They are shortened forms of a word.
Abbreviations are representations of the reduced form of some words or expressions. Most of the time the abbreviation ends with the abbreviation period, this period means that the word has been shortened.
With the internet and the advancement of communications, the need for writing to accompany this accelerated language arose . Taking this into account, abbreviations were constructed.
They can be seen in chats, email, messages, ticket.
Is there a difference between abbreviation and abbreviation?
Abbreviation and abbreviation are shortened forms of words, but they are not the same thing.
Abbreviation is a device used in writing and abbreviation is a device used in speech. The general rule of abbreviations says: the abbreviation is formed from the first syllable + the first letter of the second syllable + the dot.
However, the same rule does not apply to abbreviations, where there are cuts in the second syllable. Also, abbreviations do not receive the full stop.
Examples of abbreviations:
Here are the basic rules about abbreviations:
Examples of abbreviations
Here is an abbreviation of some words: