Immigration Abbreviations

Immigration means the action and effect of immigrating. This verb refers to people who enter/enter a country (other than their own) to reside there, usually for economic, political or academic reasons. In other words, people who usually leave their homeland to settle abroad do so with the intention of getting a better job or studying at a prestigious school or university.


Immigration Abbreviations

The complementary concept of immigration is that of emigration (people leaving one country to go to a different one). When a subject is an immigrant, he had to be an emigrant beforehand. For example: if Richard leaves the United States to settle in Chile, then he is an emigrant from the United States and an immigrant in Chile.

Migratory processes have always existed throughout human history. They are usually massive and take place in times of crisis in a given region, when thousands of people seek to emigrate to enter another country in search of a better quality of life. Nowadays, globalization is a social phenomenon that facilitates immigration, taking into account the development of means of transport and the liberalization of borders.

However, immigration tends to be criticized by certain social sectors in the host country. There are those who believe that immigrants are to blame for economic and social problems, although statistics show that immigrants, through their labor and the fact that they pay taxes, offer more resources than they consume. However, this does not prevent many immigrants from being discriminated against.

In Brazil, immigrants are divided into two types, namely:

– Those who are constituted in colonies (concentration), where they do not keep in contact with the natives of the country, at least not in the first moments in which they are constituted there, but as they establish themselves and start to produce products in the colonies, then they need to sell these products and then they start to get closer to the other residents;

– The second type are those immigrants who mixed more with the natives of the country, taking as an example the immigrants who dispersed on coffee farms in São Paulo and also in the cities.

In the formation and expansion of Brazil, immigrants were important figures in the process. For example, colonies such as Holambra, in São Paulo, created by the Dutch, or Americana, also in São Paulo, which was formed by Confederate emigrants from the United States who came to the country due to the Civil War. And there were also others like Blumenau, in Santa Catarina, which was made up of German immigrants.

In Brazil, the phrases provided great influences in the arts, social habits, literature and even in education. And in the case of the products produced by the colonies, there is the rural handicraft that had a considerable growth until it became a small or medium industry, which contributed to the industrialization process of the states of the southern region.

With this, we see that immigration leaves marks on a country’s culture , as well as on its economy and other areas.

List of Acronyms Related to Immigration

AHI Actes de l’Histoire de l’Immigration
AIS Affiliate and Immigration Services
AFFIRM Alliance for Fair Federal Immigration Reform of Minnesota
ABLI American Business for Legal Immigration
AFIHC American Family Immigration History Center
AILF American Immigration Law Foundation
AILA American Immigration Lawyers Association
AIC Americans for Immigration Control, Inc.
AIO Assistant Immigration Officer
AICC Association of Immigration Counsel of Canada
AITC Asylum and Immigration Treatment of Claimants
AIT Asylum and Immigration Tribunal
AAFI Australians against Further Immigration
ANSIR Automated Nationwide System for Immigration Review
BIDE Birth, Immigration, Death, and Emigration
BAJI Black Alliance for Just Immigration
BIA Board of Immigration Appeals
BIA Border & Immigration Agency
BPAIICA Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005
BSIIA Border Security and Immigration Improvement Act
BIQ Bureau d’Immigration du Québec
BCIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
CIS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
BICE Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
BID Bureau of Immigration and Deportation
BREAK Bureau of Immigration and Deportation
BIA Bureau of Immigration Appeals
CCIR California Coalition for Immigration Reform
CAIC Campaign Against Immigration Controls
CCIRC Canada Citizenship and Immigration Resource Centre
CEIU Canada Employment and Immigration Union
CIES Canada Immigration and Education Services
CIC Canada Immigration Center
CMIA Canada-Manitoba Immigration Agreement
CIC Canadian Immigration and Citizenship
CIIP Canadian Immigration Integration Project
CITRN Canadian Immigration Technical Resource Network
CIIB Canadian International Immigration Bureau
CSI Canadian Society of Immigration
CSIC Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants
CLINIC Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
CCIS Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
CIR Center for Immigration Research
CIS Center for Immigration Studies
CIO Chief Immigration Officer
CIC Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CIS Citizenship and Immigration Services
CIC Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada
CCIR Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
CIRC Colorado Immigration Rights Coalition
CISR Commission de l’Immigration et du Statut de Refugie
CIPP Committee on Immigration Policy and Practice
CIIP Comparative Immigration and Integration Program
CIR Comprehensive Immigration Reform
CIRA Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006
CIRB Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill
CAIPS Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System
CCIC Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control
CJIB Criminal Justice & Immigration Bill
CIU Customs and Immigration Union
CIQ Customs, Immigration and Quarantine
DIAC Department of Immigration and Citizenship
DIC Department of Immigration and Citizenship
DIMA Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
DIN Department of Immigration and Naturalization
DGIP Directorate General of Immigration & Passports
DIEM Droit et Immigration Europe-Maghreb
EIIC Emerald Isle Immigration Center
FIRM Fair Immigration Reform Movement
FIPP Federal Immigration Prosecution Project
FAIR Federation for American Immigration Reform
FILE Friends of Immigration Law Enforcement
GLITF Gay and Lesbian Immigration Task Force
GPI Guide des Procédures de d’Immigration
HKID Hong Kong Immigration Department
HMI Human Movements and Immigration
INDUSTRY Immigration
I Immigration
INS Immigration & Naturalization Service
IAS Immigration Advisory Service
IAFS Immigration and Asylum Fingerprint System
ICA Immigration and Checkpoints Authority
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICEB Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau
IAHI Immigration and Health Initiative
INAA Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1986
INA Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
IND Immigration and Nationality Directorate
INEB Immigration and Nationality Enquiry Bureau
INPD Immigration and Nationality Policy Directorate
INTCA Immigration and Nationality Technical Corrections Act
IPS Immigration and Passport Service
IRB Immigration and Refugee Board
IPRA Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
IRPA Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
IAD Immigration Appeal Division
ICRA Immigration Control and Reform Act
ICRRA Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
IEA Immigration Enforcement Agent
IFNZ Immigration for New Zealand Limited
IHRC Immigration History Research Center
IIO Immigration Information Officers
IJ Immigration Judge
ILRS Immigration Lawyer Referral Service
ILS Immigration Lawyer Search
ILW Immigration Lawyers on the Web
INZ Immigration New Zealand
IO Immigration Officer
IPC Immigration Policy Center
IRCA Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
IRC Immigration Reform Caucus
IRC Immigration Reform Coalition
IRTA Immigration Review Tribunal of Australia
ISFA Immigration Services for All, Inc.
ISAP Immigration Settlement and Adaptation Program
IRIMS Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Ministries
IISCRF IOLTA Immigration Service and Case Report Form
IIRMS Irish Immigration Reform Movement
INIS Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service
LAIR Latino Americans for Immigration Reform
LIFE Legal Immigration Family Equity Act of 2000
LEGIT Lesbian and Gay Immigration Task Force
LIPR Loi Sur l’Immigration et La Protection des Réfugiés
LIIA Long Island Immigration Alliance
MIDC Maribyrnong Immigration Detention Centre
MICC Ministere de l’Immigration et des Communautes Culturelles
MRCI Ministère des Relations avec les Citoyens et de l’Immigration
MRMI Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Immigration
MIRS Muslim Immigration and Refugee Services
NIC National Immigration Conference
NIF National Immigration Forum
NII National Immigration Institute
NILC National Immigration Law Center
NIP National Immigration Project
NYIC New York Immigration Coalition
NIS Nigeria Immigration Service
NSIS North Shore Immigration Service Limited
OINS Office for Immigration and Nationality
OIN Office for Immigration and Nationality
ONI Office National d’Immigration
OIL Office of Immigration Litigation
OISC Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner
OFIR Oregonians for Immigration Reform
OPIC Organization of Professional Immigration Consultants
PILI Passenger and Immigration List Index
PIEC Planet Immigration & Education Consultancy
RARI Reclaim Australia: Reduce Immigration
SIQ Service Immigration du Quebec
SIR Singapore Immigration and Registration
SOCCIR South Orange County Citizens for Immigration Reform
SIAC Special Immigration Appeals Commission
TEIR Texas Employers for Immigration Reform
USCIS US Citizenship and Immigration Services
VIDC Villawood Immigration Detention Centre
WFIR Washingtonians For Immigration Reform
WWICS World Wide Immigration and Consultancy Services
WWIS World Wide Immigration Services