The term abbreviation (also: abbreviation) describes the linguistically shortened form of representation of an originally longer word or a longer word group. Furthermore, the term abbreviation stands for a number of parts of speech that fulfill an abbreviating function. For optimal search results, there are no spaces between the abbreviations. The most important of these are listed below:
An acronym is a word made up of letters from two or more words or parts of words, which together result in a new term. According to the Duden of German orthography, an acronym is also described as an abbreviation. In the specialist literature, acronyms are divided into 4 subcategories according to their origin and their phonetic pronunciation.
1 – Acronyms that are final stressed in pronunciation:
2 – Acronyms composed of two or more syllables and pronounced accordingly:
3 – Acronyms or initial words whose individual letters combine to form a full word:
4 – Acronyms that cannot be specifically assigned and are the result of a mixed form of initial and syllable formation:
An initial word is an abbreviation made up of the first letters or initials [Latin: initium = beginning, beginning] of a word.
An apronym is an acronym, i.e. an abbreviation that results in an already existing word.