Biotechnology Abbreviations


What is biotechnology?

Biotechnology is an area of science focused on the use of living systems and organisms in the creation and improvement of techniques and products.

Biotechnology encompasses basic biological sciences (such as molecular biology, embryology, genetics, etc.), applied sciences (such as immunology and biochemistry), as well as technological areas such as informatics and robotics.

Biotechnological methods cover several procedures for modifying living organisms, from the simplest such as the domestication of animals and the cultivation of plants, to the improvement processes such as artificial selection and hybridization. In addition, the most modern methods involve the use of genetic engineering and the culture of cells and tissues.

The integration between the different areas of biology with the techniques mentioned above gives rise to biotechnology, whose applications occur in different sectors.

Differences between classical biotechnology and modern biotechnology

Classical biotechnology concerns the various means of using live microorganisms for the production of new products or modification of existing products. It covers classic methods such as the crossing of species to obtain new ones that have the desired characteristics, and fermentation, used in the production of wines, cheeses and bread.

Modern biotechnology relies heavily on techniques that use genetic engineering. In this sense, it is possible to say that the greatest advances in biotechnology occurred through genetic engineering tools and methods, such as the intentional manipulation of genes, cells and tissues in a controlled way to form genetically improved organisms, DNA recombination, tissue culture, mutagenesis, etc.

Examples of application of biotechnology

Considering that biotechnology comprises a wide range of sciences, its results can be found in numerous sectors of the economy. Applications in this area always seek to improve the quality of life on the planet, whether through the creation of new techniques and products or the improvement of existing ones.

Genetically modified organisms

A classic example of the application of biotechnology is the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), also called transgenics. These organisms have had their genetic code altered (usually by combining genes from other organisms), with the aim of eliminating defects and developing new properties.

In the 1950s, the agronomist Norman Borlaug, through genetic crosses, gave rise to the “half dwarf wheat”, a new, more resistant and productive wheat species, which revolutionized agriculture around the world.

The main examples of genetically modified organisms are those used:

  • in medicine: insulin, stem cells, growth hormone, hormones for the treatment of infertility, new treatments for cancer, gene therapy (treatment of diseases by replacing defective genes), vaccines, etc.
  • in agriculture: genetically improved food, more resistant and productive crops, animals and plants modified to produce substances that can be used in medicines, etc.
  • in animals: transgenic mice used in studies and fish with growth four times above normal (tilapia and goldfish).
  • in the environment: bacteria that fight pollution caused by oil and metals.

Another examples

As an example, check out other goods and services that had biotechnological origin:

Sectors Goods and services
Agriculture Compost fertilizer, pesticides, silage, plant or tree seedlings, plants with new properties, etc.
Health Antibiotics, hormones, medications, reagents, tests, etc.
Chemical industry Butanol, acetone, glycerol, organic acids, enzymes, etc.
electronics biosensors
Energy Ethanol, biogas, etc.
Environment Oil recovery, waste treatment, water purification, etc.
livestock embryos

Advantages of Biotechnology

The advantages brought by biotechnology are numerous and extend to all its fields of application, improving the quality of life in the world. Among its most apparent results are:

  • Higher yield and greater resistance crops;
  • Less use of pesticides;
  • GMO foods last longer, reducing food waste;
  • Reduction in the amount of energy needed to produce food;
  • Use of products that are less harmful to the environment;
  • Reduction of hunger in the world;
  • More nutritious foods;
  • Reduction in the occurrence of contagious diseases;
  • Creation of more accurate tools in the detection of diseases, etc.

Disadvantages of Biotechnology

The advances caused by biotechnology also have negative consequences. Among the main ones, we can highlight:

  • Environmental damage;
  • High dependence on technologies from developed countries;
  • Increase in income concentration;
  • Uncertainty about its long-term effects on the environment and organisms;
  • Decreased biodiversity;
  • Increase in the occurrence of diseases caused by transgenic products.

Biotechnology classifications

In order to classify the different areas of biotechnology, professionals and scholars in the area have adopted a color system that divides science into branches, according to the field of application:

  • Green biotechnology: is applied in agriculture with the aim of creating more sustainable agricultural conditions.
  • Red biotechnology: is applied in medicine with the aim of improving medicines and treatments. The most advanced methods even cover curing diseases through genetic manipulation.
  • White biotechnology: also called industrial biotechnology, it is used in the manufacture of products through methods that are less harmful to the environment.
  • Yellow biotechnology: is applied in the areas of nutrition and food production, but also refers to the branch of biotechnology applied to insects.
  • Blue biotechnology: is applied in the exploitation of marine biological resources.
  • Purple Biotechnology: It is related to laws, patents, publications and other documentary issues related to biotechnology.
  • Golden Biotechnology: refers to the use of bioinformatics and computational techniques in biotechnology.
  • Orange biotechnology: also called educational biotechnology, it consists of all measures aimed at the dissemination and dissemination of biotechnology.
  • Black Biotechnology: It is related to the application of biotechnology for warlike purposes, such as the production of biological weapons.

Career in biotechnology

In view of the multidisciplinary nature of biotechnology, access to the profession can occur through several different training courses, such as biology, medicine, agronomy, biochemistry, engineering, pharmacy, etc.

Specialization requirements for entry into the biotechnology field vary according to each profession’s own regulations.

Biotechnology Abbreviations

List of Acronyms Related to Biotechnology

ALPHABET Advanced Biotechnology Center
ABC Advanced Biotechnology Center
ACAB Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology
AHBFI Africa Harvest Biotechnology Foundation International
AJB African Journal of Biotechnology
ALPHABET Agricultural Biotechnology Center
ABC Agricultural Biotechnology Center
ABSP Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity
ABIC Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference
ABRA Agricultural Biotechnology Regulatory Authority
ABRC Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center
ABSP Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project
AMBL Agricultural Molecular Biotechnology Laboratory
AEBC Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission
ABFS Agriculture Biotechnology & Food Sciences
ASB American Society for Biotechnology
AIB Amity Institute of Biotechnology
ADBF Animal Disease Biotechnology Facility
ABAB Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
ARBN Asian Rice Biotechnology Network
APMBC Asia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference
ABA Australian Biotechnology Association
AMBRI Australian Membrane and Biotechnology Research Institute
ACIB Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology
ABSS Automated Biotechnology Sequence Search
BSAB Bachelor of Science in Applied Biotechnology
BHB Bar Harbor Biotechnology, Inc.
BBT Biochemistry and Biotechnology
BBRP Biology and Biotechnology Research Program
BBTD Biosciences and Biotechnology Division
BIOT Biotechnology
BESC Biotechnology & Environmental Specialist Consultancy
BACHELOR Biotechnology Advisory Committee
BAC Biotechnology Advisory Committee
BAG Biotechnology Ambient Generic
BAB Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
BBCA Biotechnology and Biological Control Agency
BGE Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
BIDA Biotechnology and Injectable Drug Advisor
BNARI Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute
BAA Biotechnology Association of Alabama
BBDC Biotechnology Business Development Centre
BCI Biotechnology Citation Index
BDS Biotechnology Demonstration System
BTF Biotechnology Facility
BTG Biotechnology Group
BHSAI Biotechnology High Performance Computing Software Applications Institute
BHRC Biotechnology Human Resource Council
BIOLOGY Biotechnology Industry Organization
BIO Biotechnology Industry Organization
BIFS Biotechnology Information for Food Safety
BII Biotechnology Information Institute
BIC Biotechnology Information Resource
BIF Biotechnology Innovation Fund
BTI BioTechnology Institute
BPEC Biotechnology Process Engineering Center
BRAVO Biotechnology Regulatory Assistance Virtual Office
BRDC Biotechnology Research and Development Corporation
BRAIN Biotechnology Research and Information Network AG
BRC Biotechnology Research Center
BRIDGE Biotechnology Research for Innovation, Development and Growth in Europe
BRI Biotechnology Research Institute
BRU Biotechnology Research Unit
BSAC Biotechnology Science Advisory Committee
BSAC Biotechnology Science Advisory Council
BTS Biotechnology System
BTF Biotechnology Technologist-Forensics
BTP Biotechnology Training Program
BUDS Biotechnology Use and Development Survey
BWP Biotechnology Working Party
BBC Biotechnology/Bioservices Center
BSBA Black Sea Biotechnology Association
BBIC Bulgarian Biotechnology Information Center
CBACS Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee
CBS Canadian Biotechnology Strategy
CRSB Canadian Regulatory System for Biotechnology
CARB Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology
CAB Center for Agricultural Biotechnology
CBT Center for Biotechnology
COMB Center of Marine Biotechnology
CEBA Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts
CEBC Chinese-Europe Biotechnology Center
CIRB Colorado Institute for Research in Biotechnology
CBWG Conifer Biotechnology Working Group
DBF Dedicated Biotechnology Firm
DBT Department of Biotechnology
GBI Department of Genetics and Biotechnology
DBIR Directory of Biotechnology Information Resources
DBIR Directory of Biotechnology Resources
DIBVR Drexel Institute for Biotechnology and Virology Research
EJB Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
EAPB European Association of Pharma Biotechnology
EBS European Biotechnology Symposium
ECB European Congress on Biotechnology
EFB European Federation of Biotechnology
EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education
FBCI Food Biotechnology Communications Initiative
FABI Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute
GBC Generex Biotechnology Corporation
GBB Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute
HBT HyCult Biotechnology
IBIO Illinois Biotechnology Industry Organization
IBA Industrial Biotechnology Association
ISOBUTANOL Industrial Biotechnology Association
IBMI Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry
IPGB Institute for Plant Genomics and Biotechnology
IBID Institute for the Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases
IWBT Institute for Wine Biotechnology
IBAB Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology
IBBA Institute of Biology and Biotechnology in Agriculture
IBT Institute of Biotechnology
IBGE Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
IEEB Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology
IMBA Institute of Molecular Biotechnology
IMBA Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Science
ICBR Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research
ICGEB International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
ICNT International Congress of Nanobiotechnology
IFBC International Food Biotechnology Council
IJBB International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry
IMBC International Marine Biotechnology Conference
ISEB International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology
IWBS International Wood Biotechnology Symposium
ISB Iranian Society for Biotechnology
JBB Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology
JMB Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
KIBGE Khan Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
LBA Lambda Biotechnology Association
LIBA Leeds Institute for Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture
LSBI Life Sciences and Biotechnology Institute
LBN London Biotechnology Network
LAB Louisiana Alliance for Biotechnology
MIMB Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
MBI Marine Biotechnology Institute
MBIC Marine Biotechnology Institute Co. Ltd.
MBIC Marine Biotechnology Institute Culture
MBI Maryland Biotechnology Institute
MBC Massachusetts Biotechnology Council
MNBWS Miami Nature Biotechnology Winter Symposium
MBRG Microbial Biotechnology Research Group
MBB Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
MCBB Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology
MDB Molecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology
MCBI Montgomery College Biotechnology Institute
NABA Namibian Biotechnology Alliance
NBT Nano Biotechnology
NBTC Nanobiotechnology Center
NBI NASDAQ Biotechnology Index
NABC National Agricultural Biotechnology Council
NBRA National Biotechnology Regulatory Authority
NBRC National Biotechnology Research Council
NBS National Biotechnology Strategy
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information
NCBE National Centre for Biotechnology Education
NCBT National Commission for Biotechnology
NFBC National Food Biotechnology Centre
NICB National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology
NIGEB National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
NIAB National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology
NRCGEB National Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
NZBA New Zealand Biotechnology Association
NIBT NICCO Institute of Biotechnology Kalyani
NORBAC North American Biotechnology Advisory Commission
NABI North American Biotechnology Initiative
NCBC North Carolina Biotechnology Center
NUBL Northwestern University Biotechnology Laboratory
OBA Office of Biotechnology Activities
OBA Office of Biotechnology Activity
OBIC Ottawa Biotechnology Incubation Centre
PEB Pacific Edge Biotechnology Limited
PEBL Pacific Edge Biotechnology Ltd.
PBIP Pilot Biotechnology Internship Program
PAB Plant and Animal Biotechnology
PBBL Plant Biochemistry Biotechnology Laboratory
PAEB Program on Applied Ethics and Biotechnology
RCB Regional Centre for Biotechnology
RLABB Research Laboratory for Agricultural Biotechnology and Biochemistry
SDBDG San Diego Biotechnology Discussion Group
SABIC Saskatchewan Agricultural Biotechnology Information Centre
SBC Schenkelaars Biotechnology Consultancy
SBT School of Biotechnology
SCBC Scottish Colleges Biotechnology Consortium
SIBE Scottish Institute for Biotechnology Education
SRCB Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology
SBDC Sherbrooke Biotechnology Development Centre
SBBU Shrimp Biotechnology Business Unit
SFBJ Society for Biotechnology Japan
SPBB Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
TEBC Technology Education Biotechnology Curriculum
UWBC University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center
VABIO Virginia Biotechnology Association
VCBA Virtual Center of Biotechnology for the Americas
WBBA Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association
WBF Washington Biotechnology Foundation
WABWS West African Biotechnology Workshops
WABW West African Biotechnology Workshops
WBC Wilbury Biotechnology Center
WGB Working Group on Biotechnology
BTS Working Group on Biotechnology and Society
XBL Xceed Biotechnology Ltd.