’s profile.
  • The ability of some software to “learn” the preferences of its usersthrough the experiences obtained can also be considered a primary example of artificial intelligence.
  • Devices that use voice processingto perform tasks, such as Siri on the iPhone, is another example of how AI is present in people’s daily lives.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Positive aspects

With the use of artificial intelligence, machines can help humans solve problems and enhance research faster and with fewer errors.

AI can make everyday life more practical, as it would be programmed to interpret different situations and adapt responses or solutions according to each particularity, for example.

Devices with artificial intelligence would also be useful to replace the human presence in hard-to-reach places, such as explorations in the depths of the ocean or in space.

Negative aspects

Even though there is still a long way to go for machines to reach the closest possible concept of what human intelligence would be, scientists are already considering the hypothesis that, in the distant future, artificial intelligence will be a threat to humanity.

According to researchers and renowned personalities within science, such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, the emergence of a technology with the ability to act and “think” autonomously, could mean the overcoming and domination of people, jeopardizing the existence of a civilization ruled by human beings.

In addition to this fear, artificial intelligence may still present other disadvantages in the future, such as the replacement of professionals in some areas by machines.

Ethical issues could also be an issue if artificial intelligence technology becomes too similar to the mental process of humans in the future.

Artificial Intelligence Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Artificial Intelligence

ACAI Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence
AAIA Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
AAIR Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research
AAAI American Association for Artificial Intelligence
AGI Artificial General Intelligence
AI Artificial Intelligence
AICS Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
AIICS Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems Division
AIPR Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition
AISB Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Behaviour
AISC Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation
AIA Artificial Intelligence Application
AIBOL Artificial Intelligence Based on Logic
AIC Artificial Intelligence Center
AID Artificial Intelligence Diagnostics
AIDA Artificial Intelligence Discrimination Architecture
AIEDAM Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing
AIGP Artificial Intelligence Genealogy Project
AIG Artificial Intelligence Group
AIEM Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Management
AIED Artificial Intelligence in Education
AIENG Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
AIGC Artificial Intelligence in Grid Computing
AIME Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
AIM Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
AIMDM Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision-Making
AIL Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
AIM Artificial Intelligence Management
AIM Artificial Intelligence Marketing
AIM Artificial Intelligence Markets
AIMTB Artificial Intelligence Modules Testbed
AINN Artificial Intelligence Neural Network
PLANET Artificial Intelligence Planning Network of Excellence
AIP Artificial Intelligence Program
AIP Artificial Intelligence Project
AIR Artificial Intelligence Research
AIRG Artificial Intelligence Research Group
AIRIES Artificial Intelligence Research in Environmental Science
AIRI Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
AIRIS Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
AISA Artificial Intelligence Smart Agents
AIIS Artificial Intelligence Software Agent
AISIG Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group
AIS Artificial Intelligence System
AIJ Artificial Intelligence, an International Journal
AIMA Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
ALI Artificial Language Intelligence
ASI Artificial Social Intelligence
ASAMI Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence
AAAI Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
AUAI Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
AAII Australia Artificial Intelligence Institute
BUFSA Balkanic Union for Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence
BAIR Basic Artificial Intelligence Routine
BRAIN BEST Robotics Artificial Intelligence Node (Sherman, Texas)
CCAI Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
CAIR Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
CSAI Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
CANS Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems
CSAIL Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
CAIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications
DAIS Danish Artificial Intelligence Society
DMAI Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence
DAI Department of Artificial Intelligence
DAI Distributed Artificial Intelligence
AIME European Society for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
FLAIR Fairchild Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence Research
FEJETAI Far East Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
FAIS Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society
FAIR Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Research
FLAI Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence
GAIW General Artificial Intelligence Workshop
GRAIN Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology
HAI Handbook of Artificial Intelligence
HAIS Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems
IBERAMIA Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IICAI Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IEAAIE Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
IAAI Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence
ICAART International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ICAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IJCAI International Joint Committee on Artificial Intelligence
IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IJCAI International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
IJPRAI International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
IAAI Israeli Association for Artificial Intelligence
JLAIP John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project
LAI Logic and Artificial Intelligence
LPAR Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
MAAI Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence
NCAI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
NFAI New-Fangled Artificial Intelligence
NAIC Northeast Artificial Intelligence Consortium
NAIS Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society
NAIL Nostradamus Artificial Intelligence Language
PPAI Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence
PRAI Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
PAI Pervasive Artificial Intelligence
RAIR Rensselaer Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning Laboratory
RCAI Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
RAID Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Database
SCAI Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
STAIR Search Techniques in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
SIAI Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
SNPD Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing
SAI Spanish Artificial Intelligence
SGAI Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence
SAIL Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
SAIL Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
STAIR Stanford Artificial Intelligence Robot
SAIS Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society
TAAI Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence
TAI Tools for Artificial Intelligence
WAID Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining
AIFIP Workshop on Artificial Intelligence from the Information Processing Perspective
WAVE WWW, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Environments Exploration